## These are the current available test cases ## ## TEST ONE CHAIN - sfc_one_chain_two_service_functions ## We create one client and one server using nova. Then, 2 SFs are created using tacker. A chain is created where both SFs are included. vxlan_tool is started in both SFs and HTTP traffic is sent from the client to the server. If it works, the vxlan_tool is modified to block HTTP traffic. It is tried again and it should fail because packets are dropped. Then, that SF stops blocking and the other SF starts blocking HTTP and the connection is tried again. ## TEST TWO CHAINS - sfc_two_chains_SSH_and_HTTP ## We create one client and one server using nova. Then, 2 SFs are created using tacker. Two chains are created, having one SF each. vxlan_tool is started in both SFs, one SF blocks SSH traffic and the other SF block HTTP traffic. First, the client traffic is classified to chain1, where HTTP should work but SSH sould not. This is tested and after that the classification is changed to classified to chain2, where HTTP should not work but SSH should work. This is tested again. ## TEST SYMMETRIC - sfc_symmetric_chain ## One client and one server are created using nova. The server will be running a web server on port 80. Then one Service Function (SF) is created using Tacker. This service function will be running a firewall that blocks the traffic in a specific port (e.g. 33333). A symmetric service chain routing the traffic throught this SF will be created as well. 1st check: The client is able to reach the server using a source port different from the one that the firewall blocks (e.g 22222), and the response gets back to the client. 2nd check: The client is able to reach the server using the source port that the firewall blocks, but responses back from the server are blocked, as the symmetric service chain makes them go through the firewall that blocks on the destination port initially used as source port by the client (e.g. 33333). If the client is able to receive the response, it would be a symptom of the symmetric chain not working, as traffic would be flowing from server to client directly without traversing the SF.