path: root/src/ceph/doc/man/8/ceph-rest-api.rst
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- ceph-rest-api -- ceph RESTlike administration server
-.. program:: ceph-rest-api
-| **ceph-rest-api** [ -c *conffile* ] [--cluster *clustername* ] [ -n *name* ] [-i *id* ]
-**ceph-rest-api** is a WSGI application that can run as a
-standalone web service or run under a web server that supports
-WSGI. It provides much of the functionality of the **ceph**
-command-line tool through an HTTP-accessible interface.
-.. option:: -c/--conf conffile
- names the ceph.conf file to use for configuration. If -c is not
- specified, the default depends on the state of the --cluster option
- (default 'ceph'; see below). The configuration file is searched
- for in this order:
- * /etc/ceph/${cluster}.conf
- * ~/.ceph/${cluster}.conf
- * ${cluster}.conf (in the current directory)
- so you can also pass this option in the environment as CEPH_CONF.
-.. option:: --cluster clustername
- set *clustername* for use in the $cluster metavariable, for
- locating the ceph.conf file. The default is 'ceph'.
-.. option:: -n/--name name
- specifies the client 'name', which is used to find the
- client-specific configuration options in the config file, and
- also is the name used for authentication when connecting
- to the cluster (the entity name appearing in 'ceph auth ls' output,
- for example). The default is 'client.restapi'.
-.. option:: -i/--id id
- specifies the client 'id', which will form the clientname
- as 'client.<id>' if clientname is not set. If -n/-name is
- set, that takes precedence.
- Also, global Ceph options are supported.
-Configuration parameters
-Supported configuration parameters include:
-* **keyring** the keyring file holding the key for 'clientname'
-* **public addr** ip:port to listen on (default
-* **log file** (usual Ceph default)
-* **restapi base url** the base URL to answer requests on (default /api/v0.1)
-* **restapi log level** critical, error, warning, info, debug (default warning)
-Configuration parameters are searched in the standard order:
-first in the section named '<clientname>', then 'client', then 'global'.
-<clientname> is either supplied by -n/--name, "client.<id>" where
-<id> is supplied by -i/--id, or 'client.restapi' if neither option
-is present.
-A single-threaded server will run on **public addr** if the ceph-rest-api
-executed directly; otherwise, configuration is specified by the enclosing
-WSGI web server.
-Commands are submitted with HTTP GET requests (for commands that
-primarily return data) or PUT (for commands that affect cluster state).
-HEAD and OPTIONS are also supported. Standard HTTP status codes
-are returned.
-For commands that return bulk data, the request can include
-Accept: application/json or Accept: application/xml to select the
-desired structured output, or you may use a .json or .xml addition
-to the requested PATH. Parameters are supplied as query parameters
-in the request; for parameters that take more than one value, repeat
-the key=val construct. For instance, to remove OSDs 2 and 3,
-send a PUT request to ``osd/rm?ids=2&ids=3``.
-Human-readable discovery of supported commands and parameters, along
-with a small description of each command, is provided when the requested
-path is incomplete/partially matching. Requesting / will redirect to
-the value of **restapi base url**, and that path will give a full list
-of all known commands.
-For example, requesting ``api/vX.X/mon`` will return the list of API calls for
-monitors - ``api/vX.X/osd`` will return the list of API calls for OSD and so on.
-The command set is very similar to the commands
-supported by the **ceph** tool. One notable exception is that the
-``ceph pg <pgid> <command>`` style of commands is supported here
-as ``tell/<pgid>/command?args``.
-Deployment as WSGI application
-When deploying as WSGI application (say, with Apache/mod_wsgi,
-or nginx/uwsgi, or gunicorn, etc.), use the ```` module
-(``ceph-rest-api`` is a thin layer around this module). The standalone web
-server is of course not used, so address/port configuration is done in
-the WSGI server. Use a python .wsgi module or the equivalent to call
-``app = generate_app(conf, cluster, clientname, clientid, args)`` where:
-* conf is as -c/--conf above
-* cluster is as --cluster above
-* clientname, -n/--name
-* clientid, -i/--id, and
-* args are any other generic Ceph arguments
-When app is returned, it will have attributes 'ceph_addr' and 'ceph_port'
-set to what the address and port are in the Ceph configuration;
-those may be used for the server, or ignored.
-Any errors reading configuration or connecting to the cluster cause an
-exception to be raised; see your WSGI server documentation for how to
-see those messages in case of problem.
-**ceph-rest-api** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
- for more information.
-See also
-:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)