path: root/src/ceph/doc/rados/operations/pools.rst
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- Pools
-When you first deploy a cluster without creating a pool, Ceph uses the default
-pools for storing data. A pool provides you with:
-- **Resilience**: You can set how many OSD are allowed to fail without losing data.
- For replicated pools, it is the desired number of copies/replicas of an object.
- A typical configuration stores an object and one additional copy
- (i.e., ``size = 2``), but you can determine the number of copies/replicas.
- For `erasure coded pools <../erasure-code>`_, it is the number of coding chunks
- (i.e. ``m=2`` in the **erasure code profile**)
-- **Placement Groups**: You can set the number of placement groups for the pool.
- A typical configuration uses approximately 100 placement groups per OSD to
- provide optimal balancing without using up too many computing resources. When
- setting up multiple pools, be careful to ensure you set a reasonable number of
- placement groups for both the pool and the cluster as a whole.
-- **CRUSH Rules**: When you store data in a pool, a CRUSH ruleset mapped to the
- pool enables CRUSH to identify a rule for the placement of the object
- and its replicas (or chunks for erasure coded pools) in your cluster.
- You can create a custom CRUSH rule for your pool.
-- **Snapshots**: When you create snapshots with ``ceph osd pool mksnap``,
- you effectively take a snapshot of a particular pool.
-To organize data into pools, you can list, create, and remove pools.
-You can also view the utilization statistics for each pool.
-List Pools
-To list your cluster's pools, execute::
- ceph osd lspools
-On a freshly installed cluster, only the ``rbd`` pool exists.
-.. _createpool:
-Create a Pool
-Before creating pools, refer to the `Pool, PG and CRUSH Config Reference`_.
-Ideally, you should override the default value for the number of placement
-groups in your Ceph configuration file, as the default is NOT ideal.
-For details on placement group numbers refer to `setting the number of placement groups`_
-.. note:: Starting with Luminous, all pools need to be associated to the
- application using the pool. See `Associate Pool to Application`_ below for
- more information.
-For example::
- osd pool default pg num = 100
- osd pool default pgp num = 100
-To create a pool, execute::
- ceph osd pool create {pool-name} {pg-num} [{pgp-num}] [replicated] \
- [crush-rule-name] [expected-num-objects]
- ceph osd pool create {pool-name} {pg-num} {pgp-num} erasure \
- [erasure-code-profile] [crush-rule-name] [expected_num_objects]
-:Description: The name of the pool. It must be unique.
-:Type: String
-:Required: Yes.
-:Description: The total number of placement groups for the pool. See `Placement
- Groups`_ for details on calculating a suitable number. The
- default value ``8`` is NOT suitable for most systems.
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: Yes.
-:Default: 8
-:Description: The total number of placement groups for placement purposes. This
- **should be equal to the total number of placement groups**, except
- for placement group splitting scenarios.
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: Yes. Picks up default or Ceph configuration value if not specified.
-:Default: 8
-:Description: The pool type which may either be **replicated** to
- recover from lost OSDs by keeping multiple copies of the
- objects or **erasure** to get a kind of
- `generalized RAID5 <../erasure-code>`_ capability.
- The **replicated** pools require more
- raw storage but implement all Ceph operations. The
- **erasure** pools require less raw storage but only
- implement a subset of the available operations.
-:Type: String
-:Required: No.
-:Default: replicated
-:Description: The name of a CRUSH rule to use for this pool. The specified
- rule must exist.
-:Type: String
-:Required: No.
-:Default: For **replicated** pools it is the ruleset specified by the ``osd
- pool default crush replicated ruleset`` config variable. This
- ruleset must exist.
- For **erasure** pools it is ``erasure-code`` if the ``default``
- `erasure code profile`_ is used or ``{pool-name}`` otherwise. This
- ruleset will be created implicitly if it doesn't exist already.
-.. _erasure code profile: ../erasure-code-profile
-:Description: For **erasure** pools only. Use the `erasure code profile`_. It
- must be an existing profile as defined by
- **osd erasure-code-profile set**.
-:Type: String
-:Required: No.
-When you create a pool, set the number of placement groups to a reasonable value
-(e.g., ``100``). Consider the total number of placement groups per OSD too.
-Placement groups are computationally expensive, so performance will degrade when
-you have many pools with many placement groups (e.g., 50 pools with 100
-placement groups each). The point of diminishing returns depends upon the power
-of the OSD host.
-See `Placement Groups`_ for details on calculating an appropriate number of
-placement groups for your pool.
-.. _Placement Groups: ../placement-groups
-:Description: The expected number of objects for this pool. By setting this value (
- together with a negative **filestore merge threshold**), the PG folder
- splitting would happen at the pool creation time, to avoid the latency
- impact to do a runtime folder splitting.
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: No.
-:Default: 0, no splitting at the pool creation time.
-Associate Pool to Application
-Pools need to be associated with an application before use. Pools that will be
-used with CephFS or pools that are automatically created by RGW are
-automatically associated. Pools that are intended for use with RBD should be
-initialized using the ``rbd`` tool (see `Block Device Commands`_ for more
-For other cases, you can manually associate a free-form application name to
-a pool.::
- ceph osd pool application enable {pool-name} {application-name}
-.. note:: CephFS uses the application name ``cephfs``, RBD uses the
- application name ``rbd``, and RGW uses the application name ``rgw``.
-Set Pool Quotas
-You can set pool quotas for the maximum number of bytes and/or the maximum
-number of objects per pool. ::
- ceph osd pool set-quota {pool-name} [max_objects {obj-count}] [max_bytes {bytes}]
-For example::
- ceph osd pool set-quota data max_objects 10000
-To remove a quota, set its value to ``0``.
-Delete a Pool
-To delete a pool, execute::
- ceph osd pool delete {pool-name} [{pool-name} --yes-i-really-really-mean-it]
-To remove a pool the mon_allow_pool_delete flag must be set to true in the Monitor's
-configuration. Otherwise they will refuse to remove a pool.
-See `Monitor Configuration`_ for more information.
-.. _Monitor Configuration: ../../configuration/mon-config-ref
-If you created your own rulesets and rules for a pool you created, you should
-consider removing them when you no longer need your pool::
- ceph osd pool get {pool-name} crush_ruleset
-If the ruleset was "123", for example, you can check the other pools like so::
- ceph osd dump | grep "^pool" | grep "crush_ruleset 123"
-If no other pools use that custom ruleset, then it's safe to delete that
-ruleset from the cluster.
-If you created users with permissions strictly for a pool that no longer
-exists, you should consider deleting those users too::
- ceph auth ls | grep -C 5 {pool-name}
- ceph auth del {user}
-Rename a Pool
-To rename a pool, execute::
- ceph osd pool rename {current-pool-name} {new-pool-name}
-If you rename a pool and you have per-pool capabilities for an authenticated
-user, you must update the user's capabilities (i.e., caps) with the new pool
-.. note:: Version ``0.48`` Argonaut and above.
-Show Pool Statistics
-To show a pool's utilization statistics, execute::
- rados df
-Make a Snapshot of a Pool
-To make a snapshot of a pool, execute::
- ceph osd pool mksnap {pool-name} {snap-name}
-.. note:: Version ``0.48`` Argonaut and above.
-Remove a Snapshot of a Pool
-To remove a snapshot of a pool, execute::
- ceph osd pool rmsnap {pool-name} {snap-name}
-.. note:: Version ``0.48`` Argonaut and above.
-.. _setpoolvalues:
-Set Pool Values
-To set a value to a pool, execute the following::
- ceph osd pool set {pool-name} {key} {value}
-You may set values for the following keys:
-.. _compression_algorithm:
-:Description: Sets inline compression algorithm to use for underlying BlueStore.
- This setting overrides the `global setting <rados/configuration/bluestore-config-ref/#inline-compression>`_ of ``bluestore compression algorithm``.
-:Type: String
-:Valid Settings: ``lz4``, ``snappy``, ``zlib``, ``zstd``
-:Description: Sets the policy for the inline compression algorithm for underlying BlueStore.
- This setting overrides the `global setting <rados/configuration/bluestore-config-ref/#inline-compression>`_ of ``bluestore compression mode``.
-:Type: String
-:Valid Settings: ``none``, ``passive``, ``aggressive``, ``force``
-:Description: Chunks smaller than this are never compressed.
- This setting overrides the `global setting <rados/configuration/bluestore-config-ref/#inline-compression>`_ of ``bluestore compression min blob *``.
-:Type: Unsigned Integer
-:Description: Chunks larger than this are broken into smaller blobs sizing
- ``compression_max_blob_size`` before being compressed.
-:Type: Unsigned Integer
-.. _size:
-:Description: Sets the number of replicas for objects in the pool.
- See `Set the Number of Object Replicas`_ for further details.
- Replicated pools only.
-:Type: Integer
-.. _min_size:
-:Description: Sets the minimum number of replicas required for I/O.
- See `Set the Number of Object Replicas`_ for further details.
- Replicated pools only.
-:Type: Integer
-:Version: ``0.54`` and above
-.. _pg_num:
-:Description: The effective number of placement groups to use when calculating
- data placement.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: Superior to ``pg_num`` current value.
-.. _pgp_num:
-:Description: The effective number of placement groups for placement to use
- when calculating data placement.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: Equal to or less than ``pg_num``.
-.. _crush_ruleset:
-:Description: The ruleset to use for mapping object placement in the cluster.
-:Type: Integer
-.. _allow_ec_overwrites:
-:Description: Whether writes to an erasure coded pool can update part
- of an object, so cephfs and rbd can use it. See
- `Erasure Coding with Overwrites`_ for more details.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Version: ``12.2.0`` and above
-.. _hashpspool:
-:Description: Set/Unset HASHPSPOOL flag on a given pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 1 sets flag, 0 unsets flag
-:Version: Version ``0.48`` Argonaut and above.
-.. _nodelete:
-:Description: Set/Unset NODELETE flag on a given pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 1 sets flag, 0 unsets flag
-:Version: Version ``FIXME``
-.. _nopgchange:
-:Description: Set/Unset NOPGCHANGE flag on a given pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 1 sets flag, 0 unsets flag
-:Version: Version ``FIXME``
-.. _nosizechange:
-:Description: Set/Unset NOSIZECHANGE flag on a given pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 1 sets flag, 0 unsets flag
-:Version: Version ``FIXME``
-.. _write_fadvise_dontneed:
-:Description: Set/Unset WRITE_FADVISE_DONTNEED flag on a given pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 1 sets flag, 0 unsets flag
-.. _noscrub:
-:Description: Set/Unset NOSCRUB flag on a given pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 1 sets flag, 0 unsets flag
-.. _nodeep-scrub:
-:Description: Set/Unset NODEEP_SCRUB flag on a given pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 1 sets flag, 0 unsets flag
-.. _hit_set_type:
-:Description: Enables hit set tracking for cache pools.
- See `Bloom Filter`_ for additional information.
-:Type: String
-:Valid Settings: ``bloom``, ``explicit_hash``, ``explicit_object``
-:Default: ``bloom``. Other values are for testing.
-.. _hit_set_count:
-:Description: The number of hit sets to store for cache pools. The higher
- the number, the more RAM consumed by the ``ceph-osd`` daemon.
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: ``1``. Agent doesn't handle > 1 yet.
-.. _hit_set_period:
-:Description: The duration of a hit set period in seconds for cache pools.
- The higher the number, the more RAM consumed by the
- ``ceph-osd`` daemon.
-:Type: Integer
-:Example: ``3600`` 1hr
-.. _hit_set_fpp:
-:Description: The false positive probability for the ``bloom`` hit set type.
- See `Bloom Filter`_ for additional information.
-:Type: Double
-:Valid Range: 0.0 - 1.0
-:Default: ``0.05``
-.. _cache_target_dirty_ratio:
-:Description: The percentage of the cache pool containing modified (dirty)
- objects before the cache tiering agent will flush them to the
- backing storage pool.
-:Type: Double
-:Default: ``.4``
-.. _cache_target_dirty_high_ratio:
-:Description: The percentage of the cache pool containing modified (dirty)
- objects before the cache tiering agent will flush them to the
- backing storage pool with a higher speed.
-:Type: Double
-:Default: ``.6``
-.. _cache_target_full_ratio:
-:Description: The percentage of the cache pool containing unmodified (clean)
- objects before the cache tiering agent will evict them from the
- cache pool.
-:Type: Double
-:Default: ``.8``
-.. _target_max_bytes:
-:Description: Ceph will begin flushing or evicting objects when the
- ``max_bytes`` threshold is triggered.
-:Type: Integer
-:Example: ``1000000000000`` #1-TB
-.. _target_max_objects:
-:Description: Ceph will begin flushing or evicting objects when the
- ``max_objects`` threshold is triggered.
-:Type: Integer
-:Example: ``1000000`` #1M objects
-:Description: Temperature decay rate between two successive hit_sets
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 0 - 100
-:Default: ``20``
-:Description: Count at most N appearance in hit_sets for temperature calculation
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: 0 - hit_set_count
-:Default: ``1``
-.. _cache_min_flush_age:
-:Description: The time (in seconds) before the cache tiering agent will flush
- an object from the cache pool to the storage pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Example: ``600`` 10min
-.. _cache_min_evict_age:
-:Description: The time (in seconds) before the cache tiering agent will evict
- an object from the cache pool.
-:Type: Integer
-:Example: ``1800`` 30min
-.. _fast_read:
-:Description: On Erasure Coding pool, if this flag is turned on, the read request
- would issue sub reads to all shards, and waits until it receives enough
- shards to decode to serve the client. In the case of jerasure and isa
- erasure plugins, once the first K replies return, client's request is
- served immediately using the data decoded from these replies. This
- helps to tradeoff some resources for better performance. Currently this
- flag is only supported for Erasure Coding pool.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Defaults: ``0``
-.. _scrub_min_interval:
-:Description: The minimum interval in seconds for pool scrubbing when
- load is low. If it is 0, the value osd_scrub_min_interval
- from config is used.
-:Type: Double
-:Default: ``0``
-.. _scrub_max_interval:
-:Description: The maximum interval in seconds for pool scrubbing
- irrespective of cluster load. If it is 0, the value
- osd_scrub_max_interval from config is used.
-:Type: Double
-:Default: ``0``
-.. _deep_scrub_interval:
-:Description: The interval in seconds for pool “deep” scrubbing. If it
- is 0, the value osd_deep_scrub_interval from config is used.
-:Type: Double
-:Default: ``0``
-Get Pool Values
-To get a value from a pool, execute the following::
- ceph osd pool get {pool-name} {key}
-You may get values for the following keys:
-:Description: see size_
-:Type: Integer
-:Description: see min_size_
-:Type: Integer
-:Version: ``0.54`` and above
-:Description: see pg_num_
-:Type: Integer
-:Description: see pgp_num_
-:Type: Integer
-:Valid Range: Equal to or less than ``pg_num``.
-:Description: see crush_ruleset_
-:Description: see hit_set_type_
-:Type: String
-:Valid Settings: ``bloom``, ``explicit_hash``, ``explicit_object``
-:Description: see hit_set_count_
-:Type: Integer
-:Description: see hit_set_period_
-:Type: Integer
-:Description: see hit_set_fpp_
-:Type: Double
-:Description: see cache_target_dirty_ratio_
-:Type: Double
-:Description: see cache_target_dirty_high_ratio_
-:Type: Double
-:Description: see cache_target_full_ratio_
-:Type: Double
-:Description: see target_max_bytes_
-:Type: Integer
-:Description: see target_max_objects_
-:Type: Integer
-:Description: see cache_min_flush_age_
-:Type: Integer
-:Description: see cache_min_evict_age_
-:Type: Integer
-:Description: see fast_read_
-:Type: Boolean
-:Description: see scrub_min_interval_
-:Type: Double
-:Description: see scrub_max_interval_
-:Type: Double
-:Description: see deep_scrub_interval_
-:Type: Double
-Set the Number of Object Replicas
-To set the number of object replicas on a replicated pool, execute the following::
- ceph osd pool set {poolname} size {num-replicas}
-.. important:: The ``{num-replicas}`` includes the object itself.
- If you want the object and two copies of the object for a total of
- three instances of the object, specify ``3``.
-For example::
- ceph osd pool set data size 3
-You may execute this command for each pool. **Note:** An object might accept
-I/Os in degraded mode with fewer than ``pool size`` replicas. To set a minimum
-number of required replicas for I/O, you should use the ``min_size`` setting.
-For example::
- ceph osd pool set data min_size 2
-This ensures that no object in the data pool will receive I/O with fewer than
-``min_size`` replicas.
-Get the Number of Object Replicas
-To get the number of object replicas, execute the following::
- ceph osd dump | grep 'replicated size'
-Ceph will list the pools, with the ``replicated size`` attribute highlighted.
-By default, ceph creates two replicas of an object (a total of three copies, or
-a size of 3).
-.. _Pool, PG and CRUSH Config Reference: ../../configuration/pool-pg-config-ref
-.. _Bloom Filter:
-.. _setting the number of placement groups: ../placement-groups#set-the-number-of-placement-groups
-.. _Erasure Coding with Overwrites: ../erasure-code#erasure-coding-with-overwrites
-.. _Block Device Commands: ../../../rbd/rados-rbd-cmds/#create-a-block-device-pool