############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 EMC and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from _sqlite3 import OperationalError import calendar import logging import sqlite3 import time import uuid import requests class JobDB(object): db_name = "StorPerf.db" def __init__(self): """ Creates the StorPerf.db and jobs tables on demand """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.debug("Connecting to " + JobDB.db_name) self.job_id = None db = sqlite3.connect(JobDB.db_name) cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE jobs (job_id text, workload text, start text, end text)''') self.logger.debug("Created job table") except OperationalError: self.logger.debug("Job table exists") cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM jobs') def create_job_id(self): """ Returns a job id that is guaranteed to be unique in this StorPerf instance. """ db = sqlite3.connect(JobDB.db_name) cursor = db.cursor() self.job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) row = cursor.execute( "select * from jobs where job_id = ?", (self.job_id,)) while (row.fetchone() is not None): self.logger.info("Duplicate job id found, regenerating") self.job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) row = cursor.execute( "select * from jobs where job_id = ?", (self.job_id,)) cursor.execute( "insert into jobs(job_id) values (?)", (self.job_id,)) self.logger.debug("Reserved job id " + self.job_id) db.commit() def start_workload(self, workload_name): """ Records the start time for the given workload """ if (self.job_id is None): self.create_job_id() db = sqlite3.connect(JobDB.db_name) cursor = db.cursor() now = str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())) row = cursor.execute( """select * from jobs where job_id = ? and workload = ?""", (self.job_id, workload_name,)) if (row.fetchone() is None): cursor.execute( """insert into jobs (job_id, workload, start) values (?, ?, ?)""", (self.job_id, workload_name, now,)) else: self.logger.warn("Duplicate start time for workload " + workload_name) cursor.execute( """update jobs set job_id = ?, start = ? where workload = ?""", (self.job_id, now, workload_name,)) db.commit() def end_workload(self, workload_name): """ Records the end time for the given workload """ if (self.job_id is None): self.create_job_id() db = sqlite3.connect(JobDB.db_name) cursor = db.cursor() now = str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())) row = cursor.execute( """select * from jobs where job_id = ? and workload = ?""", (self.job_id, workload_name,)) if (row.fetchone() is None): self.logger.warn("No start time recorded for workload " + workload_name) cursor.execute( """insert into jobs (job_id, workload, start, end) values (?, ?, ?, ?)""", (self.job_id, workload_name, now, now)) else: cursor.execute( """update jobs set job_id = ?, end = ? where workload = ?""", (self.job_id, now, workload_name,)) db.commit() def fetch_results(self, workload_prefix=""): if (workload_prefix is None): workload_prefix = "" workload_prefix = workload_prefix + "%" stats = () start_time = str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())) end_time = "0" self.logger.debug("Workload like: " + workload_prefix) db = sqlite3.connect(JobDB.db_name) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""select start, end, workload from jobs where workload like ?""", (workload_prefix,)) while (True): row = cursor.fetchone() if (row is None): break start_time = str(row[0]) end_time = str(row[1]) workload = str(row[2]) # for most of these stats, we just want the final one # as that is cumulative average or whatever for the whole # run self.logger.info("workload=" + workload + "start=" + start_time + " end=" + end_time) request = '*.' + self.job_id + \ '.' + workload + '.jobs.1.*.clat.mean&format=json&from=' + \ start_time + "&until=" + end_time response = requests.get(request) if (response.status_code == 200): data = response.json() print data else: pass