.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) OPNFV, Intel Corporation, Spirent, AT&T and others. .. _additional-tools-configuration: ============================================= ViNePerf Additional Tools Configuration Guide ============================================= Overview -------- ViNePerf supports the following categories additional tools: * `Infrastructure Metrics Collectors`_ * `Load Generators`_ * `L3 Cache Management`_ Under each category, there are one or more tools supported by ViNePerf. This guide provides the details of how to install (if required) and configure the above mentioned tools. .. _`Infrastructure Metrics Collectors`: Infrastructure Metrics Collection --------------------------------- ViNePerf supports following two tools for collecting and reporting the metrics: * pidstat * collectd *pidstat* is a command in linux systems, which is used for monitoring individual tasks currently being managed by Linux kernel. In ViNePerf this command is used to monitor *ovs-vswitchd*, *ovsdb-server* and *kvm* processes. *collectd* is linux application that collects, stores and transfers various system metrics. For every category of metrics, there is a separate plugin in collectd. For example, CPU plugin and Interface plugin provides all the cpu metrics and interface metrics, respectively. CPU metrics may include user-time, system-time, etc., whereas interface metrics may include received-packets, dropped-packets, etc. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ No installation is required for *pidstat*, whereas, collectd has to be installed separately. For installation of collectd, we recommend to follow the process described in *Anuket-Barometer* project, which can be found here `Barometer <https://opnfv-barometer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release/userguide>`_ recent release. ViNePerf assumes that collectd is installed and configured to send metrics over localhost. The metrics sent should be for the following categories: CPU, Processes, Interface, OVS, DPDK, Intel-RDT. For multicmd, apart from collectd, installation of PROX is also necessary. Installation steps for PROX can be found here - `DPPD-PROX <https://github.com/opnfv/samplevnf/tree/master/VNFs/DPPD-PROX>`_ Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The configuration file for the collectors can be found in **conf/05_collector.conf**. *pidstat* specific configuration includes: * ``PIDSTAT_MONITOR`` - processes to be monitored by pidstat * ``PIDSTAT_OPTIONS`` - options which will be passed to pidstat command * ``PIDSTAT_SAMPLE_INTERVAL`` - sampling interval used by pidstat to collect statistics * ``LOG_FILE_PIDSTAT`` - prefix of pidstat's log file The *collectd* configuration option includes: * ``COLLECTD_IP`` - IP address where collectd is running * ``COLLECTD_PORT`` - Port number over which collectd is sending the metrics * ``COLLECTD_SECURITY_LEVEL`` - Security level for receiving metrics * ``COLLECTD_AUTH_FILE`` - Authentication file for receiving metrics * ``LOG_FILE_COLLECTD`` - Prefix for collectd's log file. * ``COLLECTD_CPU_KEYS`` - Interesting metrics from CPU * ``COLLECTD_PROCESSES_KEYS`` - Interesting metrics from processes * ``COLLECTD_INTERFACE_KEYS`` - Interesting metrics from interface * ``COLLECTD_OVSSTAT_KEYS`` - Interesting metrics from OVS * ``COLLECTD_DPDKSTAT_KEYS`` - Interesting metrics from DPDK. * ``COLLECTD_INTELRDT_KEYS`` - Interesting metrics from Intel-RDT * ``COLLECTD_INTERFACE_XKEYS`` - Metrics to exclude from Interface * ``COLLECTD_INTELRDT_XKEYS`` - Metrics to exclude from Intel-RDT * ``MC_COLLECTD_CSV`` - Path where collectd writes its metrics as CSV. * ``MC_COLLECTD_CMD`` - Path where Collectd is installed * ``MC_PROX_HOME`` - Path where PROX-IRQ is installed. * ``MC_PROX_CMD`` - Command to run PROX-IRQ * ``MC_PROX_OUT`` - Output file generated by PROX-IRQ stats collector. * ``MC_CRON_OUT`` - Output file path of the command run through CROND * ``MC_BEAT_CFILE`` - Filebeat configuration file path. .. _`Load Generators`: Load Generation --------------- In ViNePerf, load generation refers to creating background cpu and memory loads to study the impact of these loads on system under test. There are two options to create loads in ViNePerf. These options are used for different use-cases. The options are: * stress or stress-ng * Stressor-VMs *stress and stress-ng* are linux tools to stress the system in various ways. It can stress different subsystems such as CPU and memory. *stress-ng* is the improvised version of *stress*. StressorVMs are custom build virtual-machines for the noisy-neighbor use-cases. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ stress and stress-ng can be installed through standard linux installation process. Information about stress-ng, including the steps for installing can be found here: `stress-ng <https://github.com/ColinIanKing/stress-ng>`_ There are two options for StressorVMs - one is VMs based on stress-ng and second is VM based on Spirent's cloudstress. VMs based on stress-ng can be found in this `link <https://github.com/opensource-tnbt/stressng-images>`_ . Spirent's cloudstress based VM can be downloaded from this `site <https://github.com/spirent/cloudstress>`_ These stressorVMs are of OSV based VMs, which are very small in size. Download these VMs and place it in appropriate location, and this location will used in the configuration - as mentioned below. Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The configuration file for loadgens can be found in **conf/07_loadgen.conf**. There are no specific configurations for stress and stress-ng commands based load-generation. However, for StressorVMs, following configurations apply: * ``NN_COUNT`` - Number of stressor VMs required. * ``NN_MEMORY`` - Comma separated memory configuration for each VM * ``NN_SMP`` - Comma separated configuration for each VM * ``NN_IMAGE`` - Comma separated list of Paths for each VM image * ``NN_SHARED_DRIVE_TYPE`` - Comma separated list of shaed drive type for each VM * ``NN_BOOT_DRIVE_TYPE`` - Comma separated list of boot drive type for each VM * ``NN_CORE_BINDING`` - Comma separated lists of list specifying the cores associated with each VM. * ``NN_NICS_NR`` - Comma seprated list of number of NICS for each VM * ``NN_BASE_VNC_PORT`` - Base VNC port Index. * ``NN_LOG_FILE`` - Name of the log file .. _`L3 Cache Management`: Last Level Cache Management --------------------------- ViNePerf support last-level cache management using Intel's RDT tool(s) - the relavant ones are `Intel CAT-CMT <https://github.com/intel/intel-cmt-cat>`_ and `Intel RMD <https://github.com/intel/rmd>`_. RMD is a linux daemon that runs on individual hosts, and provides a REST API for control/orchestration layer to request LLC for the VMs/Containers/Applications. RDT receives resource policy form orchestration layer - in this case, from ViNePerf - and enforce it on the host. It achieves this enforcement via kernel interfaces such as resctrlfs and libpqos. The resource here refer to the last-level cache. User can configure policies to define how much of cache a CPU can get. The policy configuration is described below. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ For installation of RMD tool, please install CAT-CMT first and then install RMD. The details of installation can be found here: `Intel CAT-CMT <https://github.com/intel/intel-cmt-cat>`_ and `Intel RMD <https://github.com/intel/rmd>`_ Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The configuration file for cache management can be found in **conf/08_llcmanagement.conf**. ViNePerf provides following configuration options, for user to define and enforce policies via RMD. * ``LLC_ALLOCATION`` - Enable or Disable LLC management. * ``RMD_PORT`` - RMD port (port number on which API server is listening) * ``RMD_SERVER_IP`` - IP address where RMD is running. Currently only localhost. * ``RMD_API_VERSION`` - RMD version. Currently it is 'v1' * ``POLICY_TYPE`` - Specify how the policy is defined - either COS or CUSTOM * ``VSWITCH_COS`` - Class of service (CoS for Vswitch. CoS can be gold, silver-bf or bronze-shared. * ``VNF_COS`` - Class of service for VNF * ``PMD_COS`` - Class of service for PMD * ``NOISEVM_COS`` - Class of service of Noisy VM. * ``VSWITCH_CA`` - [min-cache-value, maxi-cache-value] for vswitch * ``VNF_CA`` - [min-cache-value, max-cache-value] for VNF * ``PMD_CA`` - [min-cache-value, max-cache-value] for PMD * ``NOISEVM_CA`` - [min-cache-value, max-cache-value] for Noisy VM ViNePerf Containers ------------------- ViNePerf containers are found in tools/docker folder. RESULTS CONTAINER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The results container includes multiple services - ELK Stack, Barometer-Grafana, Anuket-TestAPI & Jupyter. Pre-Deployment Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Set the limit on mmap counts equal to 262144 or more. You can do this by the command - ``sysctl -w vm.max_map_count = 262144``. Or to set it permanently, update the ``vm.max_map_count`` field in ``/etc/sysctl.conf``. 2. You may want to modify the IP address from to appropriate host-ip in ``docker-compose.yml`` 3. Please add dashboards folder from Anuket-Barometer-Grafana into the grafana folder. It can be found in `Barometer Grafana <https://github.com/opnfv/barometer/tree/master/docker/barometer-grafana` Build ~~~~~ Run ``docker-compose build`` command to build the container. Run ~~~ Run the container with ``docker-compose up`` command. Post-Deployment Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The directory ``resultsdb`` contains the source from Dovetail/Dovetail-webportal project. Once the results container is deployed, please run the python script as follows, to ensure that results can be pushed and queried correctly - ``python init_db.py host_ip_address testapi_port``. For example, if the host on which the container is running is, and container is exposing 8000 as the port, the command should be: ``python init_db.py 8000``