.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0


Definitions of most terms used here are provided in the `IETF SFC Architecture RFC <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7665/>`_.
Additional terms specific to the OPNFV SFC project are defined below.


.. list-table:: Abbreviations
   :widths: 15 85
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Abbreviation
     - Term

   * - NS
     - Network Service

   * - NFVO
     - Network Function Virtualization Orchestrator

   * - NF
     - Network Function

   * - NSH
     - Network Services Header (Service chaining encapsulation)

   * - ODL
     - OpenDaylight SDN Controller

   * - RSP
     - Rendered Service Path

   * - SDN
     - Software Defined Networking

   * - SF
     - Service Function

   * - SFC
     - Service Function Chain(ing)

   * - SFF
     - Service Function Forwarder

   * - SFP
     - Service Function Path

   * - VNF
     - Virtual Network Function

   * - VNFM
     - Virtual Network Function Manager

   * - VNF-FG
     - Virtual Network Function Forwarding Graph

   * - VIM
     - Virtual Infrastructure Manager