# To Build # docker build --rm -t vsperf . # -------- Builder stage. FROM python:3.6.10-slim-buster MAINTAINER Sridhar Rao <sridhar.rao@spirent.com> # Create a directory RUN mkdir /home/opnfv # # Update and Install required packages # RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get -y install git iputils-ping openssh-client tk # # Get vswitchperf # RUN cd /home/opnfv && \ git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/vswitchperf # # Remove unnecessary python packages. # RUN cd /home/opnfv/vswitchperf && \ sed -e '/numpy/ s/^#*/#\ /' -i requirements.txt && \ sed -e '/matplotlib/ s/^#*/#\ /' -i requirements.txt && \ sed -e '/pycrypto/ s/^#*/#\ /' -i requirements.txt && \ sed -e '/pypsi/ s/^#*/#\ /' -i requirements.txt && \ sed -e '/paramiko/ s/^#*/#\ /' -i requirements.txt && \ sed -e '/pyzmq/ s/^#*/#\ /' -i requirements.txt && \ sed -e "\$apyzmq" -i requirements.txt # # Build VSPERF # RUN cd /home/opnfv/vswitchperf/systems && ./build_base_machine.sh --trafficgen