--- - name: install ceph-common external package when ceph backend enabled apt: name: ceph-common when: enabled_backend == "ceph" - name: copy opensds ceph backend file if specify ceph backend copy: src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/ceph.yaml dest: "{{ ceph_config_path }}" - name: check for ceph-ansible source code existed stat: path: /opt/ceph-ansible ignore_errors: yes register: cephansibleexisted - name: download ceph-ansible source code git: repo: https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible.git dest: /opt/ceph-ansible when: - cephansibleexisted.stat.exists is undefined or cephansibleexisted.stat.exists == false - name: copy ceph inventory host into ceph-ansible directory copy: src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/ceph.hosts dest: /opt/ceph-ansible/ceph.hosts - name: copy ceph all.yml file into ceph-ansible group_vars directory copy: src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/all.yml dest: /opt/ceph-ansible/group_vars/all.yml - name: copy ceph osds.yml file into ceph-ansible group_vars directory copy: src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/osds.yml dest: /opt/ceph-ansible/group_vars/osds.yml - name: copy site.yml.sample to site.yml in ceph-ansible copy: src: /opt/ceph-ansible/site.yml.sample dest: /opt/ceph-ansible/site.yml - name: ping all hosts shell: ansible all -m ping -i ceph.hosts become: true args: chdir: /opt/ceph-ansible - name: run ceph-ansible playbook shell: ansible-playbook site.yml -i ceph.hosts become: true args: chdir: /opt/ceph-ansible - name: Check if ceph osd is running shell: ps aux | grep ceph-osd | grep -v grep ignore_errors: false changed_when: false register: service_ceph_osd_status - name: Check if ceph mon is running shell: ps aux | grep ceph-mon | grep -v grep ignore_errors: false changed_when: false register: service_ceph_mon_status - name: Create a pool and initialize it. shell: ceph osd pool create {{ ceph_pool_name }} 100 && ceph osd pool set {{ ceph_pool_name }} size 1 ignore_errors: yes changed_when: false register: ceph_init_pool when: service_ceph_mon_status.rc == 0 and service_ceph_osd_status.rc == 0