#!/usr/bin/env tclsh # Copyright (c) 2014, Ixia # Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This file is a modified version of a script generated by Ixia # IxExplorer. lappend auto_path [list $lib_path] package req IxTclHal ################################################################### ########################## Configuration ########################## ################################################################### # Verify that the IXIA chassis spec is given set reqVars [list "host" "card" "port1" "port2"] foreach var $reqVars { set var_ns [namespace which -variable "$var"] if { [string compare $var_ns ""] == 0 } { errorMsg "The '$var' variable is undefined. Did you set it?" return -1 } } # constants set fullHex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set hexToC5 "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F707172737475767778797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9FA0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBFC0C1C2C3C4C5" #set payloadLookup(64) [string range $fullHex 0 11] set payloadLookup(64) "000102030405" set payloadLookup(128) "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445" set payloadLookup(256) "$hexToC5" set payloadLookup(512) "$fullHex$hexToC5" set payloadLookup(1024) "$fullHex$fullHex$fullHex$hexToC5" ################################################################### ###################### Chassis Configuration ###################### ################################################################### if {[isUNIX]} { if {[ixConnectToTclServer $host]} { errorMsg "Error connecting to Tcl Server $host" return $::TCL_ERROR } } ######### Chassis ######### # Now connect to the chassis if [ixConnectToChassis $host] { ixPuts $::ixErrorInfo return 1 } # Get the chassis ID to use in port lists set chassis [ixGetChassisID $host] ######### Ports ######### set portList [list [list $chassis $card $port1] \ [list $chassis $card $port2]] # Clear ownership of the ports we’ll use if [ixClearOwnership $portList force] { ixPuts $::ixErrorInfo return 1 } # Take ownership of the ports we’ll use if [ixTakeOwnership $portList] { ixPuts $::ixErrorInfo return 1 } foreach portElem $portList { set chasNum [lindex $portElem 0] set cardNum [lindex $portElem 1] set portNum [lindex $portElem 2] port setFactoryDefaults $chasNum $cardNum $portNum port config -speed 10000 port config -flowControl true port config -transmitMode portTxModeAdvancedScheduler port config -receiveMode [expr $::portCapture|$::portRxModeWidePacketGroup] port config -advertise100FullDuplex false port config -advertise100HalfDuplex false port config -advertise10FullDuplex false port config -advertise10HalfDuplex false port config -portMode port10GigLanMode port config -enableTxRxSyncStatsMode true port config -txRxSyncInterval 2000 port config -enableTransparentDynamicRateChange true port config -enableDynamicMPLSMode true if {[port set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum]} { errorMsg "Error calling port set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum" } packetGroup setDefault packetGroup config -numTimeBins 1 if {[packetGroup setRx $chasNum $cardNum $portNum]} { errorMsg "Error calling packetGroup setRx $chasNum $cardNum $portNum" } sfpPlus setDefault sfpPlus config -enableAutomaticDetect false sfpPlus config -txPreTapControlValue 1 sfpPlus config -txMainTapControlValue 63 sfpPlus config -txPostTapControlValue 2 sfpPlus config -rxEqualizerControlValue 0 if {[sfpPlus set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum]} { errorMsg "Error calling sfpPlus set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum" } filter setDefault filter config -captureTriggerFrameSizeFrom 48 filter config -captureTriggerFrameSizeTo 48 filter config -captureFilterFrameSizeFrom 48 filter config -captureFilterFrameSizeTo 48 filter config -userDefinedStat1FrameSizeFrom 48 filter config -userDefinedStat1FrameSizeTo 48 filter config -userDefinedStat2FrameSizeFrom 48 filter config -userDefinedStat2FrameSizeTo 48 filter config -asyncTrigger1FrameSizeFrom 48 filter config -asyncTrigger1FrameSizeTo 48 filter config -asyncTrigger2FrameSizeFrom 48 filter config -asyncTrigger2FrameSizeTo 48 filter config -userDefinedStat1Enable true filter config -userDefinedStat2Enable true filter config -asyncTrigger1Enable true filter config -asyncTrigger2Enable true if {[filter set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum]} { errorMsg "Error calling filter set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum" } filterPallette setDefault filterPallette config -pattern1 00 filterPallette config -patternMask1 00 filterPallette config -patternOffset1 20 filterPallette config -patternOffset2 20 if {[filterPallette set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum]} { errorMsg "Error calling filterPallette set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum" } capture setDefault capture config -sliceSize 65536 if {[capture set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum]} { errorMsg "Error calling capture set $chasNum $cardNum $portNum" } if {[interfaceTable select $chasNum $cardNum $portNum]} { errorMsg "Error calling interfaceTable select $chasNum $cardNum $portNum" } interfaceTable setDefault if {[interfaceTable set]} { errorMsg "Error calling interfaceTable set" } interfaceTable clearAllInterfaces if {[interfaceTable write]} { errorMsg "Error calling interfaceTable write" } ixEnablePortIntrinsicLatencyAdjustment $chasNum $cardNum $portNum true } ixWritePortsToHardware portList if {[ixCheckLinkState $portList] != 0} { errorMsg "One or more port links are down" } proc sendTraffic { flowSpec trafficSpec } { # Send traffic from IXIA. # # Transmits traffic from Rx port (port1), and captures traffic at # Tx port (port2). # # Parameters: # flowSpec - a dict detailing how the packet should be sent. Should be # of format: # {type, numpkts, time, framerate} # trafficSpec - a dict describing the packet to be sent. Should be # of format: # { l2, vlan, l3} # where each item is in turn a dict detailing the configuration of each # layer of the packet # Returns: # Output from Rx end of Ixia if time != 0, else 0 ################################################## ################# Initialisation ################# ################################################## # Configure global variables. See documentation on 'global' for more # information on why this is necessary # https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/Tcl13.html global portList # Extract the provided dictionaries to local variables to simplify the # rest of the script # flow spec set streamType [dict get $flowSpec type] set numPkts [dict get $flowSpec numpkts] set time [expr {[dict get $flowSpec time] * 1000}] set frameRate [dict get $flowSpec framerate] # traffic spec # extract nested dictionaries set trafficSpec_l2 [dict get $trafficSpec l2] set trafficSpec_l3 [dict get $trafficSpec l3] set trafficSpec_vlan [dict get $trafficSpec vlan] set frameSize [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 framesize] set srcMac [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 srcmac] set dstMac [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 dstmac] set srcPort [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 srcport] set dstPort [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 dstport] set proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 proto] set srcIp [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 srcip] set dstIp [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 dstip] set vlanEnabled [dict get $trafficSpec_vlan enabled] if {$vlanEnabled == 1 } { # these keys won't exist if vlan wasn't enabled set vlanId [dict get $trafficSpec_vlan id] set vlanUserPrio [dict get $trafficSpec_vlan priority] set vlanCfi [dict get $trafficSpec_vlan cfi] } ################################################## ##################### Streams #################### ################################################## streamRegion get $::chassis $::card $::port1 if {[streamRegion enableGenerateWarningList $::chassis $::card $::port1 false]} { errorMsg "Error calling streamRegion enableGenerateWarningList $::chassis $::card $::port1 false" } set streamId 1 stream setDefault stream config -ifg 9.6 stream config -ifgMIN 19.2 stream config -ifgMAX 25.6 stream config -ibg 9.6 stream config -isg 9.6 stream config -rateMode streamRateModePercentRate stream config -percentPacketRate $frameRate stream config -framesize $frameSize stream config -frameType "08 00" stream config -sa $srcMac stream config -da $dstMac stream config -numSA 16 stream config -numDA 16 stream config -asyncIntEnable true stream config -dma $streamType stream config -numBursts 1 stream config -numFrames $numPkts stream config -patternType incrByte stream config -dataPattern x00010203 stream config -pattern "00 01 02 03" protocol setDefault protocol config -name ipV4 protocol config -ethernetType ethernetII if {$vlanEnabled == 1} { protocol config -enable802dot1qTag vlanSingle } ip setDefault ip config -ipProtocol ipV4Protocol[string totitle $proto] ip config -checksum "f6 75" ip config -sourceIpAddr $srcIp ip config -sourceIpAddrRepeatCount 10 ip config -sourceClass classA ip config -destIpAddr $dstIp ip config -destIpAddrRepeatCount 10 ip config -destClass classA ip config -destMacAddr $dstMac ip config -destDutIpAddr ip config -ttl 64 if {[ip set $::chassis $::card $::port1]} { errorMsg "Error calling ip set $::chassis $::card $::port1" } "$proto" setDefault "$proto" config -checksum "25 81" if {["$proto" set $::chassis $::card $::port1]} { errorMsg "Error calling $proto set $::chassis $::card $::port" } if {$vlanEnabled == 1 } { vlan setDefault vlan config -vlanID $vlanId vlan config -userPriority $vlanUserPrio vlan config -cfi $vlanCfi vlan config -mode vIdle vlan config -repeat 10 vlan config -step 1 vlan config -maskval "0000XXXXXXXXXXXX" vlan config -protocolTagId vlanProtocolTag8100 } if {[vlan set $::chassis $::card $::port1]} { errorMsg "Error calling vlan set $::chassis $::card $::port1" } if {[port isValidFeature $::chassis $::card $::port1 $::portFeatureTableUdf]} { tableUdf setDefault tableUdf clearColumns if {[tableUdf set $::chassis $::card $::port1]} { errorMsg "Error calling tableUdf set $::chassis $::card $::port1" } } if {[port isValidFeature $::chassis $::card $::port1 $::portFeatureRandomFrameSizeWeightedPair]} { weightedRandomFramesize setDefault if {[weightedRandomFramesize set $::chassis $::card $::port1]} { errorMsg "Error calling weightedRandomFramesize set $::chassis $::card $::port1" } } if {$proto == "tcp"} { tcp setDefault tcp config -sourcePort $srcPort tcp config -destPort $dstPort if {[tcp set $::chassis $::card $::port1 ]} { errorMsg "Error setting tcp on port $::chassis.$::card.$::port1" } if {$vlanEnabled != 1} { udf setDefault udf config -repeat 1 udf config -continuousCount true udf config -initval {00 00 00 01} udf config -updown uuuu udf config -cascadeType udfCascadeNone udf config -step 1 packetGroup setDefault packetGroup config -insertSequenceSignature true packetGroup config -sequenceNumberOffset 38 packetGroup config -signatureOffset 42 packetGroup config -signature "08 71 18 05" packetGroup config -groupIdOffset 52 packetGroup config -groupId $streamId packetGroup config -allocateUdf true if {[packetGroup setTx $::chassis $::card $::port1 $streamId]} { errorMsg "Error calling packetGroup setTx $::chassis $::card $::port1 $streamId" } } } elseif {$proto == "udp"} { udp setDefault udp config -sourcePort $srcPort udp config -destPort $dstPort if {[udp set $::chassis $::card $::port1]} { errorMsg "Error setting udp on port $::chassis.$::card.$::port1" } } if {[stream set $::chassis $::card $::port1 $streamId]} { errorMsg "Error calling stream set $::chassis $::card $::port1 $streamId" } incr streamId streamRegion generateWarningList $::chassis $::card $::port1 ixWriteConfigToHardware portList -noProtocolServer if {[packetGroup getRx $::chassis $::card $::port2]} { errorMsg "Error calling packetGroup getRx $::chassis $::card $::port2" } ################################################## ######### Traffic Transmit and Results ########### ################################################## # Transmit traffic logMsg "Clearing stats for all ports" ixClearStats portList logMsg "Starting packet groups on port $::port2" ixStartPortPacketGroups $::chassis $::card $::port2 logMsg "Starting Capture on port $::port2" ixStartPortCapture $::chassis $::card $::port2 logMsg "Starting transmit on port $::port1" ixStartPortTransmit $::chassis $::card $::port1 # If time=0 is passed, exit after starting transmit if {$time == 0} { logMsg "Sending traffic until interrupted" return } logMsg "Waiting for $time ms" # Wait for time - 1 second to get traffic rate after [expr "$time - 1"] # Get result set result [stopTraffic] if {$streamType == "contPacket"} { return $result } elseif {$streamType == "stopStream"} { set payError 0 set seqError 0 set captureLimit 3000 # explode results from 'stopTraffic' for ease of use later set framesSent [lindex $result 0] set framesRecv [lindex $result 1] set bytesSent [lindex $result 2] set bytesRecv [lindex $result 3] if {$framesSent <= $captureLimit} { captureBuffer get $::chassis $::card $::port2 1 $framesSent set capturedFrames [captureBuffer cget -numFrames] set notCaptured [expr "$framesRecv - $capturedFrames"] if {$notCaptured != 0} { errorMsg "'$notCaptured' frames were not captured" } if {$proto == "tcp"} { for {set z 1} {$z <= $capturedFrames} {incr z} { captureBuffer getframe $z set capFrame [captureBuffer cget -frame] regsub -all " " $capFrame "" frameNoSpaces set frameNoSpaces set startPayload 108 set endPayload [expr "[expr "$frameSize * 2"] - 9"] set payload [string range $frameNoSpaces $startPayload $endPayload] if {$vlanEnabled != 1} { set startSequence 76 set endSequence 83 set sequence [string range $frameNoSpaces $startSequence $endSequence] scan $sequence %x seqDecimal set seqDecimal if {"$payload" != $::payloadLookup($frameSize)} { errorMsg "frame '$z' payload: invalid payload" incr payError } # variable z increments from 1 to total number of packets # captured TCP sequence numbers start at 0, not 1. When # comparing sequence numbers for captured frames, reduce # variable z by 1 i.e. frame 1 with sequence 0 is compared # to expected sequence 0. if {$seqDecimal != $z-1} { errorMsg "frame '$z' sequence number: Found '$seqDecimal'. Expected '$z'" incr seqError } } } } logMsg "Sequence Errors: $seqError" logMsg "Payload Errors: $payError\n" } else { errorMsg "Too many packets for capture." } set result [list $framesSent $framesRecv $bytesSent $bytesRecv $payError $seqError] return $result } else { errorMsg "streamtype is not supported: '$streamType'" } } proc stopTraffic {} { # Stop sending traffic from IXIA. # # Stops Transmit of traffic from Rx port. # # Returns: # Output from Rx end of Ixia. ################################################## ################# Initialisation ################# ################################################## # Configure global variables. See documentation on 'global' for more # information on why this is necessary # https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/Tcl13.html global portList ################################################## ####### Stop Traffic Transmit and Results ######## ################################################## # Read frame rate of transmission if {[stat getRate statAllStats $::chassis $::card $::port1]} { errorMsg "Error reading stat rate on port $::chassis $::card $::port1" return $::TCL_ERROR } set sendRate [stat cget -framesSent] set sendRateBytes [stat cget -bytesSent] if {[stat getRate statAllStats $::chassis $::card $::port2]} { errorMsg "Error reading stat rate on port $::chassis $::card $::port2" return $::TCL_ERROR } set recvRate [stat cget -framesReceived] set recvRateBytes [stat cget -bytesReceived] # Wait for a second, else we get funny framerate statistics after 1 # Stop transmission of traffic ixStopTransmit portList if {[ixCheckTransmitDone portList] == $::TCL_ERROR} { return -code error } else { logMsg "Transmission is complete.\n" } ixStopPacketGroups portList ixStopCapture portList # Get statistics if {[stat get statAllStats $::chassis $::card $::port1]} { errorMsg "Error reading stat on port $::chassis $::card $::port1" return $::TCL_ERROR } set bytesSent [stat cget -bytesSent] set framesSent [stat cget -framesSent] if {[stat get statAllStats $::chassis $::card $::port2]} { errorMsg "Error reading stat on port $::chassis $::card $::port2" return $::TCL_ERROR } set bytesRecv [stat cget -bytesReceived] set framesRecv [stat cget -framesReceived] set bytesDropped [expr "$bytesSent - $bytesRecv"] set framesDropped [expr "$framesSent - $framesRecv"] logMsg "Frames Sent: $framesSent" logMsg "Frames Recv: $framesRecv" logMsg "Frames Dropped: $framesDropped\n" logMsg "Bytes Sent: $bytesSent" logMsg "Bytes Recv: $bytesRecv" logMsg "Bytes Dropped: $bytesDropped\n" logMsg "Frame Rate Sent: $sendRate" logMsg "Frame Rate Recv: $recvRate\n" set result [list $framesSent $framesRecv $bytesSent $bytesRecv $sendRate $recvRate $sendRateBytes $recvRateBytes] return $result } proc rfcThroughputTest { testSpec trafficSpec } { # Execute RFC tests from IXIA. # # Wraps the sendTraffic proc, repeatedly calling it, storing the result and # performing an iterative binary search to find the highest possible RFC # transmission rate. Abides by the specification of RFC2544 as given by the # IETF: # # https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2544.txt # # Parameters: # testSpec - a dict detailing how the test should be run. Should be # of format: # {numtrials, duration, lossrate} # trafficSpec - a dict describing the packet to be sent. Should be # of format: # { l2, l3} # where each item is in turn a dict detailing the configuration of each # layer of the packet # Returns: # Highest rate with acceptable packet loss. ################################################## ################# Initialisation ################# ################################################## # Configure global variables. See documentation on 'global' for more # information on why this is necessary # https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/Tcl13.html global portList # Extract the provided dictionaries to local variables to simplify the # rest of the script # testSpec set numTrials [dict get $testSpec trials] ;# we don't use this yet set duration [dict get $testSpec duration] set lossRate [dict get $testSpec lossrate] set multipleStream [dict get $testSpec multipleStreams] ;# we don't use this yet # variables used for binary search of results set min 1 set max 100 set diff [expr "$max - $min"] set result [list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ;# best result found so far set percentRate 100 ;# starting throughput percentage rate ################################################## ######### Traffic Transmit and Results ########### ################################################## # iterate a maximum of 20 times, sending packets at a set rate to # find fastest possible rate with acceptable packetloss # # As a reminder, the binary search works something like this: # # percentRate < idealValue --> min = percentRate # percentRate > idealValue --> max = percentRate # percentRate = idealValue --> max = min = percentRate # for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { dict set flowSpec type "contPacket" dict set flowSpec numpkts 100 ;# this can be bypassed dict set flowSpec time $duration dict set flowSpec framerate $percentRate set flowStats [sendTraffic $flowSpec $trafficSpec] # explode results from 'sendTraffic' for ease of use later set framesSent [lindex $flowStats 0] set framesRecv [lindex $flowStats 1] set sendRate [lindex $flowStats 4] set framesDropped [expr "$framesSent - $framesRecv"] if {$framesSent > 0} { set framesDroppedRate [expr "double($framesDropped) / $framesSent"] } else { set framesDroppedRate 100 } # check if we've already found the rate before 10 iterations, i.e. # 'percentRate = idealValue'. This is as accurate as we can get with # integer values. if {[expr "$max - $min"] <= 0.5 } { break } # handle 'percentRate <= idealValue' case if {$framesDroppedRate <= $lossRate} { logMsg "Frame sendRate of '$sendRate' pps succeeded ('$framesDropped' frames dropped)" set result $flowStats set min $percentRate set percentRate [expr "$percentRate + ([expr "$max - $min"] * 0.5)"] # handle the 'percentRate > idealValue' case } else { if {$framesDropped == $framesSent} { errorMsg "Dropped all frames!" } errorMsg "Frame sendRate of '$sendRate' pps failed ('$framesDropped' frames dropped)" set max $percentRate set percentRate [expr "$percentRate - ([expr "$max - $min"] * 0.5)"] } } set bestRate [lindex $result 4] logMsg "$lossRate% packet loss rate: $bestRate" return $result }