#!/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2015 All rights reserved # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import argparse import config as sfc_config import importlib import os import sys import time import opnfv.utils.ovs_logger as ovs_log import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils import yaml import utils import SSHUtils as ssh_utils parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-r", "--report", help="Create json result file", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() logger = ft_logger.Logger("sfc-run-tests").getLogger() COMMON_CONFIG = sfc_config.CommonConfig() def push_results(testname, start_time, end_time, criteria, details): logger.info("Push testcase '%s' results into the DB...\n" % testname) ft_utils.push_results_to_db("sfc", testname, start_time, end_time, criteria, details) def get_tackerc_file(): rc_file = os.path.join(COMMON_CONFIG.sfc_test_dir, 'tackerc') if not os.path.exists(rc_file): logger.info("tackerc file not found, getting it from controller") ip = utils.get_openstack_node_ips("controller") ssh_conn = ssh_utils.get_ssh_client(ip[0], 'root', proxy=COMMON_CONFIG.fuel_proxy) ssh_utils.get_file(ssh_conn, "tackerc", rc_file) else: logger.info("found tackerc file") return rc_file def set_tacker_rc_file_env(): rc_file = get_tackerc_file() with open(rc_file) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if not (line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 1): filtered = line.strip().split(' ') kv = filtered[1].split('=') logger.info("Set shell env %s=%s" % (kv[0], kv[1])) os.environ[kv[0]] = kv[1].strip("'") def main(): set_tacker_rc_file_env() ovs_logger = ovs_log.OVSLogger( os.path.join(COMMON_CONFIG.sfc_test_dir, 'ovs-logs'), COMMON_CONFIG.functest_results_dir) config_file = os.path.join(COMMON_CONFIG.config_file) with open(config_file) as f: config_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) testcases = config_yaml.get("testcases") overall_details = {} overall_status = "FAIL" overall_start_time = time.time() for testcase in testcases: if testcases[testcase]['enabled']: test_name = testcase test_descr = testcases[testcase]['description'] test_name_db = testcases[testcase]['testname_db'] title = ("Running '%s - %s'" % (test_name, test_descr)) logger.info(title) logger.info("%s\n" % ("=" * len(title))) t = importlib.import_module(testcase, package=None) start_time = time.time() result = t.main() end_time = time.time() duration = end_time - start_time status = "FAIL" if result != 0: overall_details.update({test_name_db: "execution error."}) else: status = result.get("status") if status == "FAIL": overall_status = "FAIL" ovs_logger.create_artifact_archive() logger.info("Results of test case '%s - %s':\n%s\n" % (test_name, test_descr, result)) dic = {"duration": duration, "status": overall_status} overall_details.update({test_name_db: dic}) if args.report: details = result.get("details") push_results( test_name_db, start_time, end_time, status, details) overall_end_time = time.time() if args.report: push_results( "odl-sfc", overall_start_time, overall_end_time, overall_status, overall_details) if overall_status == "FAIL": sys.exit(-1) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()