# vswitchperf project directory layout:

\- vswitchperf
    \- systems                      - contains linux distributions
       |- build_base_machine.sh        - Input for generating Makefiles
       \- Fedora                       - Fedora specific setup
       \- Ubuntu                       - Ubuntu specific setup
    \- vswitches                    - API to setup vswitches DUT
       |- add_switch                   - script to add switch
       |- add_port                     - script to add ports on switch
       |- add_flow                     - script to add flow on switch
       \- ovs-dpdk                     - contains implementation on ovs-dpdk
       \- ovs-kernel                   - contains implementation on ovs-kernel
    \- tools                        - collections of tool sets
       \- pktgen                        - contains various packet generator
          |- dpkt-pktgen                  - dpdk pkt generator
          |- pktgen                       - netmap pkt generator
          |- pktcounter                   - a kernel based packet generator
          |- spirent                      - script to control spirent
          |- ixia                         - script to control ixia
       \- collectors                   - contains various data collectors
    \- testcases                     - collections of test cases
       |- p2p                           - test PHY to PHY
       |- pvp                           - test PHY to VNF to PHY
       |- pvvp                          - test PHY to VNF to VNF to PHY
       |- p2v                           - test PHY to VNF
       |- v2p                           - test VNF to PHY
    \- jobs                          - collections of job configurations
       |- dpdk.conf                     - dpdk configuration
    \- test_spec                     - contains test specifications