Overview ======== The main purpose of this project is to enable one to describe a virtual environment in a YAML file and enable the user to deploy it to an OpenStack cloud in a repeatable manner. There are also options to un-deploy that same environment by leveraging the original YAML file. To deploy/clean virtual environments ==================================== - Clone Repository - git clone https://gerrit.cablelabs.com/snaps-provisioning - Install Library - pip install -e / - Deploy - cd - python snaps/deploy\_venv.py -e -d - Working example: :: python deploy_venv.py -e <path to repo>/examples/complex-network/deploy-complex-network.yaml -d - Clean - python deploy\_venv.py -e -c - Working example (cleanup of a previously deployed virtual environment where the VM has Yardstick installed): :: python deploy_venv.py -e <path to repo>/examples/complex-network/deploy-complex-network.yaml -c Environment Configuration YAML File =================================== The configuration file used to deploy and provision a virtual environment has been designed to describe the required images, networks, SSH public and private keys, associated VMs, as well as any required post deployment provisioning tasks. \*\*\* Please note that many of the more esoteric optional supported attributes still have not been fully tested. *** *** Some of the nested bullets are being hidden by GitLabs, please see doc/VirtEnvDeploy.md.\*\*\* - openstack: the top level tag that denotes configuration for the OpenStack components - connection: - contains the credentials and endpoints required to connect with OpenStack - username: - the project's user (required) - password: - the tentant's user password (required) - auth\_url: - the URL to the OpenStack APIs (required) - project\_name: - the name of the OpenStack project for the user (required) - http\_proxy: - the {{ host }}:{{ port }} of the proxy server the HTTPPhotoman01(optional) - images: - describes each image - image: - name: The unique image name. If the name already exists for your project, a new one will not be created (required) - format: The format type of the image i.e. qcow2 (required) - download\_url: The HTTP download location of the image file (required) - nic\_config\_pb\_loc: The file location relative to the CWD (python directory) to the Ansible Playbook used to configure VMs with more than one port. VMs get their first NIC configured for free while subsequent ones are not. This value/script will only be leveraged when necessary. Centos has been supported with "provisioning/ansible/centos-network-setup/configure\_host.yml". - networks: - network: - name: The name of the network to be created. If one already exists, a new one will not be created (required) - admin\_state\_up: T\|F (default True) - shared: (optional) - project\_name: Name of the project who owns the network. Note: only administrative users can specify projects other than their own (optional) - external: T\|F whether or not network is external (default False) - network\_type: The type of network to create. (optional) - subnets: - subnet: - name: The name of the network to be created. If one already exists, a new one will not be created. Note: although OpenStack allows for multiple subnets to be applied to any given network, we have not included support as our current use cases does not utilize this functionality (required) - cidr: The subnet mask value (required) - dns\_nameservers: A list of IP values used for DNS resolution (default: - ip\_version: 4\|6 (default: 4) - project\_name: Name of the project who owns the network. Note: only administrative users can specify projects other than their own (optional) - start: The start address for allocation\_pools (optional) - end: The ending address for allocation\_pools (optional) - gateway\_ip: The IP address to the gateway (optional) - enable\_dhcp: T\|F (optional) - dns\_nameservers: List of DNS server IPs - host\_routes: A list of host route dictionaries (optional) i.e.: ``yaml "host_routes":[ { "destination":"", "nexthop":"123.456.78.9" }, { "destination":"", "nexthop":"" } ]`` - destination: The destination for a static route (optional) - nexthop: The next hop for the destination (optional) - ipv6\_ra\_mode: Valid values: "dhcpv6-stateful", "dhcpv6-stateless", and "slaac" (optional) - ipv6\_address\_mode: Valid values: "dhcpv6-stateful", "dhcpv6-stateless", and "slaac" (optional) - routers: - router: - name: The name of the router to be created. If one already exists, a new one will not be created (required) - project\_name: Name of the project who owns the network. Note: only administrative users can specify projects other than their own (optional) - internal\_subnets: A list of subnet names on which the router will be placed (optional) - external\_gateway: A dictionary containing the external gateway parameters: "network\_id", "enable\_snat", "external\_fixed\_ips" (optional) - interfaces: A list of port interfaces to create to other subnets (optional) - port (Leverages the same class/structure as port objects on VM instances. See port definition below for a full accounting of the port attributes. The ones listed below are generally used for routers) - name: The name given to the new port (must be unique for project) (required) - network\_name: The name of the new port's network (required) - ip\_addrs: A list of k/v pairs (optional) - subnet\_name: the name of a subnet that is on the port's network - ip: An IP address of the associated subnet to assign to the new port (optional but generally required for router interfaces) - keypairs: - keypair: - name: The name of the keypair to be created. If one already exists, a new one will not be created but simply loaded from its configured file location (required) - public\_filepath: The path to where the generated public key will be stored if it does not exist (optional but really required for provisioning purposes) - private\_filepath: The path to where the generated private key will be stored if it does not exist (optional but really required for provisioning purposes) - instances: - instance: - name: The unique instance name for project. (required) - flavor: Must be one of the preconfigured flavors (required) - imageName: The name of the image to be used for deployment (required) - keypair\_name: The name of the keypair to attach to instance (optional but required for NIC configuration and Ansible provisioning) - sudo\_user: The name of a sudo\_user that is attached to the keypair (optional but required for NIC configuration and Ansible provisioning) - vm\_boot\_timeout: The number of seconds to block waiting for an instance to deploy and boot (default 900) - vm\_delete\_timeout: The number of seconds to block waiting for an instance to be deleted (default 300) - ssh\_connect\_timeout: The number of seconds to block waiting for an instance to achieve an SSH connection (default 120) - ports: A list of port configurations (should contain at least one) - port: Denotes the configuration of a NIC - name: The unique port name for project (required) - network\_name: The name of the network to which the port is attached (required) - ip\_addrs: Static IP addresses to be added to the port by subnet (optional) - subnet\_name: The name of the subnet - ip: The assigned IP address (when null, OpenStack will assign an IP to the port) - admin\_state\_up: T\|F (default True) - project\_name: The name of the project who owns the network. Only administrative users can specify a the project ID other than their own (optional) - mac\_address: The desired MAC for the port (optional) - fixed\_ips: A dictionary that allows one to specify only a subnet ID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the specified address to the port. (optional) - seurity\_groups: A list of security group IDs (optional) - allowed\_address\_pairs: A dictionary containing a set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair contains an IP address and MAC address. (optional) - opt\_value: The extra DHCP option value (optional) - opt\_name: The extra DHCP option name (optional) - device\_owner: The ID of the entity that uses this port. For example, a DHCP agent (optional) - device\_id: The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a virtual server (optional) - floating\_ips: list of floating\_ip configurations (optional) - floating\_ip: - name: Must be unique for VM instance (required) - port\_name: The name of the port requiring access to the external network (required) - subnet\_name: The name of the subnet contains the IP address on the port on which to create the floating IP (optional) - router\_name: The name of the router connected to an external network used to attach the floating IP (required) - provisioning: (True\|False) Denotes whether or not this IP can be used for Ansible provisioning (default True) - ansible: Each set of attributes below are contained in a list - playbook\_location: Full path or relative to the directory in which the deployment file resides (required) - hosts: A list of hosts to which the playbook will be executed (required) - variables: Should your Ansible scripts require any substitution values to be applied with Jinga2templates, the values defined here will be used to for substitution - tag name = substitution variable names. For instance, for any file being pushed to the host being provisioned containing a value such as {{ foo }}, you must specify a tag name of "foo" - vm\_name: - type: string\|port\|os\_creds\|vm-attr (note: will need to make changes to deploy\_venv.py#\_\_get\_variable\_value() for additional support) - when type == string, an tag name "value" must exist and its value will be used for template substituion - when type == port, custom code has been written to extract certain assigned values to the port: - vm\_name: must correspond to a VM's name as configured in this file - port\_name: The name of the port from which to extract the substitution values (required) - port\_value: The port value. Currently only supporting "mac\_address" and "ip\_address" (only the first) - when type == os\_creds, custom code has been written to extract the file's connection values: - username: connection's user - password: connection's password - auth\_url: connection's URL - project\_name: connection's project - when type == vm-attr, custom code has been written to extract the following attributes from the vm: - vm\_name: must correspond to a VM's name as configured in this file - value -> floating\_ip: is currently the only vm-attr supported