#!/usr/bin/python """This module does blah blah.""" import argparse import ipaddress import yaml from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser() PARSER.add_argument("--yaml", "-y", type=str, required=True) PARSER.add_argument("--jinja2", "-j", type=str, required=True) ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() # Processor architecture vs DPKG architecture mapping DPKG_ARCH_TABLE = { 'aarch64': 'arm64', 'x86_64': 'amd64', } ARCH_DPKG_TABLE = dict(zip(DPKG_ARCH_TABLE.values(), DPKG_ARCH_TABLE.keys())) # Custom filter to allow simple IP address operations returning # a new address from an upper or lower (negative) index def ipaddr_index(base_address, index): """Return IP address in given network at given index""" try: base_address_str = unicode(base_address) #pylint: disable=unused-variable except NameError as ex: base_address_str = str(base_address) return ipaddress.ip_address(base_address_str) + int(index) # Custom filter to convert between processor architecture # (as reported by $(uname -m)) and DPKG-style architecture def dpkg_arch(arch, to_dpkg=True): """Return DPKG-compatible from processor arch and vice-versa""" if to_dpkg: return DPKG_ARCH_TABLE[arch] else: return ARCH_DPKG_TABLE[arch] ENV = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('./')) ENV.filters['ipaddr_index'] = ipaddr_index ENV.filters['dpkg_arch'] = dpkg_arch with open(ARGS.yaml) as _: DICT = yaml.safe_load(_) # Print dictionary generated from yaml (uncomment for debug) #print DICT # Render template and print generated conf to console TEMPLATE = ENV.get_template(ARGS.jinja2) #pylint: disable=superfluous-parens print(TEMPLATE.render(conf=DICT))