#!/bin/bash #Author: Vijayendra Radhakrishna #Email: vradhakrishna@mvista.com ssh_options='-q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=120' rc_file="/root/tackerc" BASEDIR=`dirname $0` #Color codes for console output GREEN='\033[92m' RESET='\033[0m' RED='\033[91m' YELLOW='\033[93m' YELLOW_BOLD='\033[33m' WHITE='\033[97m' CYAN='\033[96m' PINK='\033[95m' BLUE='\033[94m' sg="example-sg" net="example-net" subnet="example-subnet" router="example-router" floating_net="admin_floating_net" cidr="" disk=10 ram=2048 vcpus=3 ARCH="x86_64" source $rc_file usage() { echo -e "$CYAN supported chains:$RESET $RED Red$RESET->$CYAN block http and allow ssh $RESET $BLUE blue$RESET->$CYAN block ssh and allow http $RESET" echo -e "$YELLOW_BOLD $0 options: args in [] are optional -g,--glance-image-create <sf-image-path>:[qcow2|raw|ami|aki|ari]: Creates glance image used by VNFs and VMs -i,--configure-iptable: Configure iptables on controller -z,--flavor-create: Create Custom flavor for VNF spawning -n,--openstack-network-create: Create openstack private router network used by VNFs and VMs -x,--sec-group-create: Create security-group rules for udp,tcp(80,22),icmp -v,--vnf-create <vnfd-template>: Creates vnfs, name will be same as service_type in template -S,--sf-create <vnf-name>:<22/80>: Configures nsh aware sf(block port 80/22), vnf-name is same as service_type in tosca-file -s,--sfc-create <red/blue>=[vnf1,vnf2...]: Creates red or blue sfc, if no vnf-names then all existing vnfs will be chained -c,--classifier-create <red/blue>: Creates a specified netvirt classifier -H,--server-vm: Creates server VM and configures HTTP server -N,--client-vm: Creates client VM for netcat/ssh/wget/curl etc. -p,--port-status <port-num>: Check port status using netcat from client to server, supported ports only 22,80 -f,--add-floating-ip <vm_name>: Adds floating ips to VM's -F,--floating-ip-delete <vm_name>: delete floating ips of specified VM -X,--sec-group-rule-delete-all: deletes all security group rules -C,--classifier-chain-delete <red/blue>: Deletes netvirt classifier and service function chain -V,--vnf-delete-all: Deletes all vnfs and vnfds --all: Must be used with -C,-F,-f -G,--glance-image-delete: Deletes glance image used by VNFs and VMs -D,--delete-all: Cleanup everything -h,--help: show usage $RESET" } get_vm_name_from_vnf(){ vnf_id=`tacker vnf-list -c id --name $1 -f value|cut -c 10-` vm_name=`openstack server list -f value -c Name|grep $vnf_id` echo $vm_name } get_vm_id(){ vm_id=`openstack server list -c ID -f value --name $1` echo $vm_id } get_vm_port_id(){ vm_id=$(get_vm_id $1) vm_port_id=`neutron port-list -c id -c fixed_ips -- --device_id $vm_id|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4|head -1` echo $vm_port_id } get_vm_floating_ip(){ vm_port_id=$(get_vm_port_id $1) ip=`neutron floatingip-list -f value -c floating_ip_address -c port_id|grep $vm_port_id|cut -d " " -f 1` echo $ip } get_vm_prv_ip(){ vm=$1 match=`echo "$cidr"|awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3}'` ip=`openstack server list --name $vm -f value -c Networks|grep -o $match.*,` echo ${ip%?} } get_vnf_floating_ip(){ vm_name=$(get_vm_name_from_vnf $1) vnf_ip=$(get_vm_floating_ip $vm_name) echo $vnf_ip } get_vnf_service_type(){ service_type=`grep service_type $1|awk '{print $2}'` echo $service_type } run_cmd_on_vm(){ vm_ip=$(get_vm_floating_ip $1) sshpass -p "opnfv" ssh $ssh_options root@$vm_ip "$2" } run_cmd_on_vnf(){ vnf_ip=$(get_vnf_floating_ip $1) sshpass -p "opnfv" ssh $ssh_options root@$vnf_ip "$2" } #works only if console-log is enabled wait_for_cloud_init(){ vm=$1 boot_status=1 while [ $boot_status -ne 0 ]; do nova console-log $vm |grep "Cloud-init.* finished at" boot_status=$? done } wait_for_vm_status_active(){ vm=$1 status=`nova list --fields name,status --name $vm |tail -n +4|awk 'NF > 1 {print $6}'` while [ $status != "ACTIVE" ]; do echo "$vm:$status" sleep 10 status=`nova list --fields name,status --name $vm |tail -n +4|awk 'NF > 1 {print $6}'` done echo "$vm:$status" } wait_for_vnf_status_active(){ vnf=$1 status=`tacker vnf-list --name $vnf -c status -f value` while [ $status != "ACTIVE" ]; do echo "$vnf:$status" sleep 12 status=`tacker vnf-list --name $vnf -c status -f value` done vm=$(get_vm_name_from_vnf $vnf) echo "$vnf:$vm:$status" } wait_for_all_vm_status_active(){ for vm in `nova list --minimal|tail -n +4|awk 'NF > 1 {print $4}'` do wait_for_vm_status_active $vm done } sec_group_rule_create(){ neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol tcp --port_range_min 80 --port_range_max 80 $1 neutron security-group-rule-create --direction egress --protocol tcp --port_range_min 80 --port_range_max 80 $1 neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol tcp --port_range_min 22 --port_range_max 22 $1 neutron security-group-rule-create --direction egress --protocol tcp --port_range_min 22 --port_range_max 22 $1 neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol tcp --port_range_min 67 --port_range_max 68 $1 neutron security-group-rule-create --direction egress --protocol tcp --port_range_min 67 --port_range_max 68 $1 neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol icmp $1 neutron security-group-rule-create --direction egress --protocol icmp $1 } add_floating_ip(){ vm=$1 ip=`get_vm_floating_ip $vm` if [ -z $ip ] then ext_net_id=`neutron net-list|grep $floating_net|awk '{print $2}'` floating_ip_id=`neutron floatingip-create $ext_net_id -c id -f value|tail -1` neutron floatingip-show $floating_ip_id vm_id=`nova list|grep $vm|awk '{print $2}'` vm_port_id=`neutron port-list -c id -c fixed_ips -- --device_id $vm_id|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4|head -1` neutron floatingip-associate $floating_ip_id $vm_port_id else echo "Floating ip already found" nova list --name $vm fi } get_floating_ip_ids(){ floating_ip_ids=(`neutron floatingip-list -c id -f value`) echo $floating_ip_ids } get_neutron_subnet_ids(){ pattern="subnet_id.:......................................" subnet_ids=`neutron router-port-list $1| grep -o $pattern|cut -d ":" -f 2|cut -c 3-` echo $subnet_ids } get_image_id(){ img_name=$1 image_id=`glance image-list|grep $img_name|awk '{print $2}'` echo $image_id } get_image_name(){ image_path=$1 img=`basename $image_path` img_name=${img%.*} echo $img_name } _glance_image_create(){ name=$1; format=$2; container=$3; path=$4; arch=$5 glance image-create --progress --name=$name --disk-format=$format --container-format=$container --file=$path image_id=`get_image_id $name` glance image-update --property architecture=$arch $image_id } glance_image_create(){ disk_img=$1 img_name=$2 format=$3 if [ $ARCH = "x86_64" ] then echo "uploading sf images:$ARCH" container="bare" _glance_image_create $img_name $format $container $disk_img $ARCH image_id=`get_image_id $img_name` elif [ $ARCH = "aarch64" ] then echo "uploading sf images:$ARCH" if [ $format = "qcow2" ] || [ $format = "raw" ] then format="ami" fi _glance_image_create $img_name $format $format $disk_img $ARCH image_id=`get_image_id $img_name` if [ $format = "ami" ] then glance image-update --property os_command_line='root=LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs ro' $image_id fi ami_id=`glance image-list --property-filter disk_format=ami|tail -n +4|awk '{print $2}'` if [ -z $ami_id ] then echo "disk image not found please use $0 g,--glance-image-create <sf-image-path>:ami first" exit 1 fi if [ $format = "aki" ] then kernel_id=`get_image_id $img_name` glance image-update --property kernel_id=$kernel_id $ami_id fi if [ $format = "ari" ] then ramdisk_id=`get_image_id $img_name` glance image-update --property ramdisk_id=$ramdisk_id $ami_id fi fi if [ ! -e glance_image_details ] then echo "$img_path:$img_name:$format:$image_id" > glance_image_details else grep -o -e ami -e aki -e ari glance_image_details if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "$img_path:$img_name:$format:$image_id" >> glance_image_details fi fi } create_openstack_network(){ tmp_net=`neutron net-list -f value -c name|grep -o $net` tmp_subnet=`neutron subnet-list -f value -c name|grep -o $subnet` tmp_router=`neutron router-list -f value -c name|grep -o $router` if [ ! -z $tmp_net ] || [ ! -z $tmp_subnet ] || [ ! -z $tmp_router ] then echo -e "$RED"Found: $tmp_net $tmp_subnet $tmp_router"$RESET" echo "cleanup before creating.." exit 1 fi neutron router-create $router router_id=`neutron router-list|grep $router|awk '{print $2}'` neutron net-create $net base=`echo "$cidr"|awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3}'` neutron subnet-create --name $subnet $net $cidr --allocation-pool start=$base.2,end=$base.254 neutron router-interface-add $router $subnet ext_net_id=`neutron net-list|grep $floating_net|awk '{print $2}'` neutron router-gateway-set $router_id $ext_net_id } delete_openstack_network(){ neutron router-gateway-clear $router subnet_ids=$(get_neutron_subnet_ids $router) for id in $subnet_ids; do neutron router-interface-delete $router $id; done neutron router-delete $router match=`echo "$cidr"|awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3}'` for id in `neutron port-list|grep "$match"|awk '{print $2}'`;do neutron port-delete $id; done neutron subnet-delete $subnet neutron net-delete $net } get_vm_image_name(){ vm_image_name=`grep vm_image $1|awk '{print $2}'` echo $vm_image_name } vnf_create(){ vnfd_yaml=$1 vnf_name=$(get_vnf_service_type $vnfd_yaml) vnfd_name=`grep template_name $vnfd_yaml|awk '{print $2}'` vm_image_name=`get_vm_image_name $vnfd_yaml` img_name=`cat glance_image_details|grep -e ami -e qcow2 -e raw|cut -d":" -f2` if [ $vm_image_name != $img_name ] then sed s/"vm_image:.*"/"vm_image: $img_name"/g $vnfd_yaml > /tmp/vnfd_file vnfd_yaml="/tmp/vnfd_file" fi tacker vnfd-create --vnfd-file $vnfd_yaml tacker vnf-create --name $vnf_name --vnfd-name $vnfd_name wait_for_vnf_status_active $vnf_name vm=$(get_vm_name_from_vnf $vnf_name) add_floating_ip $vm run_cmd_on_vnf $vnf_name "uname -a" } sf_create(){ vnf_name=$1 port=$2 echo "Blocking port:$port in vnf:$vnf_name" cmd="sh -c cd /root;nohup python vxlan_tool.py -i eth0 -d forward -v off -b $port > /dev/null 2>&1 &" run_cmd_on_vnf $vnf_name "$cmd" run_cmd_on_vnf $vnf_name "ps aux|grep 'python vxlan_tool.py'" } create_mykey(){ openstack keypair list -f value -c Name|grep -o mykey if [ $? -ne 0 ] then if [ ! -e /root/.ssh/id_rsa ] then ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa fi openstack keypair create --public-key /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub mykey fi } get_userdata_file(){ cmd="$1" echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$PWD/cmd-file" echo "$cmd" >> "$PWD/cmd-file" echo "$PWD/cmd-file" } # $2 is not passed --userdata will not be used in nova boot boot_vm(){ vm_name=$1 cmd=$2 net_id=`neutron net-list| grep $net| awk '{print $2}'` flav_id=`openstack flavor list|grep custom|awk '{print $2}'` img_name=`cat glance_image_details|grep -e ami -e qcow2 -e raw|cut -d":" -f2` if [ ! -z $cmd ] then create_mykey nova boot --flavor $flav_id --image $img_name $vm_name --nic net-id=$net_id --keyname mykey --userdata `get_userdata_file` else nova boot --flavor $flav_id --image $img_name $vm_name --nic net-id=$net_id fi wait_for_vm_status_active $vm_name add_floating_ip $vm_name run_cmd_on_vm $vm_name "uname -a" } sec_group_create(){ neutron security-group-list |grep $sg if [ $? -eq 1 ] then neutron security-group-create $sg fi secgroup_id=`neutron security-group-list|grep $sg|awk '{print $2}'` sec_group_rule_create $secgroup_id secgroup_id=`neutron security-group-list|grep default|awk '{print $2}'` sec_group_rule_create $secgroup_id neutron security-group-list } sfc_create(){ sfc_name=$1 vnf_name=$2 tacker sfc-create --name $sfc_name --chain $vnf_name } classifier_create(){ classifier_name=$1 chain_name=$2 port=$3 tacker sfc-classifier-create --name $classifier_name --chain $chain_name --match source_port=0,dest_port=$3,protocol=6 tacker sfc-classifier-list } get_glance_images(){ images=`glance image-list --property-filter architecture=$ARCH|tail -n +4|awk '{print $2}'` echo $images } get_vnf_count(){ vnf_count=`tacker vnf-list -f value -c name|wc -l` echo $vnf_count } presetup_validate(){ tmp_net=`neutron net-list -f value -c name|grep -o $net` tmp_subnet=`neutron subnet-list -f value -c name|grep -o $subnet` tmp_router=`neutron router-list -f value -c name|grep -o $router` if [ -z $tmp_net ] || [ -z $tmp_subnet ] || [ -z $tmp_router ] then echo -e "$RED"OpenStack network is not created: use n,--openstack-network-create"$RESET" exit 1 fi echo -e "$GREEN"Found OpenStack network: $net,$subnet,$router"$RESET" if [ ! -e glance_image_details ] then echo -e "$RED"glance image not found: use g,--glance-image-create"$RESET" exit 1 fi img_name=`cut -d":" -f2 glance_image_details` echo -e "$GREEN"Found sf image: $img_name"$RESET" tmp_flavor=`openstack flavor list -f value -c Name|grep -o custom` if [ -z $tmp_flavor ] then echo -e "$RED"openstack custom flavor not found: use z,--flavor-create"$RESET" exit 1 fi echo -e "$GREEN"Found flavor: custom"$RESET" } delete_all() { echo "deleting everything ..." source tackerc for id in `tacker sfc-classifier-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do tacker sfc-classifier-delete $id; done for id in `tacker sfc-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do tacker sfc-delete $id; done for id in `tacker vnf-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do tacker vnf-delete $id; done for id in `tacker vnfd-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do tacker vnfd-delete $id; done sleep 3 for id in `nova list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do nova delete $id; done for id in `neutron security-group-rule-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do neutron security-group-rule-delete $id; done neutron security-group-delete $sg for id in `neutron floatingip-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do neutron floatingip-delete $id; done ids=`cut -d":" -f4 glance_image_details` glance image-delete $ids delete_openstack_network openstack flavor delete custom openstack keypair delete mykey rm glance_image_details } run_http_server(){ vm=$1 cmd="python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 > /dev/null 2>&1 &" run_cmd_on_vm $vm "$cmd" run_cmd_on_vm $vm "ps aux|grep SimpleHTTPServer" } if [ $# -lt 1 ] then usage $0; exit fi OPTIONS=`getopt -q -n $0 -o CfF --long add-floating-ip,classifier-chain-delete,floating-ip-delete,sfc-delete,all,help -- "$@"` echo $OPTIONS|grep -o '\-\-all' > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then eval set -- $OPTIONS while true; do case $1 in --add-floating-ip|-f) for vm in `openstack server list -c Name -f value` do echo "adding floating ip to:$vm" add_floating_ip $vm done neutron floatingip-list shift ;; --classifier-chain-delete|-C) for id in `tacker sfc-classifier-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do tacker sfc-classifier-delete $id; done for id in `tacker sfc-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do tacker sfc-delete $id; done shift ;; --floating-ip-delete|-F) for id in `neutron floatingip-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do neutron floatingip-delete $id; done shift ;; -- ) shift; break ;; --all) if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -gt 3 ] then echo -e ""$RED"must be used with one of the option below: F,--floating-ip-delete C,--classifier-chain-delete f,--add-floating-ip $RESET" fi shift ;; *) echo "$0: error - unrecognized option $1" 1>&2; exit 1 esac done exit 1 fi OPTIONS=`getopt -n $0 -o g:iznxXv:s:c:HNf:F:DGS:p:VC:h --long glance-image-create:,configure-iptable,flavor-create,openstack-network-create,sec-group-create,vnf-create:,sf-create:,sfc-create:,classifier-create:,server-vm,client-vm,add-floating-ip:,delete-all,classifier-chain-delete:,glance-image-delete,sfc-delete:,port-status,floating-ip-delete:,vnf-delete-all,sec-group-rule-delete-all,help -- "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi eval set -- $OPTIONS while true; do case $1 in --glance-image-create|-g) img_path=`echo "$2"|cut -d":" -f1` img_name=`get_image_name $img_path` format=`echo "$2"|grep "\:"|cut -d":" -f2` if [ $ARCH = 'aarch64' ] && [ -z $format ] then echo "please specify format $0 g,--glance-image-create:[ami,aki,ari,qcow2,raw]" exit elif [ $ARCH = 'x86_64' ] && [ -z $format ] then format="qcow2" fi glance_image_create $img_path $img_name $format shift 2 ;; --configure-iptable|-i) iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -t nat -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT shift ;; --flavor-create|-z) openstack flavor create custom --disk $disk --ram $ram --vcpus $vcpus shift ;; --openstack-network-create|-n) create_openstack_network shift ;; --sec-group-create|-x) sec_group_create shift ;; --vnf-create|-v) presetup_validate vnf_create $2 shift 2 ;; --sf-create|-S) presetup_validate vnf_name=`echo $2|cut -d":" -f1` port=`echo $2|cut -d":" -f2` tmp_vnf=`tacker vnf-list -f value -c name --name $vnf_name` if [ -z $tmp_vnf ] then echo "vnf $vnf_name not found: use --vnf-create <tosca-template> option" exit 1 fi sf_create $vnf_name $port shift 2 ;; --sfc-create|-s) presetup_validate count=`get_vnf_count` if [ $count -lt 1 ] then echo "no vnfs found: use --vnf-create <tosca-template> option" exit 1 fi sfc_name=`echo $2|cut -d"=" -f1` vnf_names=`echo $2|grep red=|cut -d"=" -f2` if [ -z $vnf_names ] then var=(`tacker vnf-list -f value -c name|tr "\n" ,`) vnf_names=`echo "${var[@]%?}"` fi sfc_create $sfc_name $vnf_names shift 2 ;; --classifier-create|-c) presetup_validate c_name=$2 classifier_http_name=$c_name"_http" classifier_ssh_name=$c_name"_ssh" classifier_create $classifier_http_name $c_name 80 classifier_create $classifier_ssh_name $c_name 22 shift 2 ;; --server-vm|-H) presetup_validate boot_vm "server" "" run_http_server "server" shift ;; --client-vm|-N) presetup_validate boot_vm "client" "" shift ;; --add-floating-ip|-f) add_floating_ip $2 shift 2 ;; --classifier-chain-delete|-C) c_name=$2 tacker sfc-classifier-delete $c_name"_http" tacker sfc-classifier-delete $c_name"_ssh" tacker sfc-delete $c_name shift 2 ;; --glance-image-delete|-G) ids=`cut -d":" -f4 glance_image_details` glance image-delete $ids rm glance_image_details shift ;; --port-status|-p) prv_ip=$(get_vm_prv_ip "server") run_cmd_on_vm "client" "nc -zv -w 5 $prv_ip $2" shift 2 ;; --help|-h) usage $0 shift ;; --floating-ip-delete|-F) ip=`get_vm_floating_ip $2` if [ -z $ip ] then echo "floation ip not found for:$2" else id=`neutron floatingip-list|grep $ip|awk '{print $2}'` neutron floatingip-delete $id fi shift 2 ;; --vnf-delete-all|-V) for id in `tacker vnf-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do tacker vnf-delete $id; done for id in `tacker vnfd-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do tacker vnfd-delete $id; done shift ;; --sec-group-rule-delete-all|-X) for id in `neutron security-group-rule-list|awk '{print $2}'|tail -n +4`;do neutron security-group-rule-delete $id; done neutron security-group-delete $sg shift ;; --delete-all|-D) delete_all shift ;; -- ) shift; break ;; *) echo "$0: error - unrecognized option $1" 1>&2; exit 1 esac done