# Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Automation of system configuration for DPDK use. Parts of this based on ``tools/pci_unbind.py`` script from Intel(R) DPDK. """ from sys import platform as _platform import os import re import subprocess import logging import locale from tools import tasks from conf import settings _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) RTE_PCI_TOOL = os.path.join( settings.getValue('RTE_SDK'), 'tools', 'dpdk_nic_bind.py') # # system management # def init(): """Setup system for DPDK. """ if not _is_linux(): _LOGGER.error('Not running on a compatible Linux version. Exiting...') return _mount_hugepages() _insert_modules() _remove_vhost_net() _bind_nics() _copy_dpdk_for_guest() def cleanup(): """Setup system for DPDK. """ if not _is_linux(): _LOGGER.error('Not running on a compatible Linux version. Exiting...') return _unbind_nics() _remove_modules() _umount_hugepages() _vhost_user_cleanup() # # vhost specific modules management # def insert_vhost_modules(): """Inserts VHOST related kernel modules """ mod_path_prefix = os.path.join(settings.getValue('RTE_SDK'), 'lib', 'librte_vhost') _insert_module_group('VHOST_MODULE', mod_path_prefix) def remove_vhost_modules(): """Removes all VHOST related kernel modules """ _remove_module_group('VHOST_MODULE') # # basic compatibility test # def _is_linux(): """Check if running on Linux. Many of the functions in this file rely on features commonly found only on Linux (i.e. ``/proc`` is not present on FreeBSD). Hence, this check is important to ensure someone doesn't run this on an incompatible OS or distro. """ return _platform.startswith('linux') and os.path.isdir('/proc') # # hugepage management # def _is_hugepage_available(): """Check if hugepages are available on the system. """ hugepage_re = re.compile(r'^HugePages_Free:\s+(?P<num_hp>\d+)$') # read in meminfo with open('/proc/meminfo') as mem_file: mem_info = mem_file.readlines() # first check if module is loaded for line in mem_info: result = hugepage_re.match(line) if not result: continue num_huge = result.group('num_hp') if not num_huge: _LOGGER.info('No free hugepages.') else: _LOGGER.info('Found \'%s\' free hugepage(s).', num_huge) return True return False def _is_hugepage_mounted(): """Check if hugepages are mounted. """ output = subprocess.check_output(['mount'], shell=True) my_encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] for line in output.decode(my_encoding).split('\n'): if 'hugetlbfs' in line: return True return False def _mount_hugepages(): """Ensure hugepages are mounted. """ if not _is_hugepage_available(): return if _is_hugepage_mounted(): return if not os.path.exists(settings.getValue('HUGEPAGE_DIR')): os.makedirs(settings.getValue('HUGEPAGE_DIR')) try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'mount', '-t', 'hugetlbfs', 'nodev', settings.getValue('HUGEPAGE_DIR')], _LOGGER, 'Mounting hugepages...', True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to mount hugepages.') def _umount_hugepages(): """Ensure hugepages are unmounted. """ if not _is_hugepage_mounted(): return try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'umount', settings.getValue('HUGEPAGE_DIR')], _LOGGER, 'Unmounting hugepages...', True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to umount hugepages.') # # module management # def _is_module_inserted(module): """Check if a module is inserted on system. """ with open('/proc/modules') as mod_file: loaded_mods = mod_file.readlines() # first check if module is loaded for line in loaded_mods: if line.startswith(module): return True return False def _insert_modules(): """Ensure required modules are inserted on system. """ for module in settings.getValue('SYS_MODULES'): if _is_module_inserted(module): continue try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'modprobe', module], _LOGGER, 'Inserting module \'%s\'...' % module, True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to insert module \'%s\'.', module) raise # fail catastrophically mod_path_prefix = settings.getValue('OVS_DIR') _insert_module_group('OVS_MODULES', mod_path_prefix) mod_path_prefix = os.path.join(settings.getValue('RTE_SDK'), settings.getValue('RTE_TARGET')) _insert_module_group('DPDK_MODULES', mod_path_prefix) def _insert_module_group(module_group, group_path_prefix): """Ensure all modules in a group are inserted into the system. :param module_group: A name of configuration item containing a list of module names """ for module in settings.getValue(module_group): # first check if module is loaded if _is_module_inserted(module[1]): continue try: mod_path = os.path.join(group_path_prefix, module[0], '%s.ko' % module[1]) tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'insmod', mod_path], _LOGGER, 'Inserting module \'%s\'...' % module[1], True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to insert module \'%s\'.', module[1]) raise # fail catastrophically def _remove_modules(): """Ensure required modules are removed from system. """ _remove_module_group('OVS_MODULES') _remove_module_group('DPDK_MODULES') for module in settings.getValue('SYS_MODULES'): # first check if module is loaded if not _is_module_inserted(module): continue try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'rmmod', module], _LOGGER, 'Removing module \'%s\'...' % module, True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to remove module \'%s\'.', module) continue def _remove_module_group(module_group): """Ensure all modules in a group are removed from the system. :param module_group: A name of configuration item containing a list of module names """ for module in settings.getValue(module_group): # first check if module is loaded if not _is_module_inserted(module[1]): continue try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'rmmod', module[1]], _LOGGER, 'Removing module \'%s\'...' % module[1], True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to remove module \'%s\'.', module[1]) continue # # 'vhost-net' module management # def _remove_vhost_net(): """Remove vhost-net driver and file. """ if _is_module_inserted('vhost_net'): try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'rmmod', 'vhost_net'], _LOGGER, 'Removing \'/dev/vhost-net\' directory...', True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to remove module \'vhost_net\'.') try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'rm', '-f', '/dev/vhost-net'], _LOGGER, 'Removing \'/dev/vhost-net\' directory...', True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to remove directory \'/dev/vhost-net\'.') # # NIC management # def _bind_nics(): """Bind NICs using the Intel DPDK ``pci_unbind.py`` tool. """ try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', RTE_PCI_TOOL, '--bind', 'igb_uio'] + settings.getValue('WHITELIST_NICS'), _LOGGER, 'Binding NICs %s...' % settings.getValue('WHITELIST_NICS'), True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to bind NICs %s', str(settings.getValue('WHITELIST_NICS'))) def _unbind_nics(): """Unbind NICs using the Intel DPDK ``pci_unbind.py`` tool. """ try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', RTE_PCI_TOOL, '--unbind'] + settings.getValue('WHITELIST_NICS'), _LOGGER, 'Unbinding NICs %s...' % str(settings.getValue('WHITELIST_NICS')), True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to unbind NICs %s', str(settings.getValue('WHITELIST_NICS'))) def _copy_dpdk_for_guest(): """Copy dpdk code to GUEST_SHARE_DIR for use by guests. """ guest_share_dir = os.path.join( settings.getValue('GUEST_SHARE_DIR'), 'DPDK') if not os.path.exists(guest_share_dir): os.makedirs(guest_share_dir) try: tasks.run_task(['rsync', '-a', '-r', '-l', r'--exclude="\.git"', os.path.join(settings.getValue('RTE_SDK'), ''), guest_share_dir], _LOGGER, 'Copying DPDK to shared directory...', True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to copy DPDK to shared directory') # # Vhost-user cleanup # def _vhost_user_cleanup(): """Remove files created by vhost-user tests. """ for sock in settings.getValue('VHOST_USER_SOCKS'): if os.path.exists(sock): try: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'rm', sock], _LOGGER, 'Deleting vhost-user socket \'%s\'...' % sock, True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: _LOGGER.error('Unable to delete vhost-user socket \'%s\'.', sock) continue class Dpdk(object): """A context manager for the system init/cleanup. """ def __enter__(self): _LOGGER.info('Setting up DPDK') init() return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): _LOGGER.info('Cleaning up DPDK') cleanup()