# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from glanceclient.exc import HTTPNotFound import logging import time from snaps.openstack.utils import glance_utils __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('create_image') IMAGE_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT = 600 POLL_INTERVAL = 3 STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active' class OpenStackImage: """ Class responsible for creating an image in OpenStack """ def __init__(self, os_creds, image_settings): """ Constructor :param os_creds: The OpenStack connection credentials :param image_settings: The image settings :return: """ self.__os_creds = os_creds self.image_settings = image_settings self.__image = None self.__kernel_image = None self.__ramdisk_image = None self.__glance = glance_utils.glance_client(os_creds) def create(self, cleanup=False): """ Creates the image in OpenStack if it does not already exist and returns the domain Image object :param cleanup: Denotes whether or not this is being called for cleanup or not :return: The OpenStack Image object """ self.__image = glance_utils.get_image(self.__glance, self.image_settings.name) if self.__image: logger.info('Found image with name - ' + self.image_settings.name) return self.__image elif not cleanup: extra_properties = self.image_settings.extra_properties or dict() if self.image_settings.kernel_image_settings: self.__kernel_image = glance_utils.get_image( self.__glance, self.image_settings.kernel_image_settings.name) if not self.__kernel_image and not cleanup: logger.info('Creating associated kernel image') self.__kernel_image = glance_utils.create_image( self.__glance, self.image_settings.kernel_image_settings) extra_properties['kernel_id'] = self.__kernel_image.id if self.image_settings.ramdisk_image_settings: self.__ramdisk_image = glance_utils.get_image( self.__glance, self.image_settings.ramdisk_image_settings.name) if not self.__ramdisk_image and not cleanup: logger.info('Creating associated ramdisk image') self.__ramdisk_image = glance_utils.create_image( self.__glance, self.image_settings.ramdisk_image_settings) extra_properties['ramdisk_id'] = self.__ramdisk_image.id self.image_settings.extra_properties = extra_properties self.__image = glance_utils.create_image(self.__glance, self.image_settings) logger.info('Creating image') if self.__image and self.image_active(block=True): logger.info('Image is now active with name - ' + self.image_settings.name) return self.__image else: raise Exception('Image was not created or activated in the alloted amount of time') else: logger.info('Did not create image due to cleanup mode') return self.__image def clean(self): """ Cleanse environment of all artifacts :return: void """ for image in [self.__image, self.__kernel_image, self.__ramdisk_image]: if image: try: glance_utils.delete_image(self.__glance, image) except HTTPNotFound: pass self.__image = None self.__kernel_image = None self.__ramdisk_image = None def get_image(self): """ Returns the domain Image object as it was populated when create() was called :return: the object """ return self.__image def get_kernel_image(self): """ Returns the OpenStack kernel image object as it was populated when create() was called :return: the object """ return self.__kernel_image def get_ramdisk_image(self): """ Returns the OpenStack ramdisk image object as it was populated when create() was called :return: the object """ return self.__ramdisk_image def image_active(self, block=False, timeout=IMAGE_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns true when the image status returns the value of expected_status_code :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param timeout: The timeout value :param poll_interval: The polling interval in seconds :return: T/F """ return self._image_status_check(STATUS_ACTIVE, block, timeout, poll_interval) def _image_status_check(self, expected_status_code, block, timeout, poll_interval): """ Returns true when the image status returns the value of expected_status_code :param expected_status_code: instance status evaluated with this string value :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param timeout: The timeout value :param poll_interval: The polling interval in seconds :return: T/F """ # sleep and wait for image status change if block: start = time.time() else: start = time.time() - timeout while timeout > time.time() - start: status = self._status(expected_status_code) if status: logger.info('Image is active with name - ' + self.image_settings.name) return True logger.debug('Retry querying image status in ' + str(poll_interval) + ' seconds') time.sleep(poll_interval) logger.debug('Image status query timeout in ' + str(timeout - (time.time() - start))) logger.error('Timeout checking for image status for ' + expected_status_code) return False def _status(self, expected_status_code): """ Returns True when active else False :param expected_status_code: instance status evaluated with this string value :return: T/F """ # TODO - Place this API call into glance_utils. status = glance_utils.get_image_status(self.__glance, self.__image) if not status: logger.warning('Cannot image status for image with ID - ' + self.__image.id) return False if status == 'ERROR': raise Exception('Instance had an error during deployment') logger.debug('Instance status is - ' + status) return status == expected_status_code class ImageSettings: def __init__(self, config=None, name=None, image_user=None, img_format=None, url=None, image_file=None, extra_properties=None, nic_config_pb_loc=None, kernel_image_settings=None, ramdisk_image_settings=None): """ :param config: dict() object containing the configuration settings using the attribute names below as each member's the key and overrides any of the other parameters. :param name: the image's name (required) :param image_user: the image's default sudo user (required) :param img_format: the image type (required) :param url: the image download location (requires url or img_file) :param image_file: the image file location (requires url or img_file) :param extra_properties: dict() object containing extra parameters to pass when loading the image; can be ids of kernel and initramfs images for a 3-part image :param nic_config_pb_loc: the file location to the Ansible Playbook that can configure multiple NICs :param kernel_image_settings: the settings for a kernel image :param ramdisk_image_settings: the settings for a kernel image """ if config: self.name = config.get('name') self.image_user = config.get('image_user') self.format = config.get('format') self.url = config.get('download_url') self.image_file = config.get('image_file') self.extra_properties = config.get('extra_properties') self.nic_config_pb_loc = config.get('nic_config_pb_loc') if config.get('kernel_image_settings'): self.kernel_image_settings = ImageSettings(config=config['kernel_image_settings']) else: self.kernel_image_settings = None if config.get('ramdisk_image_settings'): self.ramdisk_image_settings = ImageSettings(config=config['ramdisk_image_settings']) else: self.ramdisk_image_settings = None else: self.name = name self.image_user = image_user self.format = img_format self.url = url self.image_file = image_file self.extra_properties = extra_properties self.nic_config_pb_loc = nic_config_pb_loc self.kernel_image_settings = kernel_image_settings self.ramdisk_image_settings = ramdisk_image_settings if not self.name or not self.image_user or not self.format: raise Exception("The attributes name, image_user, format, and url are required for ImageSettings") if not self.url and not self.image_file: raise Exception('URL or image file must be set') if self.url and self.image_file: raise Exception('Please set either URL or image file, not both')