# Copyright 2017-2018 Spirent Communications. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Wrapper file to create and manage Stressor-VM as loadgen """ import locale import logging import os import re import subprocess import time from tools import tasks from tools.load_gen.load_gen import ILoadGenerator from conf import settings as S class QemuVM(tasks.Process): """ Class for controling an instance of QEMU """ def __init__(self, index): self._running = False self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._number = index pnumber = int(S.getValue('NN_BASE_VNC_PORT')) + self._number cpumask = ",".join(S.getValue('NN_CORE_BINDING')[self._number]) self._monitor = '%s/vm%dmonitor' % ('/tmp', pnumber) self._logfile = (os.path.join(S.getValue('LOG_DIR'), S.getValue('NN_LOG_FILE')) + str(self._number)) self._log_prefix = 'vnf_%d_cmd : ' % pnumber name = 'NN%d' % index vnc = ':%d' % pnumber self._shared_dir = '%s/qemu%d_share' % ('/tmp', pnumber) if not os.path.exists(self._shared_dir): try: os.makedirs(self._shared_dir) except OSError as exp: raise OSError("Failed to create shared directory %s: %s" % self._shared_dir, exp) self.nics_nr = S.getValue('NN_NICS_NR')[self._number] self.image = S.getValue('NN_IMAGE')[self._number] self._cmd = ['sudo', '-E', 'taskset', '-c', cpumask, S.getValue('TOOLS')['qemu-system'], '-m', S.getValue('NN_MEMORY')[self._number], '-smp', S.getValue('NN_SMP')[self._number], '-cpu', 'host,migratable=off', '-drive', 'if={},file='.format( S.getValue('NN_BOOT_DRIVE_TYPE')[self._number]) + self.image, '-boot', 'c', '--enable-kvm', '-monitor', 'unix:%s,server,nowait' % self._monitor, '-nographic', '-vnc', str(vnc), '-name', name, '-snapshot', '-net none', '-no-reboot', '-drive', 'if=%s,format=raw,file=fat:rw:%s,snapshot=off' % (S.getValue('NN_SHARED_DRIVE_TYPE')[self._number], self._shared_dir) ] def start(self): """ Start QEMU instance """ super(QemuVM, self).start() self._running = True def stop(self, sig, slp): """ Stops VNF instance. """ if self._running: self._logger.info('Killing VNF...') # force termination of VNF and wait to terminate; It will avoid # sporadic reboot of host. super(QemuVM, self).kill(signal=sig, sleep=slp) # remove shared dir if it exists to avoid issues with file consistency if os.path.exists(self._shared_dir): tasks.run_task(['rm', '-f', '-r', self._shared_dir], self._logger, 'Removing content of shared directory...', True) self._running = False def affinitize_nn(self): """ Affinitize the SMP cores of a NN instance. This function is same as the one in vnfs/qemu/qemu.py :returns: None """ thread_id = (r'.* CPU #%d: .* thread_id=(\d+)') cur_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] proc = subprocess.Popen( ('echo', 'info cpus'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) while not os.path.exists(self._monitor): time.sleep(1) output = subprocess.check_output( ('sudo', 'socat', '-', 'UNIX-CONNECT:%s' % self._monitor), stdin=proc.stdout) proc.wait() # calculate the number of CPUs specified by NN_SMP cpu_nr = int(S.getValue('NN_SMP')[self._number]) # pin each NN's core to host core based on configured BINDING for cpu in range(0, cpu_nr): match = None guest_thread_binding = S.getValue('NN_CORE_BINDING')[self._number] for line in output.decode(cur_locale).split('\n'): match = re.search(thread_id % cpu, line) if match: self._affinitize_pid(guest_thread_binding[cpu], match.group(1)) break if not match: self._logger.error('Failed to affinitize guest core #%d. Could' ' not parse tid.', cpu) # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called,unused-argument class StressorVM(ILoadGenerator): """ Wrapper Class for Load-Generation through stressor-vm """ def __init__(self, _config): self.qvm_list = [] for vmindex in range(int(S.getValue('NN_COUNT'))): qvm = QemuVM(vmindex) self.qvm_list.append(qvm) def start(self): """Start stressor VMs """ for nvm in self.qvm_list: nvm.start() nvm.affinitize_nn() def kill(self, signal='-9', sleep=2): """ Stop Stressor VMs """ for nvm in self.qvm_list: nvm.stop(signal, sleep)