path: root/src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/
diff options
authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-04 13:43:33 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-05 11:59:39 +0800
commit812ff6ca9fcd3e629e49d4328905f33eee8ca3f5 (patch)
tree04ece7b4da00d9d2f98093774594f4057ae561d4 /src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/
parent15280273faafb77777eab341909a3f495cf248d9 (diff)
initial code repo
This patch creates initial code repo. For ceph, luminous stable release will be used for base code, and next changes and optimization for ceph will be added to it. For opensds, currently any changes can be upstreamed into original opensds repo (, and so stor4nfv will directly clone opensds code to deploy stor4nfv environment. And the scripts for deployment based on ceph and opensds will be put into 'ci' directory. Change-Id: I46a32218884c75dda2936337604ff03c554648e4 Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/')
1 files changed, 1016 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0876af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+import json
+import logging
+import time
+import os
+from textwrap import dedent
+from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase
+from tasks.cephfs.fuse_mount import FuseMount
+from teuthology.exceptions import CommandFailedError
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TestVolumeClient(CephFSTestCase):
+ # One for looking at the global filesystem, one for being
+ # the VolumeClient, two for mounting the created shares
+ def _volume_client_python(self, client, script, vol_prefix=None, ns_prefix=None):
+ # Can't dedent this *and* the script we pass in, because they might have different
+ # levels of indentation to begin with, so leave this string zero-indented
+ if vol_prefix:
+ vol_prefix = "\"" + vol_prefix + "\""
+ if ns_prefix:
+ ns_prefix = "\"" + ns_prefix + "\""
+ return client.run_python("""
+from ceph_volume_client import CephFSVolumeClient, VolumePath
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("ceph_volume_client")
+vc = CephFSVolumeClient("manila", "{conf_path}", "ceph", {vol_prefix}, {ns_prefix})
+ """.format(payload=script, conf_path=client.config_path, vol_prefix=vol_prefix, ns_prefix=ns_prefix))
+ def _sudo_write_file(self, remote, path, data):
+ """
+ Write data to a remote file as super user
+ :param remote: Remote site.
+ :param path: Path on the remote being written to.
+ :param data: Data to be written.
+ Both perms and owner are passed directly to chmod.
+ """
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'python',
+ '-c',
+ 'import shutil, sys; shutil.copyfileobj(sys.stdin, file(sys.argv[1], "wb"))',
+ path,
+ ],
+ stdin=data,
+ )
+ def _configure_vc_auth(self, mount, id_name):
+ """
+ Set up auth credentials for the VolumeClient user
+ """
+ out = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd(
+ "auth", "get-or-create", "client.{name}".format(name=id_name),
+ "mds", "allow *",
+ "osd", "allow rw",
+ "mon", "allow *"
+ )
+ mount.client_id = id_name
+ self._sudo_write_file(mount.client_remote, mount.get_keyring_path(), out)
+ self.set_conf("client.{name}".format(name=id_name), "keyring", mount.get_keyring_path())
+ def _configure_guest_auth(self, volumeclient_mount, guest_mount,
+ guest_entity, mount_path,
+ namespace_prefix=None, readonly=False,
+ tenant_id=None):
+ """
+ Set up auth credentials for the guest client to mount a volume.
+ :param volumeclient_mount: mount used as the handle for driving
+ volumeclient.
+ :param guest_mount: mount used by the guest client.
+ :param guest_entity: auth ID used by the guest client.
+ :param mount_path: path of the volume.
+ :param namespace_prefix: name prefix of the RADOS namespace, which
+ is used for the volume's layout.
+ :param readonly: defaults to False. If set to 'True' only read-only
+ mount access is granted to the guest.
+ :param tenant_id: (OpenStack) tenant ID of the guest client.
+ """
+ head, volume_id = os.path.split(mount_path)
+ head, group_id = os.path.split(head)
+ head, volume_prefix = os.path.split(head)
+ volume_prefix = "/" + volume_prefix
+ # Authorize the guest client's auth ID to mount the volume.
+ key = self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ auth_result = vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}", readonly={readonly},
+ tenant_id="{tenant_id}")
+ print auth_result['auth_key']
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ guest_entity=guest_entity,
+ readonly=readonly,
+ tenant_id=tenant_id)), volume_prefix, namespace_prefix
+ )
+ # CephFSVolumeClient's authorize() does not return the secret
+ # key to a caller who isn't multi-tenant aware. Explicitly
+ # query the key for such a client.
+ if not tenant_id:
+ key = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd(
+ "auth", "get-key", "client.{name}".format(name=guest_entity),
+ )
+ # The guest auth ID should exist.
+ existing_ids = [a['entity'] for a in self.auth_list()]
+ self.assertIn("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), existing_ids)
+ # Create keyring file for the guest client.
+ keyring_txt = dedent("""
+ [client.{guest_entity}]
+ key = {key}
+ """.format(
+ guest_entity=guest_entity,
+ key=key
+ ))
+ guest_mount.client_id = guest_entity
+ self._sudo_write_file(guest_mount.client_remote,
+ guest_mount.get_keyring_path(),
+ keyring_txt)
+ # Add a guest client section to the ceph config file.
+ self.set_conf("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), "client quota", "True")
+ self.set_conf("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), "debug client", "20")
+ self.set_conf("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), "debug objecter", "20")
+ self.set_conf("client.{0}".format(guest_entity),
+ "keyring", guest_mount.get_keyring_path())
+ def test_default_prefix(self):
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ volume_id = "volid"
+ DEFAULT_VOL_PREFIX = "volumes"
+ DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX = "fsvolumens_"
+ self.mount_b.umount_wait()
+ self._configure_vc_auth(self.mount_b, "manila")
+ #create a volume with default prefix
+ self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 10, data_isolated=True)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )))
+ # The dir should be created
+ self.mount_a.stat(os.path.join(DEFAULT_VOL_PREFIX, group_id, volume_id))
+ #namespace should be set
+ ns_in_attr = self.mount_a.getfattr(os.path.join(DEFAULT_VOL_PREFIX, group_id, volume_id), "ceph.dir.layout.pool_namespace")
+ namespace = "{0}{1}".format(DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX, volume_id)
+ self.assertEqual(namespace, ns_in_attr)
+ def test_lifecycle(self):
+ """
+ General smoke test for create, extend, destroy
+ """
+ # I'm going to use mount_c later as a guest for mounting the created
+ # shares
+ self.mounts[2].umount_wait()
+ # I'm going to leave mount_b unmounted and just use it as a handle for
+ # driving volumeclient. It's a little hacky but we don't have a more
+ # general concept for librados/libcephfs clients as opposed to full
+ # blown mounting clients.
+ self.mount_b.umount_wait()
+ self._configure_vc_auth(self.mount_b, "manila")
+ guest_entity = "guest"
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ volume_id = "volid"
+ volume_prefix = "/myprefix"
+ namespace_prefix = "mynsprefix_"
+ # Create a 100MB volume
+ volume_size = 100
+ mount_path = self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ create_result = vc.create_volume(vp, 1024*1024*{volume_size})
+ print create_result['mount_path']
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ volume_size=volume_size
+ )), volume_prefix, namespace_prefix)
+ # The dir should be created
+ self.mount_a.stat(os.path.join("myprefix", group_id, volume_id))
+ # Authorize and configure credentials for the guest to mount the
+ # the volume.
+ self._configure_guest_auth(self.mount_b, self.mounts[2], guest_entity,
+ mount_path, namespace_prefix)
+ self.mounts[2].mount(mount_path=mount_path)
+ # The kernel client doesn't have the quota-based df behaviour,
+ # or quotas at all, so only exercise the client behaviour when
+ # running fuse.
+ if isinstance(self.mounts[2], FuseMount):
+ # df should see volume size, same as the quota set on volume's dir
+ self.assertEqual(self.mounts[2].df()['total'],
+ volume_size * 1024 * 1024)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.mount_a.getfattr(
+ os.path.join(volume_prefix.strip("/"), group_id, volume_id),
+ "ceph.quota.max_bytes"),
+ "%s" % (volume_size * 1024 * 1024))
+ # df granularity is 4MB block so have to write at least that much
+ data_bin_mb = 4
+ self.mounts[2].write_n_mb("data.bin", data_bin_mb)
+ # Write something outside volume to check this space usage is
+ # not reported in the volume's DF.
+ other_bin_mb = 8
+ self.mount_a.write_n_mb("other.bin", other_bin_mb)
+ # global: df should see all the writes (data + other). This is a >
+ # rather than a == because the global spaced used includes all pools
+ def check_df():
+ used = self.mount_a.df()['used']
+ return used >= (other_bin_mb * 1024 * 1024)
+ self.wait_until_true(check_df, timeout=30)
+ # Hack: do a metadata IO to kick rstats
+ self.mounts[2].run_shell(["touch", "foo"])
+ # volume: df should see the data_bin_mb consumed from quota, same
+ # as the rbytes for the volume's dir
+ self.wait_until_equal(
+ lambda: self.mounts[2].df()['used'],
+ data_bin_mb * 1024 * 1024, timeout=60)
+ self.wait_until_equal(
+ lambda: self.mount_a.getfattr(
+ os.path.join(volume_prefix.strip("/"), group_id, volume_id),
+ "ceph.dir.rbytes"),
+ "%s" % (data_bin_mb * 1024 * 1024), timeout=60)
+ # sync so that file data are persist to rados
+ self.mounts[2].run_shell(["sync"])
+ # Our data should stay in particular rados namespace
+ pool_name = self.mount_a.getfattr(os.path.join("myprefix", group_id, volume_id), "ceph.dir.layout.pool")
+ namespace = "{0}{1}".format(namespace_prefix, volume_id)
+ ns_in_attr = self.mount_a.getfattr(os.path.join("myprefix", group_id, volume_id), "ceph.dir.layout.pool_namespace")
+ self.assertEqual(namespace, ns_in_attr)
+ objects_in_ns = set(self.fs.rados(["ls"], pool=pool_name, namespace=namespace).split("\n"))
+ self.assertNotEqual(objects_in_ns, set())
+ # De-authorize the guest
+ self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.evict("{guest_entity}")
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ guest_entity=guest_entity
+ )), volume_prefix, namespace_prefix)
+ # Once deauthorized, the client should be unable to do any more metadata ops
+ # The way that the client currently behaves here is to block (it acts like
+ # it has lost network, because there is nothing to tell it that is messages
+ # are being dropped because it's identity is gone)
+ background = self.mounts[2].write_n_mb("rogue.bin", 1, wait=False)
+ time.sleep(10) # Approximate check for 'stuck' as 'still running after 10s'
+ self.assertFalse(background.finished)
+ # After deauthorisation, the client ID should be gone (this was the only
+ # volume it was authorised for)
+ self.assertNotIn("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), [e['entity'] for e in self.auth_list()])
+ # Clean up the dead mount (ceph-fuse's behaviour here is a bit undefined)
+ self.mounts[2].kill()
+ self.mounts[2].kill_cleanup()
+ try:
+ background.wait()
+ except CommandFailedError:
+ # We killed the mount out from under you
+ pass
+ self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.delete_volume(vp)
+ vc.purge_volume(vp)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )), volume_prefix, namespace_prefix)
+ def test_idempotency(self):
+ """
+ That the volumeclient interface works when calling everything twice
+ """
+ self.mount_b.umount_wait()
+ self._configure_vc_auth(self.mount_b, "manila")
+ guest_entity = "guest"
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ volume_id = "volid"
+ self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 10)
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 10)
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.delete_volume(vp)
+ vc.delete_volume(vp)
+ vc.purge_volume(vp)
+ vc.purge_volume(vp)
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 10, data_isolated=True)
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 10, data_isolated=True)
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.evict("{guest_entity}")
+ vc.evict("{guest_entity}")
+ vc.delete_volume(vp, data_isolated=True)
+ vc.delete_volume(vp, data_isolated=True)
+ vc.purge_volume(vp, data_isolated=True)
+ vc.purge_volume(vp, data_isolated=True)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ guest_entity=guest_entity
+ )))
+ def test_data_isolated(self):
+ """
+ That data isolated shares get their own pool
+ :return:
+ """
+ # Because the teuthology config template sets mon_max_pg_per_osd to
+ # 10000 (i.e. it just tries to ignore health warnings), reset it to something
+ # sane before using volume_client, to avoid creating pools with absurdly large
+ # numbers of PGs.
+ self.set_conf("global", "mon max pg per osd", "300")
+ for mon_daemon_state in self.ctx.daemons.iter_daemons_of_role('mon'):
+ mon_daemon_state.restart()
+ self.mount_b.umount_wait()
+ self._configure_vc_auth(self.mount_b, "manila")
+ # Calculate how many PGs we'll expect the new volume pool to have
+ osd_map = json.loads(self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'dump', '--format=json-pretty'))
+ max_per_osd = int(self.fs.get_config('mon_max_pg_per_osd'))
+ osd_count = len(osd_map['osds'])
+ max_overall = osd_count * max_per_osd
+ existing_pg_count = 0
+ for p in osd_map['pools']:
+ existing_pg_count += p['pg_num']
+ expected_pg_num = (max_overall - existing_pg_count) / 10
+"max_per_osd {0}".format(max_per_osd))
+"osd_count {0}".format(osd_count))
+"max_overall {0}".format(max_overall))
+"existing_pg_count {0}".format(existing_pg_count))
+"expected_pg_num {0}".format(expected_pg_num))
+ pools_a = json.loads(self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("osd", "dump", "--format=json-pretty"))['pools']
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ volume_id = "volid"
+ self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 10, data_isolated=True)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )))
+ pools_b = json.loads(self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("osd", "dump", "--format=json-pretty"))['pools']
+ # Should have created one new pool
+ new_pools = set(p['pool_name'] for p in pools_b) - set([p['pool_name'] for p in pools_a])
+ self.assertEqual(len(new_pools), 1)
+ # It should have followed the heuristic for PG count
+ # (this is an overly strict test condition, so we may want to remove
+ # it at some point as/when the logic gets fancier)
+ created_pg_num = self.fs.mon_manager.get_pool_property(list(new_pools)[0], "pg_num")
+ self.assertEqual(expected_pg_num, created_pg_num)
+ def test_15303(self):
+ """
+ Reproducer for #15303 "Client holds incorrect complete flag on dir
+ after losing caps" (
+ """
+ for m in self.mounts:
+ m.umount_wait()
+ # Create a dir on mount A
+ self.mount_a.mount()
+ self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "parent1"])
+ self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "parent2"])
+ self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "parent1/mydir"])
+ # Put some files in it from mount B
+ self.mount_b.mount()
+ self.mount_b.run_shell(["touch", "parent1/mydir/afile"])
+ self.mount_b.umount_wait()
+ # List the dir's contents on mount A
+ self.assertListEqual("parent1/mydir"),
+ ["afile"])
+ def test_evict_client(self):
+ """
+ That a volume client can be evicted based on its auth ID and the volume
+ path it has mounted.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(self.mount_a, FuseMount):
+ self.skipTest("Requires FUSE client to inject client metadata")
+ # mounts[1] would be used as handle for driving VolumeClient. mounts[2]
+ # and mounts[3] would be used as guests to mount the volumes/shares.
+ for i in range(1, 4):
+ self.mounts[i].umount_wait()
+ volumeclient_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ self._configure_vc_auth(volumeclient_mount, "manila")
+ guest_mounts = (self.mounts[2], self.mounts[3])
+ guest_entity = "guest"
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ mount_paths = []
+ volume_ids = []
+ # Create two volumes. Authorize 'guest' auth ID to mount the two
+ # volumes. Mount the two volumes. Write data to the volumes.
+ for i in range(2):
+ # Create volume.
+ volume_ids.append("volid_{0}".format(str(i)))
+ mount_paths.append(
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ create_result = vc.create_volume(vp, 10 * 1024 * 1024)
+ print create_result['mount_path']
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_ids[i]
+ ))))
+ # Authorize 'guest' auth ID to mount the volume.
+ self._configure_guest_auth(volumeclient_mount, guest_mounts[i],
+ guest_entity, mount_paths[i])
+ # Mount the volume.
+ guest_mounts[i].mountpoint_dir_name = 'mnt.{id}.{suffix}'.format(
+ id=guest_entity, suffix=str(i))
+ guest_mounts[i].mount(mount_path=mount_paths[i])
+ guest_mounts[i].write_n_mb("data.bin", 1)
+ # Evict client, guest_mounts[0], using auth ID 'guest' and has mounted
+ # one volume.
+ self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.evict("{guest_entity}", volume_path=vp)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_ids[0],
+ guest_entity=guest_entity
+ )))
+ # Evicted guest client, guest_mounts[0], should not be able to do
+ # anymore metadata ops. It should start failing all operations
+ # when it sees that its own address is in the blacklist.
+ try:
+ guest_mounts[0].write_n_mb("rogue.bin", 1)
+ except CommandFailedError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("post-eviction write should have failed!")
+ # The blacklisted guest client should now be unmountable
+ guest_mounts[0].umount_wait()
+ # Guest client, guest_mounts[1], using the same auth ID 'guest', but
+ # has mounted the other volume, should be able to use its volume
+ # unaffected.
+ guest_mounts[1].write_n_mb("data.bin.1", 1)
+ # Cleanup.
+ for i in range(2):
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ vc.delete_volume(vp)
+ vc.purge_volume(vp)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_ids[i],
+ guest_entity=guest_entity
+ )))
+ def test_purge(self):
+ """
+ Reproducer for #15266, exception trying to purge volumes that
+ contain non-ascii filenames.
+ Additionally test any other purge corner cases here.
+ """
+ # I'm going to leave mount_b unmounted and just use it as a handle for
+ # driving volumeclient. It's a little hacky but we don't have a more
+ # general concept for librados/libcephfs clients as opposed to full
+ # blown mounting clients.
+ self.mount_b.umount_wait()
+ self._configure_vc_auth(self.mount_b, "manila")
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ # Use a unicode volume ID (like Manila), to reproduce #15266
+ volume_id = u"volid"
+ # Create
+ mount_path = self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", u"{volume_id}")
+ create_result = vc.create_volume(vp, 10)
+ print create_result['mount_path']
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id
+ )))
+ # Strip leading "/"
+ mount_path = mount_path[1:]
+ # A file with non-ascii characters
+ self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", os.path.join(mount_path, u"b\u00F6b")])
+ # A file with no permissions to do anything
+ self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", os.path.join(mount_path, "noperms")])
+ self.mount_a.run_shell(["chmod", "0000", os.path.join(mount_path, "noperms")])
+ self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", u"{volume_id}")
+ vc.delete_volume(vp)
+ vc.purge_volume(vp)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id
+ )))
+ # Check it's really gone
+ self.assertEqual("volumes/_deleting"), [])
+ self.assertEqual("volumes/"), ["_deleting", group_id])
+ def test_readonly_authorization(self):
+ """
+ That guest clients can be restricted to read-only mounts of volumes.
+ """
+ volumeclient_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ guest_mount = self.mounts[2]
+ volumeclient_mount.umount_wait()
+ guest_mount.umount_wait()
+ # Configure volumeclient_mount as the handle for driving volumeclient.
+ self._configure_vc_auth(volumeclient_mount, "manila")
+ guest_entity = "guest"
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ volume_id = "volid"
+ # Create a volume.
+ mount_path = self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ create_result = vc.create_volume(vp, 1024*1024*10)
+ print create_result['mount_path']
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )))
+ # Authorize and configure credentials for the guest to mount the
+ # the volume with read-write access.
+ self._configure_guest_auth(volumeclient_mount, guest_mount, guest_entity,
+ mount_path, readonly=False)
+ # Mount the volume, and write to it.
+ guest_mount.mount(mount_path=mount_path)
+ guest_mount.write_n_mb("data.bin", 1)
+ # Change the guest auth ID's authorization to read-only mount access.
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ guest_entity=guest_entity
+ )))
+ self._configure_guest_auth(volumeclient_mount, guest_mount, guest_entity,
+ mount_path, readonly=True)
+ # The effect of the change in access level to read-only is not
+ # immediate. The guest sees the change only after a remount of
+ # the volume.
+ guest_mount.umount_wait()
+ guest_mount.mount(mount_path=mount_path)
+ # Read existing content of the volume.
+ self.assertListEqual(, ["data.bin"])
+ # Cannot write into read-only volume.
+ with self.assertRaises(CommandFailedError):
+ guest_mount.write_n_mb("rogue.bin", 1)
+ def test_get_authorized_ids(self):
+ """
+ That for a volume, the authorized IDs and their access levels
+ can be obtained using CephFSVolumeClient's get_authorized_ids().
+ """
+ volumeclient_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ volumeclient_mount.umount_wait()
+ # Configure volumeclient_mount as the handle for driving volumeclient.
+ self._configure_vc_auth(volumeclient_mount, "manila")
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ volume_id = "volid"
+ guest_entity_1 = "guest1"
+ guest_entity_2 = "guest2"
+"print group ID: {0}".format(group_id))
+ # Create a volume.
+ auths = self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 1024*1024*10)
+ auths = vc.get_authorized_ids(vp)
+ print auths
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )))
+ # Check the list of authorized IDs for the volume.
+ expected_result = None
+ self.assertEqual(str(expected_result), auths)
+ # Allow two auth IDs access to the volume.
+ auths = self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity_1}", readonly=False)
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity_2}", readonly=True)
+ auths = vc.get_authorized_ids(vp)
+ print auths
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ guest_entity_1=guest_entity_1,
+ guest_entity_2=guest_entity_2,
+ )))
+ # Check the list of authorized IDs and their access levels.
+ expected_result = [(u'guest1', u'rw'), (u'guest2', u'r')]
+ self.assertItemsEqual(str(expected_result), auths)
+ # Disallow both the auth IDs' access to the volume.
+ auths = self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity_1}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity_2}")
+ auths = vc.get_authorized_ids(vp)
+ print auths
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ guest_entity_1=guest_entity_1,
+ guest_entity_2=guest_entity_2,
+ )))
+ # Check the list of authorized IDs for the volume.
+ expected_result = None
+ self.assertItemsEqual(str(expected_result), auths)
+ def test_multitenant_volumes(self):
+ """
+ That volume access can be restricted to a tenant.
+ That metadata used to enforce tenant isolation of
+ volumes is stored as a two-way mapping between auth
+ IDs and volumes that they're authorized to access.
+ """
+ volumeclient_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ volumeclient_mount.umount_wait()
+ # Configure volumeclient_mount as the handle for driving volumeclient.
+ self._configure_vc_auth(volumeclient_mount, "manila")
+ group_id = "groupid"
+ volume_id = "volumeid"
+ # Guest clients belonging to different tenants, but using the same
+ # auth ID.
+ auth_id = "guest"
+ guestclient_1 = {
+ "auth_id": auth_id,
+ "tenant_id": "tenant1",
+ }
+ guestclient_2 = {
+ "auth_id": auth_id,
+ "tenant_id": "tenant2",
+ }
+ # Create a volume.
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 1024*1024*10)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )))
+ # Check that volume metadata file is created on volume creation.
+ vol_metadata_filename = "_{0}:{1}.meta".format(group_id, volume_id)
+ self.assertIn(vol_metadata_filename, self.mounts[0].ls("volumes"))
+ # Authorize 'guestclient_1', using auth ID 'guest' and belonging to
+ # 'tenant1', with 'rw' access to the volume.
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{auth_id}", tenant_id="{tenant_id}")
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ auth_id=guestclient_1["auth_id"],
+ tenant_id=guestclient_1["tenant_id"]
+ )))
+ # Check that auth metadata file for auth ID 'guest', is
+ # created on authorizing 'guest' access to the volume.
+ auth_metadata_filename = "${0}.meta".format(guestclient_1["auth_id"])
+ self.assertIn(auth_metadata_filename, self.mounts[0].ls("volumes"))
+ # Verify that the auth metadata file stores the tenant ID that the
+ # auth ID belongs to, the auth ID's authorized access levels
+ # for different volumes, versioning details, etc.
+ expected_auth_metadata = {
+ u"version": 2,
+ u"compat_version": 1,
+ u"dirty": False,
+ u"tenant_id": u"tenant1",
+ u"volumes": {
+ u"groupid/volumeid": {
+ u"dirty": False,
+ u"access_level": u"rw",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auth_metadata = self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ auth_metadata = vc._auth_metadata_get("{auth_id}")
+ print auth_metadata
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ auth_id=guestclient_1["auth_id"],
+ )))
+ self.assertItemsEqual(str(expected_auth_metadata), auth_metadata)
+ # Verify that the volume metadata file stores info about auth IDs
+ # and their access levels to the volume, versioning details, etc.
+ expected_vol_metadata = {
+ u"version": 2,
+ u"compat_version": 1,
+ u"auths": {
+ u"guest": {
+ u"dirty": False,
+ u"access_level": u"rw"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vol_metadata = self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ volume_metadata = vc._volume_metadata_get(vp)
+ print volume_metadata
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )))
+ self.assertItemsEqual(str(expected_vol_metadata), vol_metadata)
+ # Cannot authorize 'guestclient_2' to access the volume.
+ # It uses auth ID 'guest', which has already been used by a
+ # 'guestclient_1' belonging to an another tenant for accessing
+ # the volume.
+ with self.assertRaises(CommandFailedError):
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{auth_id}", tenant_id="{tenant_id}")
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ auth_id=guestclient_2["auth_id"],
+ tenant_id=guestclient_2["tenant_id"]
+ )))
+ # Check that auth metadata file is cleaned up on removing
+ # auth ID's only access to a volume.
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}")
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ guest_entity=guestclient_1["auth_id"]
+ )))
+ self.assertNotIn(auth_metadata_filename, self.mounts[0].ls("volumes"))
+ # Check that volume metadata file is cleaned up on volume deletion.
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.delete_volume(vp)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )))
+ self.assertNotIn(vol_metadata_filename, self.mounts[0].ls("volumes"))
+ def test_recover_metadata(self):
+ """
+ That volume client can recover from partial auth updates using
+ metadata files, which store auth info and its update status info.
+ """
+ volumeclient_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ volumeclient_mount.umount_wait()
+ # Configure volumeclient_mount as the handle for driving volumeclient.
+ self._configure_vc_auth(volumeclient_mount, "manila")
+ group_id = "groupid"
+ volume_id = "volumeid"
+ guestclient = {
+ "auth_id": "guest",
+ "tenant_id": "tenant",
+ }
+ # Create a volume.
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.create_volume(vp, 1024*1024*10)
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ )))
+ # Authorize 'guestclient' access to the volume.
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ vc.authorize(vp, "{auth_id}", tenant_id="{tenant_id}")
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ auth_id=guestclient["auth_id"],
+ tenant_id=guestclient["tenant_id"]
+ )))
+ # Check that auth metadata file for auth ID 'guest' is created.
+ auth_metadata_filename = "${0}.meta".format(guestclient["auth_id"])
+ self.assertIn(auth_metadata_filename, self.mounts[0].ls("volumes"))
+ # Induce partial auth update state by modifying the auth metadata file,
+ # and then run recovery procedure.
+ self._volume_client_python(volumeclient_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ auth_metadata = vc._auth_metadata_get("{auth_id}")
+ auth_metadata['dirty'] = True
+ vc._auth_metadata_set("{auth_id}", auth_metadata)
+ vc.recover()
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id,
+ auth_id=guestclient["auth_id"],
+ )))
+ def test_put_object(self):
+ vc_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ vc_mount.umount_wait()
+ self._configure_vc_auth(vc_mount, "manila")
+ obj_data = 'test data'
+ obj_name = 'test_vc_obj_1'
+ pool_name = self.fs.get_data_pool_names()[0]
+ self._volume_client_python(vc_mount, dedent("""
+ vc.put_object("{pool_name}", "{obj_name}", b"{obj_data}")
+ """.format(
+ pool_name = pool_name,
+ obj_name = obj_name,
+ obj_data = obj_data
+ )))
+ read_data = self.fs.rados(['get', obj_name, '-'], pool=pool_name)
+ self.assertEqual(obj_data, read_data)
+ def test_get_object(self):
+ vc_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ vc_mount.umount_wait()
+ self._configure_vc_auth(vc_mount, "manila")
+ obj_data = 'test_data'
+ obj_name = 'test_vc_ob_2'
+ pool_name = self.fs.get_data_pool_names()[0]
+ self.fs.rados(['put', obj_name, '-'], pool=pool_name, stdin_data=obj_data)
+ self._volume_client_python(vc_mount, dedent("""
+ data_read = vc.get_object("{pool_name}", "{obj_name}")
+ assert data_read == b"{obj_data}"
+ """.format(
+ pool_name = pool_name,
+ obj_name = obj_name,
+ obj_data = obj_data
+ )))
+ def test_delete_object(self):
+ vc_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ vc_mount.umount_wait()
+ self._configure_vc_auth(vc_mount, "manila")
+ obj_data = 'test data'
+ obj_name = 'test_vc_obj_3'
+ pool_name = self.fs.get_data_pool_names()[0]
+ self.fs.rados(['put', obj_name, '-'], pool=pool_name, stdin_data=obj_data)
+ self._volume_client_python(vc_mount, dedent("""
+ data_read = vc.delete_object("{pool_name}", "{obj_name}")
+ """.format(
+ pool_name = pool_name,
+ obj_name = obj_name,
+ )))
+ with self.assertRaises(CommandFailedError):
+ self.fs.rados(['stat', obj_name], pool=pool_name)
+ # Check idempotency -- no error raised trying to delete non-existent
+ # object
+ self._volume_client_python(vc_mount, dedent("""
+ data_read = vc.delete_object("{pool_name}", "{obj_name}")
+ """.format(
+ pool_name = pool_name,
+ obj_name = obj_name,
+ )))
+ def test_21501(self):
+ """
+ Reproducer for #21501 "ceph_volume_client: sets invalid caps for
+ existing IDs with no caps" (
+ """
+ vc_mount = self.mounts[1]
+ vc_mount.umount_wait()
+ # Configure vc_mount as the handle for driving volumeclient
+ self._configure_vc_auth(vc_mount, "manila")
+ # Create a volume
+ group_id = "grpid"
+ volume_id = "volid"
+ mount_path = self._volume_client_python(vc_mount, dedent("""
+ vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}")
+ create_result = vc.create_volume(vp, 1024*1024*10)
+ print create_result['mount_path']
+ """.format(
+ group_id=group_id,
+ volume_id=volume_id
+ )))
+ # Create an auth ID with no caps
+ guest_id = '21501'
+ self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result(
+ 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'client.{0}'.format(guest_id))
+ guest_mount = self.mounts[2]
+ guest_mount.umount_wait()
+ # Set auth caps for the auth ID using the volumeclient
+ self._configure_guest_auth(vc_mount, guest_mount, guest_id, mount_path)
+ # Mount the volume in the guest using the auth ID to assert that the
+ # auth caps are valid
+ guest_mount.mount(mount_path=mount_path)