############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others. # Author: George Paraskevopoulos (geopar@intracom-telecom.com) # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import functest.utils.functest_logger as rl import os import time import shutil import re logger = rl.Logger('ovs_utils').getLogger() class OVSLogger(object): def __init__(self, basedir, ft_resdir): self.ovs_dir = basedir self.ft_resdir = ft_resdir self.__mkdir_p(self.ovs_dir) def __mkdir_p(self, dirpath): if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) def __ssh_host(self, ssh_conn, host_prefix='10.20.0'): try: _, stdout, _ = ssh_conn.exec_command('hostname -I') hosts = stdout.readline().strip().split(' ') found_host = [h for h in hosts if h.startswith(host_prefix)][0] return found_host except Exception, e: logger.error(e) def __dump_to_file(self, operation, host, text, timestamp=None): ts = (timestamp if timestamp is not None else time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) dumpdir = os.path.join(self.ovs_dir, ts) self.__mkdir_p(dumpdir) fname = '{0}_{1}'.format(operation, host) with open(os.path.join(dumpdir, fname), 'w') as f: f.write(text) def __remote_cmd(self, ssh_conn, cmd): try: _, stdout, stderr = ssh_conn.exec_command(cmd) errors = stderr.readlines() if len(errors) > 0: host = self.__ssh_host(ssh_conn) logger.error(''.join(errors)) raise Exception('Could not execute {0} in {1}' .format(cmd, host)) output = ''.join(stdout.readlines()) return output except Exception, e: logger.error('[__remote_command(ssh_client, {0})]: {1}' .format(cmd, e)) return None def create_artifact_archive(self): shutil.make_archive(self.ovs_dir, 'zip', root_dir=os.path.dirname(self.ovs_dir), base_dir=self.ovs_dir) shutil.copy2('{0}.zip'.format(self.ovs_dir), self.ft_resdir) def ofctl_dump_flows(self, ssh_conn, br='br-int', choose_table=None, timestamp=None): try: cmd = 'ovs-ofctl -OOpenFlow13 dump-flows {0}'.format(br) if choose_table is not None: cmd = '{0} table={1}'.format(cmd, choose_table) output = self.__remote_cmd(ssh_conn, cmd) operation = 'ofctl_dump_flows' host = self.__ssh_host(ssh_conn) self.__dump_to_file(operation, host, output, timestamp=timestamp) return output except Exception, e: logger.error('[ofctl_dump_flows(ssh_client, {0}, {1})]: {2}' .format(br, choose_table, e)) return None def vsctl_show(self, ssh_conn, timestamp=None): try: cmd = 'ovs-vsctl show' output = self.__remote_cmd(ssh_conn, cmd) operation = 'vsctl_show' host = self.__ssh_host(ssh_conn) self.__dump_to_file(operation, host, output, timestamp=timestamp) return output except Exception, e: logger.error('[vsctl_show(ssh_client)]: {0}'.format(e)) return None def dump_ovs_logs(self, controller_clients, compute_clients, related_error=None, timestamp=None): if timestamp is None: timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") for controller_client in controller_clients: self.ofctl_dump_flows(controller_client, timestamp=timestamp) self.vsctl_show(controller_client, timestamp=timestamp) for compute_client in compute_clients: self.ofctl_dump_flows(compute_client, timestamp=timestamp) self.vsctl_show(compute_client, timestamp=timestamp) if related_error is not None: dumpdir = os.path.join(self.ovs_dir, timestamp) with open(os.path.join(dumpdir, 'error'), 'w') as f: f.write(related_error) def ofctl_time_counter(self, ssh_conn): try: # We get the flows from table 11 table = 11 br = "br-int" output = self.ofctl_dump_flows(ssh_conn, br, table) pattern = "NXM_NX_NSP" rsps = [] lines = output.split(",") for line in lines: is_there = re.findall(pattern, line) if is_there: value = line.split(":")[1].split("-")[0] rsps.append(value) return rsps except Exception, e: logger.error('Error when countering %s' % e) return None