############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 CENGN and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## def slope(data_series): """ This function implements the linear least squares algorithm described in the following wikipedia article : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_least_squares_(mathematics) in the case of m equations (provided by m data points) and 2 unknown variables (x and y, which represent the time and the Volume performance variable being tested e.g. IOPS, latency...). The data_series is currently assumed to follow the pattern : [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ..., [xm,ym]]. If this data pattern were to change, the data_treatement function should be adjusted to ensure compatibility with the rest of the Steady State Dectection module. """ # In the particular case of an empty data series if len(data_series) == 0: beta2 = 0 else: # The general case m = len(data_series) # To make sure at least one element is a float number so the result # of the algorithm be a float number data_series[0][0] = float(data_series[0][0]) """ It consists in solving the normal equations system (2 equations, 2 unknowns) by calculating the value of beta2 (slope). The formula of beta1 (the y-intercept) is given as a comment in case it is needed later. """ sum_xi = 0 sum_xi_sq = 0 sum_yi_xi = 0 sum_yi = 0 for i in range(0, m): xi = data_series[i][0] yi = data_series[i][1] sum_xi += xi sum_xi_sq += xi**2 sum_yi_xi += xi * yi sum_yi += yi beta2 = (sum_yi * sum_xi - m * sum_yi_xi) / \ (sum_xi**2 - m * sum_xi_sq) # The slope # beta1 = (sum_yi_xi - beta2*sum_xi_sq)/sum_xi #The y-intercept if # needed return beta2 def range_value(data_series): """ This function implements a range algorithm that returns a float number representing the range of the data_series that is passed to it. The data_series being passed is assumed to follow the following data pattern : [y1, y2, y3, ..., ym] where yi represents the ith measuring point of the y variable. The y variable represents the Volume performance being tested (e.g. IOPS, latency...). If this data pattern were to change, the data_treatment function should be adjusted to ensure compatibility with the rest of the Steady State Dectection module. The conversion of the data series from the original pattern to the [y1, y2, y3, ..., ym] pattern is done outside this function so the original pattern can be changed without breaking this function. """ # In the particular case of an empty data series if len(data_series) == 0: range_value = 0 else: # The general case max_value = max(data_series) min_value = min(data_series) range_value = max_value - min_value return range_value