# opensds-ansible This is an installation tool for opensds using ansible. ## 1. How to install an opensds local cluster ### Pre-config (Ubuntu 16.04) First download some system packages: ``` sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server git make gcc ``` Then config ```/etc/ssh/sshd_config``` file and change one line: ```conf PermitRootLogin yes ``` Next generate ssh-token: ```bash ssh-keygen -t rsa ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # IP address of the target machine of the installation ``` ### Install docker If use a standalone cinder as backend, you also need to install docker to run cinder service. Please see the [docker installation document](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/) for details. ### Install ansible tool To install ansible, you can run `install_ansible.sh` directly or input these commands below: ```bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible # This step is needed to upgrade ansible to version 2.4.2 which is required for the ceph backend. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ansible ansible --version # Ansible version 2.4.2 or higher is required for ceph; or higher is needed for other backends. ``` ### Configure opensds cluster variables: ##### System environment: Configure these variables below in `group_vars/common.yml`: ```yaml opensds_release: v0.1.4 # The version should be at least v0.1.4. nbp_release: v0.1.0 # The version should be at least v0.1.0. container_enabled: ``` If you want to integrate OpenSDS with cloud platform (for example k8s), please modify `nbp_plugin_type` variable in `group_vars/common.yml`: ```yaml nbp_plugin_type: standalone # standalone is the default integration way, but you can change it to 'csi', 'flexvolume' ``` #### Database configuration Currently OpenSDS adopts `etcd` as database backend, and the default db endpoint is `localhost:2379,localhost:2380`. But to avoid some conflicts with existing environment (k8s local cluster), we suggest you change the port of etcd cluster in `group_vars/osdsdb.yml`: ```yaml db_endpoint: localhost:62379,localhost:62380 etcd_host: etcd_port: 62379 etcd_peer_port: 62380 ``` ##### LVM If `lvm` is chosen as storage backend, modify `group_vars/osdsdock.yml`: ```yaml enabled_backend: lvm # Change it according to the chosen backend. Supported backends include 'lvm', 'ceph', and 'cinder' pv_devices: # Specify block devices and ensure them existed if you choose lvm #- /dev/sdc #- /dev/sdd vg_name: "specified_vg_name" # Specify a name for VG if choosing lvm ``` Modify ```group_vars/lvm/lvm.yaml```, change pool name to be the same as `vg_name` above: ```yaml "vg001" # change pool name to be the same as vg_name ``` ##### Ceph If `ceph` is chosen as storage backend, modify `group_vars/osdsdock.yml`: ```yaml enabled_backend: ceph # Change it according to the chosen backend. Supported backends include 'lvm', 'ceph', and 'cinder'. ceph_pools: # Specify pool name randomly if choosing ceph - rbd #- ssd #- sas ``` Modify ```group_vars/ceph/ceph.yaml```, change pool name to be the same as `ceph_pool_name`. But if you enable multiple pools, please append the current pool format: ```yaml "rbd" # change pool name to be the same as ceph pool ``` Configure two files under ```group_vars/ceph```: `all.yml` and `osds.yml`. Here is an example: ```group_vars/ceph/all.yml```: ```yml ceph_origin: repository ceph_repository: community ceph_stable_release: luminous # Choose luminous as default version public_network: "" # Run 'ip -4 address' to check the ip address cluster_network: "{{ public_network }}" monitor_interface: eth1 # Change to the network interface on the target machine ``` ```group_vars/ceph/osds.yml```: ```yml devices: # For ceph devices, append ONE or MULTIPLE devices like the example below: - '/dev/sda' # Ensure this device exists and available if ceph is chosen - '/dev/sdb' # Ensure this device exists and available if ceph is chosen osd_scenario: collocated ``` ##### Cinder If `cinder` is chosen as storage backend, modify `group_vars/osdsdock.yml`: ```yaml enabled_backend: cinder # Change it according to the chosen backend. Supported backends include 'lvm', 'ceph', and 'cinder' # Use block-box install cinder_standalone if true, see details in: use_cinder_standalone: true # If true, you can configure cinder_container_platform, cinder_image_tag, # cinder_volume_group. # Default: debian:stretch, and ubuntu:xenial, centos:7 is also supported. cinder_container_platform: debian:stretch # The image tag can be arbitrarily modified, as long as follow the image naming # conventions, default: debian-cinder cinder_image_tag: debian-cinder # The cinder standalone use lvm driver as default driver, therefore `volume_group` # should be configured, the default is: cinder-volumes. The volume group will be # removed when use ansible script clean environment. cinder_volume_group: cinder-volumes ``` Configure the auth and pool options to access cinder in `group_vars/cinder/cinder.yaml`. Do not need to make additional configure changes if using cinder standalone. ### Check if the hosts can be reached ```bash sudo ansible all -m ping -i local.hosts ``` ### Run opensds-ansible playbook to start deploy ```bash sudo ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts ``` ## 2. How to test opensds cluster ### Configure opensds CLI tool ```bash sudo cp /opt/opensds-{opensds-release}-linux-amd64/bin/osdsctl /usr/local/bin export OPENSDS_ENDPOINT= export OPENSDS_AUTH_STRATEGY=noauth osdsctl pool list # Check if the pool resource is available ``` ### Create a default profile first. ``` osdsctl profile create '{"name": "default", "description": "default policy"}' ``` ### Create a volume. ``` osdsctl volume create 1 --name=test-001 ``` For cinder, az needs to be specified. ``` osdsctl volume create 1 --name=test-001 --az nova ``` ### List all volumes. ``` osdsctl volume list ``` ### Delete the volume. ``` osdsctl volume delete ``` ## 3. How to purge and clean opensds cluster ### Run opensds-ansible playbook to clean the environment ```bash sudo ansible-playbook clean.yml -i local.hosts ``` ### Run ceph-ansible playbook to clean ceph cluster if ceph is deployed ```bash cd /opt/ceph-ansible sudo ansible-playbook infrastructure-playbooks/purge-cluster.yml -i ceph.hosts ``` ### Remove ceph-ansible source code (optional) ```bash cd .. sudo rm -rf /opt/ceph-ansible ```