# ETSI GS NFV-TST 009 Testing with PROX and OvS-DPDK in a Kubernetes Cluster This document shows an example of testing the dataplane in the third topology represented in the [topologies description](Topologies.md) with two pods equipped with two interfaces each that are bounded to OvS-DPDK, using PROX as traffic generator. The `userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p1.yaml` and the `userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p2.yaml` files can be created by modifying the [Rapid pod definition file](./Configuration/Kubernetes/Rapid-pod/userspace-rapid-pod-2-interfaces-OvS-DPDK.yaml). ### Prepare OvS-DPDK and deploy the kubernetes components - On Node 1: - source vsperfenv/bin/activate 2. cd vineperf. 3. ./vsperf --conf-file ~/conf/vsperf-master.conf --mode trafficgen-off phy2phy_tput - Leave this window untouched. - On Node 2 **(After previous steps)**: - Deploy network attachment `userspace-ovs-netAttach.yaml` - Deploy pods applying `userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p1.yaml` and `userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p2.yaml` ### Configure PROX inside the pods - Generator Pod: - Enter the generator pod with `kubectl exec -it userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p1 -- /bin/bash` - copy the prox folder (it is shared between pods) to make changes on configuration files: `cp -r /opt/prox /opt/proxgen` - search for the two memif socketfile names running : ``` [root@userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p1 /]# cat /etc/podnetinfo/annotations | grep socketfile userspace/configuration-data="[{\n \"containerId\": \"87042916ab4dac68611ea9d2f02bcf26bc82b5d17716ffa9ebff1cf36af1fca3\",\n \"ifName\": \"net1\",\n \"name\": \"userspace-ovs-net-1\",\n \"config\": {\n \"engine\": \"ovs-dpdk\",\n \"iftype\": \"vhostuser\",\n \"netType\": \"interface\",\n \"memif\": {},\n \"vhost\": {\n \"mode\": \"client\",\n \"socketfile\": \"87042916ab4d-net1\"\n },\n \"bridge\": {}\n },\n \"ipResult\": {\n \"interfaces\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"net1\",\n \"sandbox\": \"/proc/2910/ns/net\"\n }\n ],\n \"dns\": {}\n }\n},{\n \"containerId\": \"87042916ab4dac68611ea9d2f02bcf26bc82b5d17716ffa9ebff1cf36af1fca3\",\n \"ifName\": \"net2\",\n \"name\": \"userspace-ovs-net-1\",\n \"config\": {\n \"engine\": \"ovs-dpdk\",\n \"iftype\": \"vhostuser\",\n \"netType\": \"interface\",\n \"memif\": {},\n \"vhost\": {\n \"mode\": \"client\",\n \"socketfile\": \"87042916ab4d-net2\"\n },\n \"bridge\": {}\n },\n \"ipResult\": {\n \"interfaces\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"net2\",\n \"sandbox\": \"/proc/2910/ns/net\"\n }\n ],\n \"dns\": {}\n }\n}]" ``` - copy the names `*-net1` and `*-net2` - edit the `parameters.lua` changing the socketfile name and set the CPUs number for the main core, generator cores and latency cores: ```lua ... eal="--socket-mem=256,0 --vdev=virtio_user0,path=/usrspcni/87042916ab4d-net1 --vdev=virtio_user1,path=/usrspcni/87042916ab4d-net2" mcore="14" ... gencores="15" latcores="16" ... ``` - edit `prox.cfg` to configure the tasks properly for generating and receiving packets: ``` [lua] dofile("parameters.lua") [eal options] -n=4 ; force number of memory channels no-output=no ; disable DPDK debug output eal=--proc-type auto ${eal} [port 0] name=p0 rx desc=2048 tx desc=2048 vlan=yes lsc=no [port 1] name=p1 rx desc=2048 tx desc=2048 vlan=yes lsc=no [variables] $mbs=8 [defaults] mempool size=8K [global] name=${name} heartbeat timeout=${heartbeat} [core $mcore] mode=master [core $gencores] name=p0 task=0 mode=gen tx port=p0 bps=1250000000 pkt inline=${dest_hex_mac1} 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 45 00 00 2e 00 01 00 00 40 11 f7 7d ${local_hex_ip1} ${local_hex_ip2} 0b b8 0b b9 00 1a 55 7b pkt size=60 min bulk size=$mbs max bulk size=16 drop=yes lat pos=42 accuracy pos=46 packet id pos=50 signature=0x98765432 signature pos=56 [core $latcores] name=lat task=0 mode=lat rx port=p1 lat pos=42 accuracy pos=46 packet id pos=50 signature=0x98765432 signature pos=56 accuracy limit nsec=1000000 latency bucket size=${bucket_size_exp} ``` - Enter rapid folder and start PROX: ``` [root@userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p1 /]# cd /opt/rapid/ [root@userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p1 rapid]# ./prox -f ../proxgen/prox.cfg -et ``` ``` Usage: ./prox [-f CONFIG_FILE] [-a|-e] [-m|-s|-i] [-w DEF] [-u] [-t] -f CONFIG_FILE : configuration file to load, ./prox.cfg by default -e : don't autostart -t : Listen on TCP port 8474 ``` ![prox-vpp-screen](./images/prox-vpp-screen.png) - Swap Pod: - Enter the generator pod with `kubectl exec -it userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p2 -- /bin/bash` - copy the prox folder (it is shared between pods) to make changes on configuration files: `cp -r /opt/prox /opt/proxswap` - search for the two virtio socketfile names like for the Generator Pod and copy the names `*-net1` and `*-net2` - edit the `parameters.lua` changing the socketfile name and set the CPUs number for the main core (same as Generator Pod) and the swap cores: ```lua ... swapone="17" ... ``` - edit `prox.cfg` to configure the tasks properly for swapping: ``` [lua] dofile("parameters.lua") [eal options] -n=4 ; force number of memory channels no-output=no ; disable DPDK debug output eal=--proc-type auto ${eal} [port 0] name=p0 rx desc=2048 tx desc=2048 vlan=yes lsc=no [port 1] name=p1 rx desc=2048 tx desc=2048 vlan=yes lsc=no [variables] $mbs=8 [defaults] mempool size=8K [global] name=${name} heartbeat timeout=${heartbeat} [core $mcore] mode=master [core $swapone] name=swap1 task=0 mode=swap rx port=p0 tx port=p1 drop=no ``` - Enter rapid folder and start PROX: ``` [root@userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p2 /]# cd /opt/rapid/ [root@userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p2 rapid]# ./prox -f ../proxgen/prox.cfg ``` ![prox-vpp-screen-swap](./images/prox-vpp-screen-swap.png) ### Configure OVS-DPDK The default configuration is under `vineperf/conf/02_vswitch.conf`. Then it's necessary to configure the connections between the interfaces - Go to the utilities folder `cd /home/opnfv/vineperf/src/ovs/ovs/utilities` - Run `sudo ovs-vsctl -- --columns=name,ofport list Interface` : Note down the port numbers (`ofport`) mapping to the vhost interfaces. ``` [opnfv@worker utilities]$ sudo ovs-vsctl -- --columns=name,ofport list Interface name : "dpdk1" ofport : -1 name : "87042916ab4d-net1" ofport : 1 name : "dpdk0" ofport : -1 name : "vsperf-br0" ofport : 65534 name : "2d63b16eb7ac-net2" ofport : 4 name : "87042916ab4d-net2" ofport : 2 name : "2d63b16eb7ac-net1" ofport : 3 ``` In this case `ofport` for the first pod are 1 and 2 and for the second are 3 and 4. - Open `setup_flows.sh` file. Modify the `in_port=<>` and `action=output:<>` values to connect the interfaces: ``` bash sudo ovs-ofctl --timeout 10 -O OpenFlow13 del-flows vsperf-br0 sudo ovs-ofctl --timeout 10 -O Openflow13 add-flow vsperf-br0 in_port=1,idle_timeout=0,action=output:3 sudo ovs-ofctl --timeout 10 -O Openflow13 add-flow vsperf-br0 in_port=4,idle_timeout=0,action=output:2 ``` - Run `sudo ./setup_flows.sh` - Verify that the flows are correct by running `sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows vsperf-br0`: ``` bash [opnfv@worker utilities]$ sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows vsperf-br0 cookie=0x0, duration=10.400s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, in_port=1 actions=output:3 cookie=0x0, duration=10.348s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, in_port=4 actions=output:2 ``` ### Configure rapid environment and files On Node 1 the environment and the file for running rapid should be set-up. Source the rapidenv and enter the rapid folder: ```bash [opnfv@worker ~]$ source rapidenv/bin/activate (rapidenv) [opnfv@worker ~]$ cd rapid (rapidenv) [opnfv@worker rapid]$ ``` Now we need `.env` , `.tst` and `machine.map` files to run the `runrapid.py` script that do the tests. Before creating theese files the IP of the generator pod is needed. On Node 1 run this command: ``` bash [opnfv@master ~]$ kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p1 1/1 Running 0 69m worker userspace-rapid-pod-t3-p2 1/1 Running 0 69m worker ``` For the `topology-3.env`: ``` [rapid] loglevel = DEBUG version = 19.6.30 total_number_of_machines = 1 [M1] name = rapid-pod-1 admin_ip = dp_ip = dp_mac = de:ad:c3:52:79:9b [ssh] key=rapid_rsa_key user = root [Varia] vim = Openstack stack = rapid ``` Before the `.tst` file, the `prox.cfg` file should be copied under a folder in the same Node, in this case under `~/configs`. The `topology-3.tst`: ``` [TestParameters] name = Rapid_ETSINFV_TST009 number_of_tests = 1 total_number_of_test_machines = 1 lat_percentile = 99 [TestM1] name = Generator prox_launch_exit = false config_file = configs/prox.cfg dest_vm = 1 mcore = [14] gencores = [15] latcores = [16] [test1] test=TST009test warmupflowsize=128 warmupimix=[64] warmupspeed=1 warmuptime=2 imixs=[[64],[128],[256],[512],[1024],[1280],[1512]] flows=[1] drop_rate_threshold = 0 MAXr = 3 MAXz = 5000 MAXFramesPerSecondAllIngress = 12000000 StepSize = 10000 ``` For `machine.map`: ``` [DEFAULT] machine_index=0 [TestM1] machine_index=1 [TestM2] machine_index=2 [TestM3] machine_index=3 [TestM4] machine_index=4 ``` ### Running the tests Now that it's all configured, the test can be started form the rapid folder with the `runrapid.py` script, passing the two files as arguments: ``` bash (rapidenv) [opnfv@worker rapid]$ python runrapid.py --env topology-3.env --test topology-3.tst --map machine.map --runtime 10 --screenlog DEBUG ```