# Edit this file to override the default graphite settings, do not edit settings.py

# Turn on debugging and restart apache if you ever see an "Internal Server Error" page
#DEBUG = True

# Set your local timezone (django will try to figure this out automatically)

# Setting MEMCACHE_HOSTS to be empty will turn off use of memcached entirely

# Sometimes you need to do a lot of rendering work but cannot share your storage mount
#RENDERING_HOSTS = ['fastserver01','fastserver02']

# If you've got more than one backend server they should all be listed here

# Override this if you need to provide documentation specific to your graphite deployment
#DOCUMENTATION_URL = "http://wiki.mycompany.com/graphite"

# Enable email-related features
#SMTP_SERVER = "mail.mycompany.com"

# LDAP / ActiveDirectory authentication setup
#LDAP_SERVER = "ldap.mycompany.com"
#LDAP_PORT = 389
#LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = "OU=users,DC=mycompany,DC=com"
#LDAP_BASE_USER = "CN=some_readonly_account,DC=mycompany,DC=com"
#LDAP_BASE_PASS = "readonly_account_password"
#LDAP_USER_QUERY = "(username=%s)"  #For Active Directory use "(sAMAccountName=%s)"

# If sqlite won't cut it, configure your real database here (don't forget to run manage.py syncdb!)
#DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql' # or 'postgres'
#DATABASE_NAME = 'graphite'
#DATABASE_USER = 'graphite'
#DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'graphite-is-awesome'
#DATABASE_HOST = 'mysql.mycompany.com'