#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 EMC and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## echo "Verifying code format and compliance..." if [ -z $WORKSPACE ] then WORKSPACE="$HOME" fi virtualenv $WORKSPACE/storperf_venv source $WORKSPACE/storperf_venv/bin/activate pip install setuptools pip install autoflake==0.6.6 pip install autopep8==1.2.2 pip install coverage==3.4 pip install flask==0.10 pip install flask-restful==0.3.5 pip install flask-restful-swagger==0.19 pip install flask-swagger==0.2.12 pip install funcsigs==0.4 pip install flake8==2.5.4 pip install html2text==2016.1.8 pip install mock==1.3.0 pip install nose==1.3.7 pip install python-cinderclient==1.6.0 pip install python-glanceclient==1.1.0 pip install python-heatclient==0.8.0 pip install python-keystoneclient==1.6.0 pip install python-neutronclient==2.6.0 pip install python-novaclient==2.28.1 pip install pyyaml==3.10 pip install requests==2.9.1 pip install six==1.10.0 python ci/setup.py develop flake8 storperf nosetests --with-xunit \ --with-coverage \ --cover-package=storperf\ --cover-xml \ storperf rc=$? deactivate exit $rc