# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from magnumclient.client import Client from snaps.domain.cluster_template import ClusterTemplate from snaps.openstack.utils import keystone_utils __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('magnum_utils') def magnum_client(os_creds, session=None): """ Retrieves the Magnum client :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentialsf :param session: the keystone session object (optional) :return: the client """ logger.debug('Retrieving Magnum Client') if not session: session = keystone_utils.keystone_session(os_creds) return Client(str(os_creds.magnum_api_version), session=session) def get_cluster_template(magnum, template_config=None, template_name=None): """ Returns the first ClusterTemplate domain object that matches the parameters :param magnum: the Magnum client :param template_config: a ClusterTemplateConfig object (optional) :param template_name: the name of the template to lookup :return: ClusterTemplate object or None """ name = None if template_config: name = template_config.name elif template_name: name = template_name os_templates = magnum.cluster_templates.list() for os_template in os_templates: if os_template.name == name: return __map_os_cluster_template(os_template) def get_cluster_template_by_id(magnum, tmplt_id): """ Returns the first ClusterTemplate domain object that matches the parameters :param magnum: the Magnum client :param tmplt_id: the template's ID :return: ClusterTemplate object or None """ return __map_os_cluster_template(magnum.cluster_templates.get(tmplt_id)) def create_cluster_template(magnum, cluster_template_config): """ Creates a Magnum Cluster Template object in OpenStack :param magnum: the Magnum client :param cluster_template_config: a ClusterTemplateConfig object :return: a SNAPS ClusterTemplate domain object """ config_dict = cluster_template_config.magnum_dict() os_cluster_template = magnum.cluster_templates.create(**config_dict) logger.info('Creating cluster template named [%s]', cluster_template_config.name) return __map_os_cluster_template(os_cluster_template) def delete_cluster_template(magnum, tmplt_id): """ Deletes a Cluster Template from OpenStack :param magnum: the Magnum client :param tmplt_id: the cluster template ID to delete """ logger.info('Deleting cluster template with ID [%s]', tmplt_id) magnum.cluster_templates.delete(tmplt_id) def __map_os_cluster_template(os_tmplt): """ Returns a SNAPS ClusterTemplate object from an OpenStack ClusterTemplate object :param os_tmplt: the OpenStack ClusterTemplate object :return: SNAPS ClusterTemplate object """ return ClusterTemplate( id=os_tmplt.uuid, name=os_tmplt.name, image=os_tmplt.image_id, keypair=os_tmplt.keypair_id, network_driver=os_tmplt.network_driver, external_net=os_tmplt.external_network_id, floating_ip_enabled=os_tmplt.floating_ip_enabled, docker_volume_size=os_tmplt.docker_volume_size, server_type=os_tmplt.server_type, flavor=os_tmplt.flavor_id, master_flavor=os_tmplt.master_flavor_id, coe=os_tmplt.coe, fixed_net=os_tmplt.fixed_network, fixed_subnet=os_tmplt.fixed_subnet, registry_enabled=os_tmplt.registry_enabled, insecure_registry=os_tmplt.insecure_registry, docker_storage_driver=os_tmplt.docker_storage_driver, dns_nameserver=os_tmplt.dns_nameserver, public=os_tmplt.public, tls_disabled=os_tmplt.tls_disabled, http_proxy=os_tmplt.http_proxy, https_proxy=os_tmplt.https_proxy, no_proxy=os_tmplt.no_proxy, volume_driver=os_tmplt.volume_driver, master_lb_enabled=os_tmplt.master_lb_enabled, labels=os_tmplt.labels )