## Please set the limit on mmap counts equal to 262144 or more.

There are two options. Run this command:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count = 262144

or, to set it permanently, update the


setting in




### Update the IP address.
You may want to modify the IP address from to appropriate host-ip in


### Changes made to sebp/elk
The vsperf/elk image is same as sebp/elk with a minor change - the inclusion of collectd codec to logstash.
In the Dockerfile of sebp/elk, under logstash configuration, following lines are added:
 RUN gosu logstash bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-codec-collectd


The resultsdb directory contains the source from Dovetail/Dovetail-webportal project.
Once the results container is deployed, please run the python script as follows, to ensure that results can be pushed and queried correctly.
python init_db.py host_ip_address testapi_port
For example, if the host on which the container is running is, and container is exposing 8000 as the port, the command should be:
python init_db.py 8000