#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #. What this is: Startup script for the OPNFV VES Collector running under docker. cd /opt/ves touch monitor.log sed -i -- \ "s~log_file = /var/log/att/collector.log~log_file = /opt/ves/collector.log~" \ evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf sed -i -- "s/vel_domain = = $ves_host/g" \ evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf sed -i -- "s/vel_port = 30000/vel_port = $ves_port/g" \ evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf sed -i -- "s/vel_username =/vel_username = $ves_user/g" \ evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf sed -i -- "s/vel_password =/vel_password = $ves_pass/g" \ evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf sed -i -- "s~vel_path = vendor_event_listener/~vel_path = $ves_path~g" \ evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf sed -i -- "s~vel_topic_name = example_vnf~vel_topic_name = $ves_topic~g" \ evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf sed -i -- "/vel_topic_name = /a influxdb = $ves_influxdb_host:$ves_influxdb_port" \ evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf echo; echo "evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf" cat evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf echo; echo "wait for InfluxDB API at $ves_influxdb_host:$ves_influxdb_port" while ! curl http://$ves_influxdb_host:$ves_influxdb_port/ping ; do echo "InfluxDB API is not yet responding... waiting 10 seconds" sleep 10 done echo; echo "setup veseventsdb in InfluxDB" # TODO: check if pre-existing and skip curl -X POST http://$ves_influxdb_host:$ves_influxdb_port/query \ --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE veseventsdb" echo; echo "wait for Grafana API to be active" while ! curl http://$ves_grafana_host:$ves_grafana_port ; do echo "Grafana API is not yet responding... waiting 10 seconds" sleep 10 done echo; echo "add VESEvents datasource to Grafana" # TODO: check if pre-existing and skip cat </opt/ves/datasource.json { "name":"VESEvents", "type":"influxdb", "access":"direct", "url":"http://$ves_influxdb_host:$ves_influxdb_port", "password":"root", "user":"root", "database":"veseventsdb", "basicAuth":false, "basicAuthUser":"", "basicAuthPassword":"", "withCredentials":false, "isDefault":false, "jsonData":null } EOF curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -X POST -d @/opt/ves/datasource.json \ http://$ves_grafana_auth@$ves_grafana_host:$ves_grafana_port/api/datasources echo; echo "add VES dashboard to Grafana" curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -X POST -d @/opt/ves/Dashboard.json \ http://$ves_grafana_auth@$ves_grafana_host:$ves_grafana_port/api/dashboards/db if [[ "$ves_loglevel" != "" ]]; then python /opt/ves/evel-test-collector/code/collector/monitor.py \ --config /opt/ves/evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf \ --influxdb $ves_influxdb_host:$ves_influxdb_port \ --section default > /opt/ves/monitor.log 2>&1 else python /opt/ves/evel-test-collector/code/collector/monitor.py \ --config /opt/ves/evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf \ --influxdb $ves_influxdb_host:$ves_influxdb_port \ --section default fi