{% macro node_address(network, i, has_vip, count, node_name, addr_type='') %} {# has_vip should be numeric (0 or 1) #} {%- if has_vip == 1 %} {{ node_name }}_address: {{ network | ipaddr_index(i) }} {%- endif -%} {%- for j in range(has_vip, has_vip + count) %} {{ node_name }}_node{{ '%02d' % loop.index }}_{{ addr_type }}address: {{ network | ipaddr_index(i + j) }} {%- endfor -%} {% endmacro %} {#- TODO: Try to dynamically detect networks from PDF -#} {#- For now, we just provide some dummy default values -#} {%- set dns_public = [ '', '' ] -%} {%- set netconfig = { 'admin': { 'network': '', 'vlan': '0' }, 'mgmt': { 'network': '', 'vlan': '300' }, 'private': { 'network': '', 'vlan': '302' }, 'public': { 'network': '', 'vlan': '0' }, } -%} {%- if conf.net_config is defined -%} {%- set netconfig = conf['net_config'] -%} {%- if conf.net_config.public.dns is defined -%} {%- set dns_public = conf['net_config']['public']['dns'] -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} --- parameters: _param: # infra service addresses {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 100, 1, 0, 'opnfv_infra_config') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 3, 0, 1, 'opnfv_infra_maas') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['admin']['network'], 3, 0, 1, 'opnfv_infra_maas', 'deploy_') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 141, 0, 3, 'opnfv_infra_compute') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 140, 1, 3, 'opnfv_infra_kvm') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 124, 0, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_gateway') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['private']['network'], 6, 0, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_gateway', 'tenant_') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 80, 1, 2, 'opnfv_openstack_proxy') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 10, 1, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_control') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 50, 1, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_database') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 40, 1, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_message_queue') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 75, 1, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_telemetry') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 101, 0, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_compute', 'single_') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['mgmt']['network'], 101, 0, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_compute', 'control_') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['private']['network'], 101, 0, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_compute', 'tenant_') }} {{- node_address(netconfig['public']['network'], 101, 0, 3, 'opnfv_openstack_compute', 'external_') }} opnfv_name_servers: {{ dns_public }} opnfv_dns_server01: '{{ dns_public[0] }}' opnfv_net_mgmt_vlan: {{ netconfig['mgmt']['vlan'] }} opnfv_net_tenant_vlan: {{ netconfig['private']['vlan'] }} {%- for idx in conf['nodes'] %} {% set node_idx = 'opnfv_maas_node%02d' % loop.index %} # Node {{ '%02d' % loop.index }} specific configuration {{ node_idx }}_architecture: '{{ idx['node']['arch'] | dpkg_arch }}/generic' {{ node_idx }}_power_address: {{ idx['remote_management']['address'] }} {{ node_idx }}_power_type: {{ idx['remote_management']['type'] }} {{ node_idx }}_power_user: {{ idx['remote_management']['user'] }} {{ node_idx }}_power_password: {{ idx['remote_management']['pass'] }} {%- if idx['interfaces'][1]['mac_address'] is defined %} {{ node_idx }}_interface_mac: '{{ idx['interfaces'][1]['mac_address'] }}' {%- else %} {{ node_idx }}_interface_mac: '{{ idx['interfaces'][1] }}' {%- endif %} {%- endfor %}