# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from neutronclient.common.exceptions import NotFound from neutronclient.neutron.client import Client from snaps.openstack.utils import keystone_utils __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('neutron_utils') """ Utilities for basic neutron API calls """ def neutron_client(os_creds): """ Instantiates and returns a client for communications with OpenStack's Neutron server :param os_creds: the credentials for connecting to the OpenStack remote API :return: the client object """ return Client(api_version=os_creds.network_api_version, session=keystone_utils.keystone_session(os_creds)) def create_network(neutron, os_creds, network_settings): """ Creates a network for OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :param network_settings: A dictionary containing the network configuration and is responsible for creating the network request JSON body :return: the network object """ if neutron and network_settings: logger.info('Creating network with name ' + network_settings.name) json_body = network_settings.dict_for_neutron(os_creds) return neutron.create_network(body=json_body) else: logger.error("Failed to create network") raise Exception def delete_network(neutron, network): """ Deletes a network for OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param network: the network object """ if neutron and network: logger.info('Deleting network with name ' + network['network']['name']) neutron.delete_network(network['network']['id']) def get_network(neutron, network_name, project_id=None): """ Returns an object (dictionary) of the first network found with a given name and project_id (if included) :param neutron: the client :param network_name: the name of the network to retrieve :param project_id: the id of the network's project :return: """ net_filter = dict() if network_name: net_filter['name'] = network_name if project_id: net_filter['project_id'] = project_id networks = neutron.list_networks(**net_filter) for network, netInsts in networks.items(): for inst in netInsts: if inst.get('name') == network_name: if project_id and inst.get('project_id') == project_id: return {'network': inst} else: return {'network': inst} return None def get_network_by_id(neutron, network_id): """ Returns the network object (dictionary) with the given ID :param neutron: the client :param network_id: the id of the network to retrieve :return: """ networks = neutron.list_networks(**{'id': network_id}) for network, netInsts in networks.items(): for inst in netInsts: if inst.get('id') == network_id: return {'network': inst} return None def create_subnet(neutron, subnet_settings, os_creds, network=None): """ Creates a network subnet for OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param network: the network object :param subnet_settings: A dictionary containing the subnet configuration and is responsible for creating the subnet request JSON body :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :return: the subnet object """ if neutron and network and subnet_settings: json_body = {'subnets': [subnet_settings.dict_for_neutron(os_creds, network=network)]} logger.info('Creating subnet with name ' + subnet_settings.name) subnets = neutron.create_subnet(body=json_body) return {'subnet': subnets['subnets'][0]} else: logger.error("Failed to create subnet.") raise Exception def delete_subnet(neutron, subnet): """ Deletes a network subnet for OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param subnet: the subnet object """ if neutron and subnet: logger.info('Deleting subnet with name ' + subnet['subnet']['name']) neutron.delete_subnet(subnet['subnet']['id']) def get_subnet_by_name(neutron, subnet_name): """ Returns the first subnet object (dictionary) found with a given name :param neutron: the client :param subnet_name: the name of the network to retrieve :return: """ subnets = neutron.list_subnets(**{'name': subnet_name}) for subnet, subnetInst in subnets.items(): for inst in subnetInst: if inst.get('name') == subnet_name: return {'subnet': inst} return None def create_router(neutron, os_creds, router_settings): """ Creates a router for OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :param router_settings: A dictionary containing the router configuration and is responsible for creating the subnet request JSON body :return: the router object """ if neutron: json_body = router_settings.dict_for_neutron(neutron, os_creds) logger.info('Creating router with name - ' + router_settings.name) return neutron.create_router(json_body) else: logger.error("Failed to create router.") raise Exception def delete_router(neutron, router): """ Deletes a router for OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param router: the router object """ if neutron and router: logger.info('Deleting router with name - ' + router['router']['name']) neutron.delete_router(router=router['router']['id']) return True def get_router_by_name(neutron, router_name): """ Returns the first router object (dictionary) found with a given name :param neutron: the client :param router_name: the name of the network to retrieve :return: """ routers = neutron.list_routers(**{'name': router_name}) for router, routerInst in routers.items(): for inst in routerInst: if inst.get('name') == router_name: return {'router': inst} return None def add_interface_router(neutron, router, subnet=None, port=None): """ Adds an interface router for OpenStack for either a subnet or port. Exception will be raised if requesting for both. :param neutron: the client :param router: the router object :param subnet: the subnet object :param port: the port object :return: the interface router object """ if subnet and port: raise Exception('Cannot add interface to the router. Both subnet and port were sent in. Either or please.') if neutron and router and (router or subnet): logger.info('Adding interface to router with name ' + router['router']['name']) return neutron.add_interface_router(router=router['router']['id'], body=__create_port_json_body(subnet, port)) else: raise Exception("Unable to create interface router as neutron client, router or subnet were not created") def remove_interface_router(neutron, router, subnet=None, port=None): """ Removes an interface router for OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param router: the router object :param subnet: the subnet object (either subnet or port, not both) :param port: the port object """ if router: try: logger.info('Removing router interface from router named ' + router['router']['name']) neutron.remove_interface_router(router=router['router']['id'], body=__create_port_json_body(subnet, port)) except NotFound as e: logger.warning('Could not remove router interface. NotFound - ' + str(e)) pass else: logger.warning('Could not remove router interface, No router object') def __create_port_json_body(subnet=None, port=None): """ Returns the dictionary required for creating and deleting router interfaces. Will only work on a subnet or port object. Will throw and exception if parameters contain both or neither :param subnet: the subnet object :param port: the port object :return: the dict """ if subnet and port: raise Exception('Cannot create JSON body with both subnet and port') if not subnet and not port: raise Exception('Cannot create JSON body without subnet or port') if subnet: return {"subnet_id": subnet['subnet']['id']} else: return {"port_id": port['port']['id']} def create_port(neutron, os_creds, port_settings): """ Creates a port for OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :param port_settings: the settings object for port configuration :return: the port object """ json_body = port_settings.dict_for_neutron(neutron, os_creds) logger.info('Creating port for network with name - ' + port_settings.network_name) return neutron.create_port(body=json_body) def delete_port(neutron, port): """ Removes an OpenStack port :param neutron: the client :param port: the port object :return: """ logger.info('Deleting port with name ' + port['port']['name']) neutron.delete_port(port['port']['id']) def get_port_by_name(neutron, port_name): """ Returns the first port object (dictionary) found with a given name :param neutron: the client :param port_name: the name of the port to retrieve :return: """ ports = neutron.list_ports(**{'name': port_name}) for port in ports['ports']: if port['name'] == port_name: return {'port': port} return None def create_security_group(neutron, keystone, sec_grp_settings): """ Creates a security group object in OpenStack :param neutron: the Neutron client :param keystone: the Keystone client :param sec_grp_settings: the security group settings :return: the security group object """ logger.info('Creating security group with name - ' + sec_grp_settings.name) return neutron.create_security_group(sec_grp_settings.dict_for_neutron(keystone)) def delete_security_group(neutron, sec_grp): """ Deletes a security group object from OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param sec_grp: the security group object to delete """ logger.info('Deleting security group with name - ' + sec_grp['security_group']['name']) return neutron.delete_security_group(sec_grp['security_group']['id']) def get_security_group(neutron, name): """ Returns the first security group object of the given name else None :param neutron: the client :param name: the name of security group object to retrieve """ logger.info('Retrieving security group with name - ' + name) groups = neutron.list_security_groups(**{'name': name}) for group in groups['security_groups']: if group['name'] == name: return {'security_group': group} return None def get_security_group_by_id(neutron, sec_grp_id): """ Returns the first security group object of the given name else None :param neutron: the client :param sec_grp_id: the id of the security group to retrieve """ logger.info('Retrieving security group with ID - ' + sec_grp_id) groups = neutron.list_security_groups(**{'sec_grp_id': sec_grp_id}) for group in groups['security_groups']: return {'security_group': group} return None def create_security_group_rule(neutron, sec_grp_rule_settings): """ Creates a security group object in OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param sec_grp_rule_settings: the security group rule settings :return: the security group object """ logger.info('Creating security group to security group - ' + sec_grp_rule_settings.sec_grp_name) return neutron.create_security_group_rule(sec_grp_rule_settings.dict_for_neutron(neutron)) def delete_security_group_rule(neutron, sec_grp_rule): """ Deletes a security group object from OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param sec_grp_rule: the security group rule object to delete """ logger.info('Deleting security group rule with ID - ' + sec_grp_rule['security_group_rule']['id']) neutron.delete_security_group_rule(sec_grp_rule['security_group_rule']['id']) def get_rules_by_security_group(neutron, sec_grp): """ Retrieves all of the rules for a given security group :param neutron: the client :param sec_grp: the security group object """ logger.info('Retrieving security group rules associate with the security group - ' + sec_grp['security_group']['name']) out = list() rules = neutron.list_security_group_rules(**{'security_group_id': sec_grp['security_group']['id']}) for rule in rules['security_group_rules']: if rule['security_group_id'] == sec_grp['security_group']['id']: out.append({'security_group_rule': rule}) return out def get_rule_by_id(neutron, sec_grp, rule_id): """ Deletes a security group object from OpenStack :param neutron: the client :param sec_grp: the security group object :param rule_id: the rule's ID """ rules = neutron.list_security_group_rules(**{'security_group_id': sec_grp['security_group']['id']}) for rule in rules['security_group_rules']: if rule['id'] == rule_id: return {'security_group_rule': rule} return None def get_external_networks(neutron): """ Returns a list of external OpenStack network object/dict for all external networks :param neutron: the client :return: a list of external networks (empty list if none configured) """ out = list() for network in neutron.list_networks(**{'router:external': True})['networks']: out.append({'network': network}) return out