path: root/src/ceph/doc/mgr/plugins.rst
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+ceph-mgr plugin author guide
+Creating a plugin
+In pybind/mgr/, create a python module. Within your module, create a class
+named ``Module`` that inherits from ``MgrModule``.
+The most important methods to override are:
+* a ``serve`` member function for server-type modules. This
+ function should block forever.
+* a ``notify`` member function if your module needs to
+ take action when new cluster data is available.
+* a ``handle_command`` member function if your module
+ exposes CLI commands.
+Installing a plugin
+Once your module is present in the location set by the
+``mgr module path`` configuration setting, you can enable it
+via the ``ceph mgr module enable`` command::
+ ceph mgr module enable mymodule
+Note that the MgrModule interface is not stable, so any modules maintained
+outside of the Ceph tree are liable to break when run against any newer
+or older versions of Ceph.
+MgrModule instances have a ``log`` property which is a logger instance that
+sends log messages into the Ceph logging layer where they will be recorded
+in the mgr daemon's log file.
+Use it the same way you would any other python logger. The python
+log levels debug, info, warn, err are mapped into the Ceph
+severities 20, 4, 1 and 0 respectively.
+Exposing commands
+Set the ``COMMANDS`` class attribute of your plugin to a list of dicts
+like this::
+ {
+ "cmd": "foobar name=myarg,type=CephString",
+ "desc": "Do something awesome",
+ "perm": "rw"
+ }
+ ]
+The ``cmd`` part of each entry is parsed in the same way as internal
+Ceph mon and admin socket commands (see mon/MonCommands.h in
+the Ceph source for examples)
+Config settings
+Modules have access to a simple key/value store (keys and values are
+byte strings) for storing configuration. Don't use this for
+storing large amounts of data.
+Config values are stored using the mon's config-key commands.
+Hints for using these:
+* Reads are fast: ceph-mgr keeps a local in-memory copy
+* Don't set things by hand with "ceph config-key", the mgr doesn't update
+ at runtime (only set things from within modules).
+* Writes block until the value is persisted, but reads from another
+ thread will see the new value immediately.
+Any config settings you want to expose to users from your module will
+need corresponding hooks in ``COMMANDS`` to expose a setter.
+Accessing cluster data
+Modules have access to the in-memory copies of the Ceph cluster's
+state that the mgr maintains. Accessor functions as exposed
+as members of MgrModule.
+Calls that access the cluster or daemon state are generally going
+from Python into native C++ routines. There is some overhead to this,
+but much less than for example calling into a REST API or calling into
+an SQL database.
+There are no consistency rules about access to cluster structures or
+daemon metadata. For example, an OSD might exist in OSDMap but
+have no metadata, or vice versa. On a healthy cluster these
+will be very rare transient states, but plugins should be written
+to cope with the possibility.
+``get(self, data_name)``
+Fetch named cluster-wide objects such as the OSDMap. Valid things
+to fetch are osd_crush_map_text, osd_map, osd_map_tree,
+osd_map_crush, config, mon_map, fs_map, osd_metadata, pg_summary,
+df, osd_stats, health, mon_status.
+All these structures have their own JSON representations: experiment
+or look at the C++ dump() methods to learn about them.
+``get_server(self, hostname)``
+Fetch metadata about a particular hostname. This is information
+that ceph-mgr has gleaned from the daemon metadata reported
+by daemons running on a particular server.
+Like ``get_server``, but gives information about all servers (i.e. all
+unique hostnames that have been mentioned in daemon metadata)
+``get_metadata(self, svc_type, svc_id)``
+Fetch the daemon metadata for a particular service. svc_type is one
+of osd or mds, and svc_id is a string (convert OSD integer IDs to strings
+when calling this).
+``get_counter(self, svc_type, svc_name, path)``
+Fetch the latest performance counter data for a particular counter. The
+path is a period-separated concatenation of the subsystem and the counter
+name, for example "mds.inodes".
+A list of two-tuples of (timestamp, value) is returned. This may be
+empty if no data is available.
+Sending commands
+A non-blocking facility is provided for sending monitor commands
+to the cluster.
+``send_command(self, result, command_str, tag)``
+The ``result`` parameter should be an instance of the CommandResult
+class, defined in the same module as MgrModule. This acts as a
+completion and stores the output of the command. Use CommandResult.wait()
+if you want to block on completion.
+The ``command_str`` parameter is a JSON-serialized command. This
+uses the same format as the ceph command line, which is a dictionary
+of command arguments, with the extra ``prefix`` key containing the
+command name itself. Consult MonCommands.h for available commands
+and their expected arguments.
+The ``tag`` parameter is used for nonblocking operation: when
+a command completes, the ``notify()`` callback on the MgrModule
+instance is triggered, with notify_type set to "command", and
+notify_id set to the tag of the command.
+Implementing standby mode
+For some modules, it is useful to run on standby manager daemons as well
+as on the active daemon. For example, an HTTP server can usefully
+serve HTTP redirect responses from the standby managers so that
+the user can point his browser at any of the manager daemons without
+having to worry about which one is active.
+Standby manager daemons look for a class called ``StandbyModule``
+in each module. If the class is not found then the module is not
+used at all on standby daemons. If the class is found, then
+its ``serve`` method is called. Implementations of ``StandbyModule``
+must inherit from ``mgr_module.MgrStandbyModule``.
+The interface of ``MgrStandbyModule`` is much restricted compared to
+``MgrModule`` -- none of the Ceph cluster state is available to
+the module. ``serve`` and ``shutdown`` methods are used in the same
+way as a normal module class. The ``get_active_uri`` method enables
+the standby module to discover the address of its active peer in
+order to make redirects. See the ``MgrStandbyModule`` definition
+in the Ceph source code for the full list of methods.
+For an example of how to use this interface, look at the source code
+of the ``dashboard`` module.
+Use your module's ``log`` attribute as your logger. This is a logger
+configured to output via the ceph logging framework, to the local ceph-mgr
+log files.
+Python log severities are mapped to ceph severities as follows:
+* DEBUG is 20
+* INFO is 4
+* WARN is 1
+* ERR is 0
+Shutting down cleanly
+If a module implements the ``serve()`` method, it should also implement
+the ``shutdown()`` method to shutdown cleanly: misbehaving modules
+may otherwise prevent clean shutdown of ceph-mgr.
+Is something missing?
+The ceph-mgr python interface is not set in stone. If you have a need
+that is not satisfied by the current interface, please bring it up
+on the ceph-devel mailing list. While it is desired to avoid bloating
+the interface, it is not generally very hard to expose existing data
+to the Python code when there is a good reason.