# Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Functions for creating controller objects based on deployment or traffic

from core.traffic_controller_rfc2544 import TrafficControllerRFC2544
from core.vswitch_controller_p2p import VswitchControllerP2P
from core.vswitch_controller_pvp import VswitchControllerPVP
from core.vnf_controller_p2p import VnfControllerP2P
from core.vnf_controller_pvp import VnfControllerPVP
from tools.load_gen.stress.stress import Stress
from tools.load_gen.stress_ng.stress_ng import StressNg
from tools.load_gen.dummy.dummy import DummyLoadGen

def __init__():
    """Finds and loads all the modules required.

    Very similar code to load_trafficgens().

def create_traffic(traffic_type, trafficgen_class):
    """Return a new IVSwitchController for the traffic type.

    The returned traffic controller has the given traffic type and traffic
    generator class.

    traffic_types: 'rfc2544_throughput'

    :param traffic_type: Name of traffic type
    :param trafficgen_class: Reference to traffic generator class to be used.
    :return: A new ITrafficController
    return TrafficControllerRFC2544(trafficgen_class)

def create_vswitch(deployment_scenario, vswitch_class, bidir=True):
    """Return a new IVSwitchController for the deployment_scenario.

    The returned controller is configured with the given vSwitch class.

    Deployment scenarios: 'p2p', 'pvp'

    :param deployment_scenario: The deployment scenario name
    :param vswitch_class: Reference to vSwitch class to be used.
    :return: IVSwitchController for the deployment_scenario
    #TODO - full mapping from all deployment_scenarios to
    #correct controller class
    deployment_scenario = deployment_scenario.lower()
    if deployment_scenario.find("p2p") >= 0:
        return VswitchControllerP2P(vswitch_class)
    elif deployment_scenario.find("pvp") >= 0:
        return VswitchControllerPVP(vswitch_class, bidir)

def create_vnf(deployment_scenario, vnf_class):
    """Return a new IVnfController for the deployment_scenario.

    The returned controller is configured with the given VNF class.

    Deployment scenarios: 'p2p', 'pvp'

    :param deployment_scenario: The deployment scenario name
    :param vswitch_class: Reference to vSwitch class to be used.
    :return: IVnfController for the deployment_scenario
    #TODO - full mapping from all deployment_scenarios to
    #correct controller class
    deployment_scenario = deployment_scenario.lower()
    if deployment_scenario.find("p2p") >= 0:
        return VnfControllerP2P(None)
    elif deployment_scenario.find("pvp") >= 0:
        return VnfControllerPVP(vnf_class)

def create_collector(collector_class, result_dir, test_name):
    """Return a new Collector of the given class

    :param collector_class: The collector class to be used.
    :param result_dir: Directory with test results
    :param test_name: Test to be run
    :return: A new CollectorController.
    return collector_class(result_dir, test_name)

def create_loadgen(loadgen_type, loadgen_cfg):
    """Return a new ILoadGenerator for the loadgen type.

    The returned load generator has the given loadgen type and loadgen
    generator class.

    :param loadgen_type: Name of loadgen type
    :param loadgen_class: Reference to load generator class to be used.
    :return: A new ILoadGenerator class
    loadgen_type = loadgen_type.lower()
    if loadgen_type.find("dummy") >= 0:
        return DummyLoadGen(loadgen_cfg)
    elif loadgen_type.find("stress-ng") >= 0:
        return StressNg(loadgen_cfg)
    elif loadgen_type.find("stress") >= 0:
        return Stress(loadgen_cfg)