#!/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2017 All rights reserved # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import importlib import logging import os import sys import traceback import yaml from functest.core import feature as base from functest.utils import openstack_utils as os_utils from sdnvpn.lib import config as sdnvpn_config from sdnvpn.lib.gather_logs import gather_logs from sdnvpn.lib import utils as test_utils COMMON_CONFIG = sdnvpn_config.CommonConfig() class SdnvpnFunctest(base.Feature): __logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def execute(self): nova_client = os_utils.get_nova_client() neutron_client = os_utils.get_neutron_client() tenant_id = os_utils.get_tenant_id(os_utils.get_keystone_client(), os.environ['OS_PROJECT_NAME']) neutron_quota = test_utils.get_neutron_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id) (neutron_nw_quota, neutron_subnet_quota, neutron_port_quota) = ( neutron_quota['network'], neutron_quota['subnet'], neutron_quota['port']) instances_quota = test_utils.get_nova_instances_quota(nova_client) self.__logger.info("Setting net/subnet/port quota to unlimited") test_utils.update_nw_subnet_port_quota( neutron_client, tenant_id, COMMON_CONFIG.neutron_nw_quota, COMMON_CONFIG.neutron_subnet_quota, COMMON_CONFIG.neutron_port_quota) # Workaround for # https://jira.opnfv.org/projects/SDNVPN/issues/SDNVPN-115 self.__logger.info("Setting instances quota class to unlimited") test_utils.update_instance_quota_class( nova_client, COMMON_CONFIG.nova_instances_quota_class) with open(COMMON_CONFIG.config_file) as f: config_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) testcases = config_yaml.get("testcases") overall_status = "PASS" for tc in testcases: if testcases[tc]['enabled']: test_name = tc test_descr = testcases[tc]['description'] title = ("Running '%s - %s'" % (test_name, test_descr)) self.__logger.info(title) self.__logger.info("%s\n" % ("=" * len(title))) t = importlib.import_module(test_name, package=None) try: result = t.main() except Exception as ex: result = -1 self.__logger.info("Caught Exception in %s: %s Trace: %s" % (test_name, ex, traceback.format_exc())) if result < 0: status = "FAIL" overall_status = "FAIL" self.__logger.info("Testcase %s failed" % test_name) else: status = result.get("status") self.details.update( {test_name: {'status': status, 'details': result.get("details")}}) self.__logger.info("Results of test case '%s - %s':\n%s\n" % (test_name, test_descr, result)) if status == "FAIL": overall_status = "FAIL" self.__logger.info("Resetting subnet/net/port quota") test_utils.update_nw_subnet_port_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id, neutron_nw_quota, neutron_subnet_quota, neutron_port_quota) self.__logger.info("Resetting instances quota class") test_utils.update_instance_quota_class(nova_client, instances_quota) try: installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) if installer_type in ["fuel", "apex"]: gather_logs('overall') else: self.__logger.info("Skipping log gathering because installer" "type %s is neither fuel nor apex" % installer_type) except Exception as ex: self.__logger.error(('Something went wrong in the Log gathering.' 'Ex: %s, Trace: %s') % (ex, traceback.format_exc())) if overall_status == "PASS": self.result = 100 return base.Feature.EX_OK return base.Feature.EX_RUN_ERROR if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s' '- %(levelname)s - %(message)s') SDNVPN = SdnvpnFunctest() sys.exit(SDNVPN.execute())