# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import time from novaclient.exceptions import NotFound from snaps.config.vm_inst import VmInstanceConfig, FloatingIpConfig from snaps.openstack.openstack_creator import OpenStackComputeObject from snaps.openstack.utils import glance_utils, cinder_utils, settings_utils from snaps.openstack.utils import neutron_utils from snaps.openstack.utils import nova_utils from snaps.openstack.utils.nova_utils import RebootType from snaps.provisioning import ansible_utils __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('create_instance') POLL_INTERVAL = 3 VOL_DETACH_TIMEOUT = 120 STATUS_ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE' STATUS_DELETED = 'DELETED' class OpenStackVmInstance(OpenStackComputeObject): """ Class responsible for managing a VM instance in OpenStack """ def __init__(self, os_creds, instance_settings, image_settings, keypair_settings=None): """ Constructor :param os_creds: The connection credentials to the OpenStack API :param instance_settings: Contains the settings for this VM :param image_settings: The OpenStack image object settings :param keypair_settings: The keypair metadata (Optional) :raises Exception """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__(os_creds) self.__neutron = None self.instance_settings = instance_settings self.image_settings = image_settings self.keypair_settings = keypair_settings self.__floating_ip_dict = dict() # Instantiated in self.create() self.__ports = list() # Note: this object does not change after the VM becomes active self.__vm = None def initialize(self): """ Loads the existing VMInst, Port, FloatingIps :return: VMInst domain object """ super(self.__class__, self).initialize() self.__neutron = neutron_utils.neutron_client(self._os_creds) self.__ports = self.__query_ports(self.instance_settings.port_settings) self.__lookup_existing_vm_by_name() def create(self, block=False): """ Creates a VM instance and associated objects unless they already exist :param block: Thread will block until instance has either become active, error, or timeout waiting. Additionally, when True, floating IPs will not be applied until VM is active. :return: VMInst domain object """ self.initialize() if len(self.__ports) == 0: self.__ports = self.__create_ports( self.instance_settings.port_settings) if not self.__vm: self.__create_vm(block) return self.__vm def __lookup_existing_vm_by_name(self): """ Populates the member variables 'self.vm' and 'self.floating_ips' if a VM with the same name already exists within the project """ server = nova_utils.get_server( self._nova, self.__neutron, vm_inst_settings=self.instance_settings) if server: if server.name == self.instance_settings.name: self.__vm = server logger.info( 'Found existing machine with name - %s', self.instance_settings.name) fips = neutron_utils.get_floating_ips(self.__neutron, self.__ports) for port_id, fip in fips: settings = self.instance_settings.floating_ip_settings for fip_setting in settings: if port_id == fip_setting.port_id: self.__floating_ip_dict[fip_setting.name] = fip else: port = neutron_utils.get_port_by_id( self.__neutron, port_id) if port and port.name == fip_setting.port_name: self.__floating_ip_dict[fip_setting.name] = fip def __create_vm(self, block=False): """ Responsible for creating the VM instance :param block: Thread will block until instance has either become active, error, or timeout waiting. Floating IPs will be assigned after active when block=True """ glance = glance_utils.glance_client(self._os_creds) self.__vm = nova_utils.create_server( self._nova, self.__neutron, glance, self.instance_settings, self.image_settings, self.keypair_settings) logger.info('Created instance with name - %s', self.instance_settings.name) if block: if not self.vm_active(block=True): raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Fatal error, VM did not become ACTIVE within the alloted ' 'time') # Create server should do this but found it needed to occur here for sec_grp_name in self.instance_settings.security_group_names: if self.vm_active(block=True): nova_utils.add_security_group(self._nova, self.__vm, sec_grp_name) else: raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Cannot applying security group with name ' + sec_grp_name + ' to VM that did not activate with name - ' + self.instance_settings.name) if self.instance_settings.volume_names: for volume_name in self.instance_settings.volume_names: cinder = cinder_utils.cinder_client(self._os_creds) volume = cinder_utils.get_volume( cinder, volume_name=volume_name) if volume and self.vm_active(block=True): vm = nova_utils.attach_volume( self._nova, self.__neutron, self.__vm, volume, VOL_DETACH_TIMEOUT) if vm: self.__vm = vm else: logger.warn('Volume [%s] not attached within timeout ' 'of [%s]', volume.name, VOL_DETACH_TIMEOUT) else: logger.warn('Unable to attach volume named [%s]', volume_name) self.__apply_floating_ips() def __apply_floating_ips(self): """ Applies the configured floating IPs to the necessary ports """ port_dict = dict() for key, port in self.__ports: port_dict[key] = port # Apply floating IPs for floating_ip_setting in self.instance_settings.floating_ip_settings: self.add_floating_ip(floating_ip_setting) def add_floating_ip(self, floating_ip_setting): """ Adds a floating IP to a running instance :param floating_ip_setting - the floating IP configuration :return: the floating ip object """ port_dict = dict() for key, port in self.__ports: port_dict[key] = port # Apply floating IP port = port_dict.get(floating_ip_setting.port_name) if not port: raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Cannot find port object with name - ' + floating_ip_setting.port_name) # Setup Floating IP only if there is a router with an external # gateway ext_gateway = self.__ext_gateway_by_router( floating_ip_setting.router_name) if ext_gateway and self.vm_active(block=True): floating_ip = neutron_utils.create_floating_ip( self.__neutron, ext_gateway, port.id) self.__floating_ip_dict[floating_ip_setting.name] = floating_ip logger.info( 'Created floating IP %s via router - %s', floating_ip.ip, floating_ip_setting.router_name) return floating_ip else: raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Unable to add floating IP to port, cannot locate router ' 'with an external gateway ') def __ext_gateway_by_router(self, router_name): """ Returns network name for the external network attached to a router or None if not found :param router_name: The name of the router to lookup :return: the external network name or None """ router = neutron_utils.get_router( self.__neutron, router_name=router_name) if router and router.external_network_id: network = neutron_utils.get_network_by_id( self.__neutron, router.external_network_id) if network: return network.name return None def clean(self): """ Destroys the VM instance """ # Cleanup floating IPs for name, floating_ip in self.__floating_ip_dict.items(): logger.info('Deleting Floating IP - ' + floating_ip.ip) neutron_utils.delete_floating_ip(self.__neutron, floating_ip) self.__floating_ip_dict = dict() # Cleanup ports for name, port in self.__ports: logger.info('Deleting Port with ID - %s ', port.id) neutron_utils.delete_port(self.__neutron, port) self.__ports = list() if self.__vm: # Detach Volume for volume_rec in self.__vm.volume_ids: cinder = cinder_utils.cinder_client(self._os_creds) volume = cinder_utils.get_volume_by_id( cinder, volume_rec['id']) if volume: vm = nova_utils.detach_volume( self._nova, self.__neutron, self.__vm, volume, VOL_DETACH_TIMEOUT) if vm: self.__vm = vm else: logger.warn( 'Timeout waiting to detach volume %s', volume.name) else: logger.warn('Unable to detach volume with ID - [%s]', volume_rec['id']) # Cleanup VM logger.info( 'Deleting VM instance - ' + self.instance_settings.name) try: nova_utils.delete_vm_instance(self._nova, self.__vm) except NotFound as e: logger.warn('Instance already deleted - %s', e) # Block until instance cannot be found or returns the status of # DELETED logger.info('Checking deletion status') if self.vm_deleted(block=True): logger.info( 'VM has been properly deleted VM with name - %s', self.instance_settings.name) self.__vm = None else: logger.error( 'VM not deleted within the timeout period of %s ' 'seconds', self.instance_settings.vm_delete_timeout) def __query_ports(self, port_settings): """ Returns the previously configured ports or an empty list if none exist :param port_settings: A list of PortSetting objects :return: a list of OpenStack port tuples where the first member is the port name and the second is the port object """ ports = list() for port_setting in port_settings: port = neutron_utils.get_port( self.__neutron, port_settings=port_setting) if port: ports.append((port_setting.name, port)) return ports def __create_ports(self, port_settings): """ Returns the previously configured ports or creates them if they do not exist :param port_settings: A list of PortSetting objects :return: a list of OpenStack port tuples where the first member is the port name and the second is the port object """ ports = list() for port_setting in port_settings: port = neutron_utils.get_port( self.__neutron, port_settings=port_setting) if not port: port = neutron_utils.create_port( self.__neutron, self._os_creds, port_setting) if port: ports.append((port_setting.name, port)) return ports def get_os_creds(self): """ Returns the OpenStack credentials used to create these objects :return: the credentials """ return self._os_creds def get_vm_inst(self): """ Returns the latest version of this server object from OpenStack :return: Server object """ return nova_utils.get_server_object_by_id( self._nova, self.__neutron, self.__vm.id) def get_console_output(self): """ Returns the vm console object for parsing logs :return: the console output object """ return nova_utils.get_server_console_output(self._nova, self.__vm) def get_port_ip(self, port_name, subnet_name=None): """ Returns the first IP for the port corresponding with the port_name parameter when subnet_name is None else returns the IP address that corresponds to the subnet_name parameter :param port_name: the name of the port from which to return the IP :param subnet_name: the name of the subnet attached to this IP :return: the IP or None if not found """ port = self.get_port_by_name(port_name) if port: if subnet_name: subnet = neutron_utils.get_subnet( self.__neutron, subnet_name=subnet_name) if not subnet: logger.warning('Cannot retrieve port IP as subnet could ' 'not be located with name - %s', subnet_name) return None for fixed_ip in port.ips: if fixed_ip['subnet_id'] == subnet.id: return fixed_ip['ip_address'] else: if port.ips and len(port.ips) > 0: return port.ips[0]['ip_address'] return None def get_port_mac(self, port_name): """ Returns the first IP for the port corresponding with the port_name parameter TODO - Add in the subnet as an additional parameter as a port may have multiple fixed_ips :param port_name: the name of the port from which to return the IP :return: the IP or None if not found """ port = self.get_port_by_name(port_name) if port: return port.mac_address return None def get_port_by_name(self, port_name): """ Retrieves the OpenStack port object by its given name :param port_name: the name of the port :return: the OpenStack port object or None if not exists """ for key, port in self.__ports: if key == port_name: return port logger.warning('Cannot find port with name - ' + port_name) return None def get_vm_info(self): """ Returns a dictionary of a VMs info as returned by OpenStack :return: a dict() """ return nova_utils.get_server_info(self._nova, self.__vm) def __get_first_provisioning_floating_ip(self): """ Returns the first floating IP tagged with the Floating IP name if exists else the first one found :return: """ for floating_ip_setting in self.instance_settings.floating_ip_settings: if floating_ip_setting.provisioning: fip = self.__floating_ip_dict.get(floating_ip_setting.name) if fip: return fip elif len(self.__floating_ip_dict) > 0: for key, fip in self.__floating_ip_dict.items(): return fip # When cannot be found above if len(self.__floating_ip_dict) > 0: for key, fip in self.__floating_ip_dict.items(): return fip def apply_ansible_playbook(self, pb_file_loc, variables=None, fip_name=None): """ Applies a playbook to a VM :param pb_file_loc: the file location of the playbook to be applied :param variables: a dict() of substitution values required by the playbook :param fip_name: the name of the floating IP to use for applying the playbook (default - will take the first) :return: the return value from ansible """ return ansible_utils.apply_playbook( pb_file_loc, [self.get_floating_ip(fip_name=fip_name).ip], self.get_image_user(), ssh_priv_key_file_path=self.keypair_settings.private_filepath, variables=variables, proxy_setting=self._os_creds.proxy_settings) def get_image_user(self): """ Returns the instance sudo_user if it has been configured in the instance_settings else it returns the image_settings.image_user value """ if self.instance_settings.sudo_user: return self.instance_settings.sudo_user else: return self.image_settings.image_user def vm_deleted(self, block=False, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns true when the VM status returns the value of expected_status_code or instance retrieval throws a NotFound exception. :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param poll_interval: The polling interval in seconds :return: T/F """ try: return self.__vm_status_check( STATUS_DELETED, block, self.instance_settings.vm_delete_timeout, poll_interval) except NotFound as e: logger.debug( "Instance not found when querying status for %s with message " "%s", STATUS_DELETED, e) return True def vm_active(self, block=False, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns true when the VM status returns the value of the constant STATUS_ACTIVE :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param poll_interval: The polling interval in seconds :return: T/F """ if self.__vm_status_check( STATUS_ACTIVE, block, self.instance_settings.vm_boot_timeout, poll_interval): self.__vm = nova_utils.get_server_object_by_id( self._nova, self.__neutron, self.__vm.id) return True return False def __vm_status_check(self, expected_status_code, block, timeout, poll_interval): """ Returns true when the VM status returns the value of expected_status_code :param expected_status_code: instance status evaluated with this string value :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param timeout: The timeout value :param poll_interval: The polling interval in seconds :return: T/F """ # sleep and wait for VM status change if block: start = time.time() else: return self.__status(expected_status_code) while timeout > time.time() - start: status = self.__status(expected_status_code) if status: logger.info('VM is - ' + expected_status_code) return True logger.debug('Retry querying VM status in ' + str( poll_interval) + ' seconds') time.sleep(poll_interval) logger.debug('VM status query timeout in ' + str( timeout - (time.time() - start))) logger.error( 'Timeout checking for VM status for ' + expected_status_code) return False def __status(self, expected_status_code): """ Returns True when active else False :param expected_status_code: instance status evaluated with this string value :return: T/F """ if not self.__vm: if expected_status_code == STATUS_DELETED: return True else: return False status = nova_utils.get_server_status(self._nova, self.__vm) if not status: logger.warning('Cannot find instance with id - ' + self.__vm.id) return False if status == 'ERROR': raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Instance had an error during deployment') logger.debug( 'Instance status [%s] is - %s', self.instance_settings.name, status) return status == expected_status_code def vm_ssh_active(self, user_override=None, password=None, block=False, timeout=None, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns true when the VM can be accessed via SSH :param user_override: overrides the user with which to create the connection :param password: overrides the use of a password instead of a private key with which to create the connection :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param timeout: the number of seconds to retry obtaining the connection and overrides the ssh_connect_timeout member of the self.instance_settings object :param poll_interval: The polling interval :return: T/F """ # sleep and wait for VM status change logger.info('Checking if VM is active') if not timeout: timeout = self.instance_settings.ssh_connect_timeout if self.vm_active(block=True): if block: start = time.time() else: start = time.time() - timeout while timeout > time.time() - start: status = self.__ssh_active( user_override=user_override, password=password) if status: logger.info('SSH is active for VM instance') return True logger.debug('Retry SSH connection in ' + str( poll_interval) + ' seconds') time.sleep(poll_interval) logger.debug('SSH connection timeout in ' + str( timeout - (time.time() - start))) logger.error('Timeout attempting to connect with VM via SSH') return False def __ssh_active(self, user_override=None, password=None): """ Returns True when can create a SSH session else False :return: T/F """ if len(self.__floating_ip_dict) > 0: ssh = self.ssh_client( user_override=user_override, password=password) if ssh: ssh.close() return True return False def cloud_init_complete(self, block=False, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns true when the VM's cloud-init routine has completed. Note: this is currently done via SSH, therefore, if this instance does not have a Floating IP or a running SSH server, this routine will always return False or raise an Exception :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param poll_interval: The polling interval :return: T/F """ # sleep and wait for VM status change logger.info('Checking if cloud-init has completed') timeout = self.instance_settings.cloud_init_timeout if self.vm_active(block=True) and self.vm_ssh_active(block=True): if block: start = time.time() else: start = time.time() - timeout while timeout > time.time() - start: status = self.__cloud_init_complete() if status: logger.info('cloud-init complete for VM instance') return True logger.debug('Retry cloud-init query in ' + str( poll_interval) + ' seconds') time.sleep(poll_interval) logger.debug('cloud-init complete timeout in ' + str( timeout - (time.time() - start))) logger.error('Timeout waiting for cloud-init to complete') return False def __cloud_init_complete(self): """ Returns True when can create a SSH session else False :return: T/F """ if len(self.__floating_ip_dict) > 0: ssh = self.ssh_client() if ssh: stdin1, stdout1, sterr1 = ssh.exec_command( 'ls -l /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished') return stdout1.channel.recv_exit_status() == 0 return False def get_floating_ip(self, fip_name=None): """ Returns the floating IP object byt name if found, else the first known, else None :param fip_name: the name of the floating IP to return :return: the SSH client or None """ if fip_name and self.__floating_ip_dict.get(fip_name): return self.__floating_ip_dict.get(fip_name) else: return self.__get_first_provisioning_floating_ip() def ssh_client(self, fip_name=None, user_override=None, password=None): """ Returns an SSH client using the name or the first known floating IP if exists, else None :param fip_name: the name of the floating IP to return :param user_override: the username to use instead of the default :param password: the password to use instead of the private key :return: the SSH client or None """ fip = self.get_floating_ip(fip_name) ansible_user = self.get_image_user() if user_override: ansible_user = user_override if password: private_key = None else: private_key = self.keypair_settings.private_filepath if fip: return ansible_utils.ssh_client( self.__get_first_provisioning_floating_ip().ip, ansible_user, private_key_filepath=private_key, password=password, proxy_settings=self._os_creds.proxy_settings) else: FloatingIPAllocationError( 'Cannot return an SSH client. No Floating IP configured') def add_security_group(self, security_group): """ Adds a security group to this VM. Call will block until VM is active. :param security_group: the SNAPS SecurityGroup domain object :return True if successful else False """ self.vm_active(block=True) if not security_group: logger.warning('Security group object is None, cannot add') return False try: nova_utils.add_security_group(self._nova, self.get_vm_inst(), security_group.name) return True except NotFound as e: logger.warning('Security group not added - ' + str(e)) return False def remove_security_group(self, security_group): """ Removes a security group to this VM. Call will block until VM is active :param security_group: the OpenStack security group object :return True if successful else False """ self.vm_active(block=True) if not security_group: logger.warning('Security group object is None, cannot remove') return False try: nova_utils.remove_security_group(self._nova, self.get_vm_inst(), security_group) return True except NotFound as e: logger.warning('Security group not removed - ' + str(e)) return False def reboot(self, reboot_type=RebootType.soft): """ Issues a reboot call :param reboot_type: instance of snaps.openstack.utils.nova_utils.RebootType enumeration :return: """ nova_utils.reboot_server( self._nova, self.__vm, reboot_type=reboot_type) def generate_creator(os_creds, vm_inst, image_config, keypair_config=None): """ Initializes an OpenStackVmInstance object :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :param vm_inst: the SNAPS-OO VmInst domain object :param image_config: the associated ImageConfig object :param keypair_config: the associated KeypairConfig object (optional) :return: an initialized OpenStackVmInstance object """ nova = nova_utils.nova_client(os_creds) neutron = neutron_utils.neutron_client(os_creds) derived_inst_config = settings_utils.create_vm_inst_config( nova, neutron, vm_inst) derived_inst_creator = OpenStackVmInstance( os_creds, derived_inst_config, image_config, keypair_config) derived_inst_creator.initialize() return derived_inst_creator class VmInstanceSettings(VmInstanceConfig): """ Deprecated, use snaps.config.vm_inst.VmInstanceConfig instead """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn('Use snaps.config.vm_inst.VmInstanceConfig instead', DeprecationWarning) super(self.__class__, self).__init__(**kwargs) class FloatingIpSettings(FloatingIpConfig): """ Deprecated, use snaps.config.vm_inst.FloatingIpConfig instead """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn('Use snaps.config.vm_inst.FloatingIpConfig instead', DeprecationWarning) super(self.__class__, self).__init__(**kwargs) class VmInstanceCreationError(Exception): """ Exception to be thrown when an VM instance cannot be created """ class FloatingIPAllocationError(Exception): """ Exception to be thrown when an VM instance cannot allocate a floating IP """