""" Task for dnsmasq configuration """ import contextlib import logging from teuthology import misc from teuthology.exceptions import ConfigError from teuthology import contextutil from util import get_remote_for_role log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextlib.contextmanager def setup_dnsmasq(remote, cnames): """ configure dnsmasq on the given remote, adding each cname given """ log.info('Configuring dnsmasq on remote %s..', remote.name) # back up existing resolv.conf resolv_conf = misc.get_file(remote, '/etc/resolv.conf') # point resolv.conf to local dnsmasq misc.sudo_write_file(remote, '/etc/resolv.conf', "nameserver\n") # add address entries to /etc/dnsmasq.d/ceph dnsmasq = "server=\nserver=\n" address_template = "address=/{cname}/{ip_address}\n" for cname, ip_address in cnames.iteritems(): dnsmasq += address_template.format(cname=cname, ip_address=ip_address) misc.sudo_write_file(remote, '/etc/dnsmasq.d/ceph', dnsmasq) remote.run(args=['cat', '/etc/dnsmasq.d/ceph']) # restart dnsmasq remote.run(args=['sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', 'dnsmasq']) remote.run(args=['sudo', 'systemctl', 'status', 'dnsmasq']) # verify dns name is set remote.run(args=['ping', '-c', '4', cnames.keys()[0]]) yield log.info('Removing dnsmasq configuration from remote %s..', remote.name) # restore resolv.conf misc.sudo_write_file(remote, '/etc/resolv.conf', resolv_conf) # restart dnsmasq remote.run(args=['sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', 'dnsmasq']) @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Configures dnsmasq to add cnames for teuthology remotes. The task expects a dictionary, where each key is a role. If all cnames for that role use the same address as that role, the cnames can be given as a list. For example, this entry configures dnsmasq on the remote associated with client.0, adding two cnames for the ip address associated with client.0: - dnsmasq: client.0: - client0.example.com - c0.example.com If the addresses do not all match the given role, a dictionary can be given to specify the ip address by its target role. For example: - dnsmasq: client.0: client.0.example.com: client.0 client.1.example.com: client.1 """ # apply overrides overrides = config.get('overrides', {}) misc.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('dnsmasq', {})) # multiple roles may map to the same remote, so collect names by remote remote_names = {} for role, cnames in config.iteritems(): remote = get_remote_for_role(ctx, role) if remote is None: raise ConfigError('no remote for role %s' % role) names = remote_names.get(remote, {}) if isinstance(cnames, list): # when given a list of cnames, point to local ip for cname in cnames: names[cname] = remote.ip_address elif isinstance(cnames, dict): # when given a dict, look up the remote ip for each for cname, client in cnames.iteritems(): r = get_remote_for_role(ctx, client) if r is None: raise ConfigError('no remote for role %s' % client) names[cname] = r.ip_address remote_names[remote] = names # run a subtask for each unique remote subtasks = [] for remote, cnames in remote_names.iteritems(): subtasks.extend([ lambda r=remote, cn=cnames: setup_dnsmasq(r, cn) ]) with contextutil.nested(*subtasks): yield