SNAPS OpenStack API Testing

Tests designated as component tests extend the snaps.openstack.tests.OSComponentTestCase class and must be exercised
with OpenStack credentials for all as well as an external network for many. When leveraging the unit\_test\
application, the -e argument and -n arguments will suffice. When attempting to execute these tests within your IDE
of choice (tested on IntelliJ), you will need to edit the [repo\_dir]/snaps/openstack/tests/conf/os\_env.yaml file as well
as ensuring that your run configuration's working directory is set to [repo\_dir]/snaps.

The Test Classes
================ - GlanceSmokeTests

Ensures that a Glance client can be obtained as well as the proper
exceptions thrown with the wrong credentials. - KeystoneSmokeTests

Ensures that a Keystone client can be obtained as well as the proper
exceptions thrown with the wrong credentials. - NeutronSmokeTests

Ensures that a Neutron client can be obtained as well as the proper
exceptions thrown with the wrong credentials. - NovaSmokeTests

Ensures that a Nova client can be obtained as well as the proper
exceptions thrown with the wrong credentials. - HeatSmokeTests

Ensures that a Heat client can be obtained as well as the proper
exceptions thrown with the wrong credentials. - KeystoneUtilsTests

| Test Name                        | Keystone API  | Description                                               |
| test_create_user_minimal         | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a user with minimal configuration   |
|                                  |               | settings via the utility functions                        |
| test_create_project_minimal      | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a project with minimal configuration|
|                                  |               | settings via the utility functions                        |
| test_get_endpoint_success        | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that proper credentials and proper service|
|                                  |               | type can succeed                                          |
| test_get_endpoint_fail_without   | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that proper credentials and improper      |
| _proper_service                  |               | service type cannot succeed                               |
| test_get_endpoint_fail_without   | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that improper credentials and proper      |
| _proper_credentials              |               | service type cannot succeed                               |
| test_get_endpoint_with_each      | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that an interface URL is returned for each|
| _interface                       |               | supported interface type (i.e. public, internal, & admin) |
| test_grant_user_role_to_project  | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that one can grant a new user's role to a |
|                                  |               | new project                                               |
+----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - CreateUserSuccessTests
| Test Name                        | Keystone API  | Description                                               |
| test_create_user                 | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a user with minimal configuration   |
|                                  |               | settings via the utility functions                        |
| test_create_user_2x              | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a user 2x and ensure it has been    |
|                                  |               | done only once                                            |
| test_create_delete_user          | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a user and ensure clean can be      |
|                                  |               | called 2x without exceptions being raised                 |
| test_create_admin_user           | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a user with an 'admin' role         |
+----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - CreateProjectSuccessTests

| Test Name                        | Keystone API  | Description                                               |
| test_create_project_bad_domain   | 3             | Ensures that keystone v3 clients using the domain ID      |
|                                  |               | project setting project creation will fail with an invalid|
|                                  |               | domain id/name                                            |
| test_create_project              | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a project via the OpenStackProject  |
|                                  |               | class                                                     |
| test_create_project_2x           | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a project a second time via the     |
|                                  |               | OpenStackProject class to ensure it is only created once  |
| test_create_delete_project       | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation and deletion of a project via the      |
|                                  |               | OpenStackProject class to ensure that clean will not raise|
|                                  |               | an exception                                              |
| test_update_quotas               | 2 & 3         | Tests the ability to update quota values                  |
|                                  | nova & neutron|                                                           |
+----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - CreateProjectUserTests

| Test Name                             | Keystone API  | Description                                               |
| test_create_project_sec_grp_one_user  | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of an OpenStack object to a project    |
|                                       |               | with a new users and to create a security group           |
|                                       |               |                                                           |
| test_create_project_sec_grp_two_users | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of an OpenStack object to a project    |
|                                       |               | with two new users and to create a security group under   |
|                                       |               | each                                                      |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - GlanceUtilsTests

| Test Name                             | Glance API    | Description                                               |
| test_create_image_minimal_url         | 1             | Tests the glance_utils.create_image() function with a URL |
| test_create_image_minimal_file        | 1             | Tests the glance_utils.create_image() function with a file|
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - NeutronUtilsNetworkTests

| Test Name                             | Neutron API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_network                   | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_network() properly creates a |
|                                       |               | network                                                   |
| test_create_network_empty_name        | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_network() raises an exception|
|                                       |               | when the network name is an empty string                  |
| test_create_network_null_name         | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_network() raises an exception|
|                                       |               | when the network name is None                             |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - NeutronUtilsSubnetTests

| Test Name                             | Neutron API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_subnet                    | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_subnet() can properly create |
|                                       |               | an OpenStack subnet object                                |
| test_create_subnet_null_name          | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_subnet() raises an exception |
|                                       |               | when the subnet name is None                              |
| test_create_subnet_empty_name         | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_subnet() raises an exception |
|                                       |               | when the subnet name is an empty string                   |
| test_create_subnet_null_cidr          | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_subnet() raises an exception |
|                                       |               | when the subnet CIDR is None                              |
| test_create_subnet_empty_cidr         | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_subnet() raises an exception |
|                                       |               | when the subnet CIDR is an empty string                   |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - NeutronUtilsRouterTests

| Test Name                             | Neutron API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_router_simple             | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_router() can properly create |
|                                       |               | a simple OpenStack router object                          |
| test_create_router_with_public_inter  | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_router() can properly create |
| face                                  |               | an OpenStack router object with an interface to the       |
|                                       |               | external network                                          |
| test_create_router_empty_name         | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_router() raises an exception |
|                                       |               | when the name is an empty string                          |
| test_create_router_null_name          | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_router() raises an exception |
|                                       |               | when the name is None                                     |
| test_add_interface_router             | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.add_interface_router() properly adds|
|                                       |               | an interface to another subnet                            |
| test_add_interface_router_null_router | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.add_interface_router() raises an    |
|                                       |               | exception when the router object is None                  |
| test_add_interface_router_null_subnet | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.add_interface_router() raises an    |
|                                       |               | exception when the subnet object is None                  |
| test_create_port                      | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_port() can properly create an|
|                                       |               | OpenStack port object                                     |
| test_create_port_empty_name           | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_port() raises an exception   |
|                                       |               | when the port name is an empty string                     |
| test_create_port_null_name            | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_port() raises an exception   |
|                                       |               | when the port name is None                                |
| test_create_port_null_network_object  | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_port() raises an exception   |
|                                       |               | when the network object is None                           |
| test_create_port_null_ip              | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_port() raises an exception   |
|                                       |               | when the assigned IP value is None                        |
| test_create_port_invalid_ip           | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_port() raises an exception   |
|                                       |               | when the assigned IP value is invalid                     |
| test_create_port_invalid_ip_to_subnet | 2             | Ensures neutron_utils.create_port() raises an exception   |
|                                       |               | when the assigned IP value is not part of CIDR            |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - NeutronUtilsSecurityGroupTests

| Test Name                             | Neutron API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_delete_simple_sec_grp     | 2             | Ensures that a security group can be created              |
|                                       |               | (neutron_utils.create_security_group() and deleted via    |
|                                       |               | neutron_utils.delete_security_group()                     |
| test_create_sec_grp_no_name           | 2             | Ensures that neutron_utils.create_security_group() raises |
|                                       |               | an exception when attempting to create a security group   |
|                                       |               | without a name                                            |
| test_create_sec_grp_no_rules          | 2             | Ensures that neutron_utils.create_security_group() can    |
|                                       |               | create a security group without any rules                 |
| test_create_sec_grp_one_rule          | 2             | Ensures that neutron_utils.create_security_group_rule()   |
|                                       |               | can add a rule to a security group                        |
| test_get_sec_grp_by_id                | 2             | Ensures that neutron_utils.get_security_group_by_id()     |
|                                       |               | returns the expected security group                       |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - NeutronUtilsFloatingIpTests

| Test Name                             | Neutron API   | Description                                               |
| test_floating_ips                     | 2             | Ensures that a floating IP can be created                 |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - NovaUtilsKeypairTests

| Test Name                             | Nova API      | Description                                               |
| test_create_keypair                   | 2             | Ensures that a keypair can be properly created via        |
|                                       |               | nova_utils.upload_keypair() with a public_key object      |
| test_create_delete_keypair            | 2             | Ensures that a keypair can be properly deleted via        |
|                                       |               | nova_utils.delete_keypair()                               |
| test_create_key_from_file             | 2             | Ensures that a keypair can be properly created via        |
|                                       |               | nova_utils.upload_keypair_file()                          |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - NovaUtilsFlavorTests

| Test Name                             | Nova API      | Description                                               |
| test_create_flavor                    | 2             | Ensures that a flavor can be properly created via         |
|                                       |               | nova_utils.create_flavor()                                |
| test_create_delete_flavor             | 2             | Ensures that a flavor can be properly deleted via         |
|                                       |               | nova_utils.delete_flavor()                                |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - NovaUtilsInstanceTests

| Test Name                             | Nova API      | Description                                               |
| test_create_instance                  | 2             | Ensures that a VM instance can be properly created via    |
|                                       |               | nova_utils.create_server()                                |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - CreateFlavorTests

| Test Name                             | Nova API      | Description                                               |
| test_create_flavor                    | 2             | Ensures that the OpenStackFlavor class's create() method  |
|                                       |               | creates an OpenStack flavor object                        |
| test_create_flavor_existing           | 2             | Ensures that the OpenStackFlavor class's create() will not|
|                                       |               | create a flavor with the same name more than once         |
| test_create_clean_flavor              | 2             | Ensures that the OpenStackFlavor class's clean() method   |
|                                       |               | will delete the flavor object                             |
| test_create_delete_flavor             | 2             | Ensures that the OpenStackFlavor class's clean() method   |
|                                       |               | will not raise an exception when called and the object no |
|                                       |               | longer exists                                             |
| test_create_delete_flavor_all_settings| 2             | Ensures that the OpenStackFlavor class will create a      |
|                                       |               | a flavor properly with all supported settings             |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - HeatUtilsCreateSimpleStackTests

| Test Name                             | Heat API      | Description                                               |
| test_create_stack                     | 1             | Tests the heat_utils.create_stack() with a test template  |
| test_create_stack_x2                  | 1             | Tests the heat_utils.create_stack() with a test template  |
|                                       |               | and attempts to deploy a second time w/o actually         |
|                                       |               | deploying any objects                                     |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - HeatUtilsCreateComplexStackTests

| Test Name                             | Heat API      | Description                                               |
| test_get_settings_from_stack          | 1             | Tests the heat_utils functions that are responsible for   |
|                                       |               | reverse engineering settings objects of the types deployed|
|                                       |               | by Heat                                                   |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - SettingsUtilsNetworkingTests

| Test Name                             | API           | Description                                               |
| test_derive_net_settings_no_subnet    | Neutron 2     | Tests to ensure that derived NetworkSettings from an      |
|                                       |               | OpenStack network are correct without a subnet            |
| test_derive_net_settings_two_subnets  | Neutron 2     | Tests to ensure that derived NetworkSettings from an      |
|                                       |               | OpenStack network are correct with two subnets            |
+---------------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ - SettingsUtilsVmInstTests
| Test Name                             | API           | Description                                               |
| test_derive_vm_inst_settings          | Neutron 2     | Tests to ensure that derived VmInstanceSettings from an   |
|                                       |               | OpenStack VM instance is correct                          |
| test_derive_image_settings            | Neutron 2     | Tests to ensure that derived ImageSettings from an        |
|                                       |               | OpenStack VM instance is correct                          |