#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2017 All rights reserved # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import json import logging import os import time import requests import re import subprocess from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from opnfv.deployment.factory import Factory as DeploymentFactory from sdnvpn.lib import config as sdnvpn_config import sdnvpn.lib.openstack_utils as os_utils logger = logging.getLogger('sdnvpn_test_utils') common_config = sdnvpn_config.CommonConfig() ODL_USER = 'admin' ODL_PASS = 'admin' executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) class ExtraRoute(object): """ Class to represent extra route for a router """ def __init__(self, destination, nexthop): self.destination = destination self.nexthop = nexthop class AllowedAddressPair(object): """ Class to represent allowed address pair for a neutron port """ def __init__(self, ipaddress, macaddress): self.ipaddress = ipaddress self.macaddress = macaddress def create_default_flavor(): return os_utils.get_or_create_flavor(common_config.default_flavor, common_config.default_flavor_ram, common_config.default_flavor_disk, common_config.default_flavor_vcpus) def create_custom_flavor(): return os_utils.get_or_create_flavor(common_config.custom_flavor_name, common_config.custom_flavor_ram, common_config.custom_flavor_disk, common_config.custom_flavor_vcpus) def create_net(neutron_client, name): logger.debug("Creating network %s", name) net_id = os_utils.create_neutron_net(neutron_client, name) if not net_id: logger.error( "There has been a problem when creating the neutron network") raise Exception("There has been a problem when creating" " the neutron network {}".format(name)) return net_id def create_subnet(neutron_client, name, cidr, net_id): logger.debug("Creating subnet %s in network %s with cidr %s", name, net_id, cidr) subnet_id = os_utils.create_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, name, cidr, net_id) if not subnet_id: logger.error( "There has been a problem when creating the neutron subnet") raise Exception("There has been a problem when creating" " the neutron subnet {}".format(name)) return subnet_id def create_network(neutron_client, net, subnet1, cidr1, router, subnet2=None, cidr2=None): """Network assoc won't work for networks/subnets created by this function. It is an ODL limitation due to it handling routers as vpns. See https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6962""" network_dic = os_utils.create_network_full(neutron_client, net, subnet1, router, cidr1) if not network_dic: logger.error( "There has been a problem when creating the neutron network") raise Exception("There has been a problem when creating" " the neutron network {}".format(net)) net_id = network_dic["net_id"] subnet_id = network_dic["subnet_id"] router_id = network_dic["router_id"] if subnet2 is not None: logger.debug("Creating and attaching a second subnet...") subnet_id = os_utils.create_neutron_subnet( neutron_client, subnet2, cidr2, net_id) if not subnet_id: logger.error( "There has been a problem when creating the second subnet") raise Exception("There has been a problem when creating" " the second subnet {}".format(subnet2)) logger.debug("Subnet '%s' created successfully" % subnet_id) return net_id, subnet_id, router_id def get_port(neutron_client, instance_id): ports = os_utils.get_port_list(neutron_client) if ports is not None: for port in ports: if port['device_id'] == instance_id: return port return None def update_port_allowed_address_pairs(neutron_client, port_id, address_pairs): if len(address_pairs) <= 0: return allowed_address_pairs = [] for address_pair in address_pairs: address_pair_dict = {'ip_address': address_pair.ipaddress, 'mac_address': address_pair.macaddress} allowed_address_pairs.append(address_pair_dict) json_body = {'port': { "allowed_address_pairs": allowed_address_pairs }} try: port = neutron_client.update_port(port=port_id, body=json_body) return port['port']['id'] except Exception as e: logger.error("Error [update_neutron_port(neutron_client, '%s', '%s')]:" " %s" % (port_id, address_pairs, e)) return None def create_instance(conn, name, image_id, network_id, sg_id, secgroup_name=None, fixed_ip=None, compute_node=None, userdata=None, files=[], **kwargs ): if 'flavor' not in kwargs: kwargs['flavor'] = common_config.default_flavor logger.info("Creating instance '%s'..." % name) logger.debug( "Configuration:\n name=%s \n flavor=%s \n image=%s \n" " network=%s\n secgroup=%s \n hypervisor=%s \n" " fixed_ip=%s\n files=%s\n userdata=\n%s\n" % (name, kwargs['flavor'], image_id, network_id, sg_id, compute_node, fixed_ip, files, userdata)) instance = os_utils.create_instance_and_wait_for_active( kwargs['flavor'], image_id, network_id, name, config_drive=True, userdata=userdata, av_zone=compute_node, fixed_ip=fixed_ip, files=files) if instance is None: logger.error("Error while booting instance.") raise Exception("Error while booting instance {}".format(name)) else: # Retrieve IP of INSTANCE network_name = conn.network.get_network(network_id).name instance_ip = conn.compute.get_server(instance).\ addresses.get(network_name)[0]['addr'] logger.debug("Instance '%s' booted successfully. IP='%s'." % (name, instance_ip)) if secgroup_name: logger.debug("Adding '%s' to security group '%s'..." % (name, secgroup_name)) else: logger.debug("Adding '%s' to security group '%s'..." % (name, sg_id)) os_utils.add_secgroup_to_instance(conn, instance.id, sg_id) return instance def generate_ping_userdata(ips_array, ping_count=10): ips = "" for ip in ips_array: ips = ("%s %s" % (ips, ip)) ips = ips.replace(' ', ' ') return ("#!/bin/sh\n" "set%s\n" "while true; do\n" " for i do\n" " ip=$i\n" " ping -c %s $ip 2>&1 >/dev/null\n" " RES=$?\n" " if [ \"Z$RES\" = \"Z0\" ] ; then\n" " echo ping $ip OK\n" " else echo ping $ip KO\n" " fi\n" " done\n" " sleep 1\n" "done\n" % (ips, ping_count)) def generate_userdata_common(): return ("#!/bin/sh\n" "sudo mkdir -p /home/cirros/.ssh/\n" "sudo chown cirros:cirros /home/cirros/.ssh/\n" "sudo chown cirros:cirros /home/cirros/id_rsa\n" "mv /home/cirros/id_rsa /home/cirros/.ssh/\n" "sudo echo ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgnWtSS98Am516e" "stBsq0jbyOB4eLMUYDdgzsUHsnxFQCtACwwAg9/2uq3FoGUBUWeHZNsT6jcK9" "sCMEYiS479CUCzbrxcd8XaIlK38HECcDVglgBNwNzX/WDfMejXpKzZG61s98rU" "ElNvZ0YDqhaqZGqxIV4ejalqLjYrQkoly3R+2k= " "cirros@test1>/home/cirros/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" "sudo chown cirros:cirros /home/cirros/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" "chmod 700 /home/cirros/.ssh\n" "chmod 644 /home/cirros/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" "chmod 600 /home/cirros/.ssh/id_rsa\n" ) def generate_userdata_with_ssh(ips_array): u1 = generate_userdata_common() ips = "" for ip in ips_array: ips = ("%s %s" % (ips, ip)) ips = ips.replace(' ', ' ') u2 = ("#!/bin/sh\n" "set%s\n" "while true; do\n" " for i do\n" " ip=$i\n" " hostname=$(ssh -y -i /home/cirros/.ssh/id_rsa " "cirros@$ip 'hostname' /dev/null)\n" " RES=$?\n" " if [ \"Z$RES\" = \"Z0\" ]; then echo $ip $hostname;\n" " else echo $ip 'not reachable';fi;\n" " done\n" " sleep 1\n" "done\n" % ips) return (u1 + u2) def generate_userdata_interface_create(interface_name, interface_number, ip_Address, net_mask): return ("#!/bin/sh\n" "set -xe\n" "sudo useradd -m sdnvpn\n" "sudo adduser sdnvpn sudo\n" "sudo echo sdnvpn:opnfv | chpasswd\n" "sleep 20\n" "sudo ifconfig %s:%s %s netmask %s up\n" % (interface_name, interface_number, ip_Address, net_mask)) def get_installerHandler(): installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) installer_ip = get_installer_ip() if installer_type not in ["fuel", "apex"]: logger.warn("installer type %s is neither fuel nor apex." "returning None for installer handler" % installer_type) return None else: if installer_type in ["apex"]: developHandler = DeploymentFactory.get_handler( installer_type, installer_ip, 'root', pkey_file="/root/.ssh/id_rsa") if installer_type in ["fuel"]: developHandler = DeploymentFactory.get_handler( installer_type, installer_ip, 'root', 'r00tme') return developHandler def get_nodes(): developHandler = get_installerHandler() return developHandler.get_nodes() def get_installer_ip(): return str(os.environ['INSTALLER_IP']) def get_instance_ip(conn, instance): instance_ip = conn.compute.get_server(instance).\ addresses.values()[0][0]['addr'] return instance_ip def wait_for_instance(instance, pattern=".* login:", tries=40): logger.info("Waiting for instance %s to boot up" % instance.id) conn = os_utils.get_os_connection() sleep_time = 2 expected_regex = re.compile(pattern) console_log = "" while tries > 0 and not expected_regex.search(console_log): console_log = conn.compute.\ get_server_console_output(instance)['output'] time.sleep(sleep_time) tries -= 1 if not expected_regex.search(console_log): logger.error("Instance %s does not boot up properly." % instance.id) return False return True def wait_for_instances_up(*instances): check = [wait_for_instance(instance) for instance in instances] return all(check) def wait_for_instances_get_dhcp(*instances): check = [wait_for_instance(instance, "Lease of .* obtained") for instance in instances] return all(check) def async_Wait_for_instances(instances, tries=40): if len(instances) <= 0: return futures = [] for instance in instances: future = executor.submit(wait_for_instance, instance, ".* login:", tries) futures.append(future) results = [] for future in futures: results.append(future.result()) if False in results: logger.error("one or more instances is not yet booted up") def wait_for_instance_delete(conn, instance_id, tries=30): sleep_time = 2 instances = [instance_id] logger.debug("Waiting for instance %s to be deleted" % (instance_id)) while tries > 0 and instance_id in instances: instances = [instance.id for instance in os_utils.get_instances(conn)] time.sleep(sleep_time) tries -= 1 if instance_id in instances: logger.error("Deletion of instance %s failed" % (instance_id)) def wait_for_bgp_net_assoc(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, net_id): tries = 30 sleep_time = 1 nets = [] logger.debug("Waiting for network %s to associate with BGPVPN %s " % (bgpvpn_id, net_id)) while tries > 0 and net_id not in nets: nets = get_bgpvpn_networks(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id) time.sleep(sleep_time) tries -= 1 if net_id not in nets: logger.error("Association of network %s with BGPVPN %s failed" % (net_id, bgpvpn_id)) return False return True def wait_for_bgp_net_assocs(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, *args): check = [wait_for_bgp_net_assoc(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, id) for id in args] # Return True if all associations succeeded return all(check) def wait_for_bgp_router_assoc(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, router_id): tries = 30 sleep_time = 1 routers = [] logger.debug("Waiting for router %s to associate with BGPVPN %s " % (bgpvpn_id, router_id)) while tries > 0 and router_id not in routers: routers = get_bgpvpn_routers(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id) time.sleep(sleep_time) tries -= 1 if router_id not in routers: logger.error("Association of router %s with BGPVPN %s failed" % (router_id, bgpvpn_id)) return False return True def wait_for_bgp_router_assocs(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, *args): check = [wait_for_bgp_router_assoc(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, id) for id in args] # Return True if all associations succeeded return all(check) def wait_before_subtest(*args, **kwargs): ''' This is a placeholder. TODO: Replace delay with polling logic. ''' time.sleep(30) def assert_and_get_compute_nodes(conn, required_node_number=2): """Get the compute nodes in the deployment Exit if the deployment doesn't have enough compute nodes""" compute_nodes = os_utils.get_hypervisors(conn) num_compute_nodes = len(compute_nodes) if num_compute_nodes < 2: logger.error("There are %s compute nodes in the deployment. " "Minimum number of nodes to complete the test is 2." % num_compute_nodes) raise Exception("There are {} compute nodes in the deployment. " "Minimum number of nodes to complete the test" " is 2.".format(num_compute_nodes)) logger.debug("Compute nodes: %s" % compute_nodes) return compute_nodes def open_icmp(neutron_client, security_group_id): if os_utils.check_security_group_rules(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'icmp'): if not os_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'icmp'): logger.error("Failed to create icmp security group rule...") else: logger.info("This rule exists for security group: %s" % security_group_id) def open_http_port(neutron_client, security_group_id): if os_utils.check_security_group_rules(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', 80, 80): if not os_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', 80, 80): logger.error("Failed to create http security group rule...") else: logger.info("This rule exists for security group: %s" % security_group_id) def open_bgp_port(neutron_client, security_group_id): if os_utils.check_security_group_rules(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', 179, 179): if not os_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', 179, 179): logger.error("Failed to create bgp security group rule...") else: logger.info("This rule exists for security group: %s" % security_group_id) def exec_cmd(cmd, verbose): success = True logger.debug("Executing '%s'" % cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = "" for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): output += line if verbose: logger.debug(output) p.stdout.close() returncode = p.wait() if returncode != 0: logger.error("Command %s failed to execute." % cmd) success = False return output, success def check_odl_fib(ip, controller_ip): """Check that there is an entry in the ODL Fib for `ip`""" url = "http://" + controller_ip + \ ":8181/restconf/config/odl-fib:fibEntries/" logger.debug("Querring '%s' for FIB entries", url) res = requests.get(url, auth=(ODL_USER, ODL_PASS)) if res.status_code != 200: logger.error("OpenDaylight response status code: %s", res.status_code) return False logger.debug("Checking whether '%s' is in the OpenDaylight FIB" % controller_ip) logger.debug("OpenDaylight FIB: \n%s" % res.text) return ip in res.text def run_odl_cmd(odl_node, cmd): '''Run a command in the OpenDaylight Karaf shell This is a bit flimsy because of shell quote escaping, make sure that the cmd passed does not have any top level double quotes or this function will break. The /dev/null is used because client works, but outputs something that contains "ERROR" and run_cmd doesn't like that. ''' karaf_cmd = ('/opt/opendaylight/bin/client -h "%s"' ' 2>/dev/null' % cmd) return odl_node.run_cmd(karaf_cmd) def wait_for_cloud_init(conn, instance): success = True # ubuntu images take a long time to start tries = 20 sleep_time = 30 logger.info("Waiting for cloud init of instance: {}" "".format(instance.name)) while tries > 0: instance_log = conn.compute.\ get_server_console_output(instance)['output'] if "Failed to run module" in instance_log: success = False logger.error("Cloud init failed to run. Reason: %s", instance_log) break if re.search(r"Cloud-init v. .+ finished at", instance_log): success = True break time.sleep(sleep_time) tries = tries - 1 if tries == 0: logger.error("Cloud init timed out" ". Reason: %s", instance_log) success = False logger.info("Finished waiting for cloud init of instance {} result was {}" "".format(instance.name, success)) return success def attach_instance_to_ext_br(instance, compute_node): libvirt_instance_name = instance.instance_name installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) if installer_type == "fuel": bridge = "br-ex" elif installer_type == "apex": # In Apex, br-ex is an ovs bridge and virsh attach-interface # won't just work. We work around it by creating a linux # bridge, attaching that to br-ex with a veth pair # and virsh-attaching the instance to the linux-bridge bridge = "br-quagga" cmd = """ set -e if ! sudo brctl show |grep -q ^{bridge};then sudo brctl addbr {bridge} sudo ip link set {bridge} up sudo ip link add quagga-tap type veth peer name ovs-quagga-tap sudo ip link set dev ovs-quagga-tap up sudo ip link set dev quagga-tap up sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex ovs-quagga-tap sudo brctl addif {bridge} quagga-tap fi """ compute_node.run_cmd(cmd.format(bridge=bridge)) compute_node.run_cmd("sudo virsh attach-interface %s" " bridge %s" % (libvirt_instance_name, bridge)) def detach_instance_from_ext_br(instance, compute_node): libvirt_instance_name = instance.instance_name mac = compute_node.run_cmd("for vm in $(sudo virsh list | " "grep running | awk '{print $2}'); " "do echo -n ; sudo virsh dumpxml $vm| " "grep -oP '52:54:[\da-f:]+' ;done") compute_node.run_cmd("sudo virsh detach-interface --domain %s" " --type bridge --mac %s" % (libvirt_instance_name, mac)) installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) if installer_type == "fuel": bridge = "br-ex" elif installer_type == "apex": # In Apex, br-ex is an ovs bridge and virsh attach-interface # won't just work. We work around it by creating a linux # bridge, attaching that to br-ex with a veth pair # and virsh-attaching the instance to the linux-bridge bridge = "br-quagga" cmd = """ sudo brctl delif {bridge} quagga-tap && sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-ex ovs-quagga-tap && sudo ip link set dev quagga-tap down && sudo ip link set dev ovs-quagga-tap down && sudo ip link del quagga-tap type veth peer name ovs-quagga-tap && sudo ip link set {bridge} down && sudo brctl delbr {bridge} """ compute_node.run_cmd(cmd.format(bridge=bridge)) def cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids, bgpvpn_ids, interfaces, subnet_ids, router_ids, network_ids): if len(floatingip_ids) != 0: for floatingip_id in floatingip_ids: if not os_utils.delete_floating_ip(neutron_client, floatingip_id): logger.error('Fail to delete all floating ips. ' 'Floating ip with id {} was not deleted.'. format(floatingip_id)) return False if len(bgpvpn_ids) != 0: for bgpvpn_id in bgpvpn_ids: delete_bgpvpn(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id) if len(interfaces) != 0: for router_id, subnet_id in interfaces: if not os_utils.remove_interface_router(neutron_client, router_id, subnet_id): logger.error('Fail to delete all interface routers. ' 'Interface router with id {} was not deleted.'. format(router_id)) if len(router_ids) != 0: for router_id in router_ids: if not os_utils.remove_gateway_router(neutron_client, router_id): logger.error('Fail to delete all gateway routers. ' 'Gateway router with id {} was not deleted.'. format(router_id)) if len(subnet_ids) != 0: for subnet_id in subnet_ids: if not os_utils.delete_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, subnet_id): logger.error('Fail to delete all subnets. ' 'Subnet with id {} was not deleted.'. format(subnet_id)) return False if len(router_ids) != 0: for router_id in router_ids: if not os_utils.delete_neutron_router(neutron_client, router_id): logger.error('Fail to delete all routers. ' 'Router with id {} was not deleted.'. format(router_id)) return False if len(network_ids) != 0: for network_id in network_ids: if not os_utils.delete_neutron_net(neutron_client, network_id): logger.error('Fail to delete all networks. ' 'Network with id {} was not deleted.'. format(network_id)) return False return True def cleanup_nova(conn, instance_ids, flavor_ids=None): if flavor_ids is not None and len(flavor_ids) != 0: for flavor_id in flavor_ids: conn.compute.delete_flavor(flavor_id) if len(instance_ids) != 0: for instance_id in instance_ids: if not os_utils.delete_instance(conn, instance_id): logger.error('Fail to delete all instances. ' 'Instance with id {} was not deleted.'. format(instance_id)) else: wait_for_instance_delete(conn, instance_id) return True def cleanup_glance(conn, image_ids): if len(image_ids) != 0: for image_id in image_ids: if not os_utils.delete_glance_image(conn, image_id): logger.error('Fail to delete all images. ' 'Image with id {} was not deleted.'. format(image_id)) return False return True def create_bgpvpn(neutron_client, **kwargs): # route_distinguishers # route_targets json_body = {"bgpvpn": kwargs} return neutron_client.create_bgpvpn(json_body) def update_bgpvpn(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, **kwargs): json_body = {"bgpvpn": kwargs} return neutron_client.update_bgpvpn(bgpvpn_id, json_body) def delete_bgpvpn(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id): return neutron_client.delete_bgpvpn(bgpvpn_id) def get_bgpvpn(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id): return neutron_client.show_bgpvpn(bgpvpn_id) def get_bgpvpn_routers(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id): return get_bgpvpn(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id)['bgpvpn']['routers'] def get_bgpvpn_networks(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id): return get_bgpvpn(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id)['bgpvpn']['networks'] def create_router_association(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, router_id): json_body = {"router_association": {"router_id": router_id}} return neutron_client.create_router_association(bgpvpn_id, json_body) def create_network_association(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, neutron_network_id): json_body = {"network_association": {"network_id": neutron_network_id}} return neutron_client.create_network_association(bgpvpn_id, json_body) def is_fail_mode_secure(): """ Checks the value of the attribute fail_mode, if it is set to secure. This check is performed on all OVS br-int interfaces, for all OpenStack nodes. """ is_secure = {} openstack_nodes = get_nodes() get_ovs_int_cmd = ("sudo ovs-vsctl show | " "grep -i bridge | " "awk '{print $2}'") # Define OVS get fail_mode command get_ovs_fail_mode_cmd = ("sudo ovs-vsctl get-fail-mode br-int") for openstack_node in openstack_nodes: if not openstack_node.is_active(): continue ovs_int_list = (openstack_node.run_cmd(get_ovs_int_cmd). strip().split('\n')) if 'br-int' in ovs_int_list: # Execute get fail_mode command br_int_fail_mode = (openstack_node. run_cmd(get_ovs_fail_mode_cmd).strip()) if br_int_fail_mode == 'secure': # success is_secure[openstack_node.name] = True else: # failure logger.error('The fail_mode for br-int was not secure ' 'in {} node'.format(openstack_node.name)) is_secure[openstack_node.name] = False return is_secure def update_nw_subnet_port_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id, nw_quota, subnet_quota, port_quota, router_quota): json_body = {"quota": { "network": nw_quota, "subnet": subnet_quota, "port": port_quota, "router": router_quota }} try: neutron_client.update_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id, body=json_body) return True except Exception as e: logger.error("Error [update_nw_subnet_port_quota(neutron_client," " '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s, %s')]: %s" % (tenant_id, nw_quota, subnet_quota, port_quota, router_quota, e)) return False def update_instance_quota_class(cloud, instances_quota): try: cloud.set_compute_quotas('admin', instances=instances_quota) return True except Exception as e: logger.error("Error [update_instance_quota_class(compute," " '%s' )]: %s" % (instances_quota, e)) return False def get_neutron_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id): try: return neutron_client.show_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id)['quota'] except Exception as e: logger.error("Error in getting neutron quota for tenant " " '%s' )]: %s" % (tenant_id, e)) raise def get_nova_instances_quota(cloud): try: return cloud.get_compute_quotas('admin').instances except Exception as e: logger.error("Error in getting nova instances quota: %s" % e) raise def update_router_extra_route(neutron_client, router_id, extra_routes): if len(extra_routes) <= 0: return routes_list = [] for extra_route in extra_routes: route_dict = {'destination': extra_route.destination, 'nexthop': extra_route.nexthop} routes_list.append(route_dict) json_body = {'router': { "routes": routes_list }} try: neutron_client.update_router(router_id, body=json_body) return True except Exception as e: logger.error("Error in updating router with extra route: %s" % e) raise def update_router_no_extra_route(neutron_client, router_ids): json_body = {'router': { "routes": [ ]}} for router_id in router_ids: try: neutron_client.update_router(router_id, body=json_body) return True except Exception as e: logger.error("Error in clearing extra route: %s" % e) def get_ovs_groups(compute_node_list, ovs_br_list, of_protocol="OpenFlow13"): """ Gets, as input, a list of compute nodes and a list of OVS bridges and returns the command console output, as a list of lines, that contains all the OVS groups from all bridges and nodes in lists. """ cmd_out_lines = [] for compute_node in compute_node_list: for ovs_br in ovs_br_list: if ovs_br in compute_node.run_cmd("sudo ovs-vsctl show"): ovs_groups_cmd = ("sudo ovs-ofctl dump-groups {} -O {} | " "grep group".format(ovs_br, of_protocol)) cmd_out_lines += (compute_node.run_cmd(ovs_groups_cmd).strip(). split("\n")) return cmd_out_lines def get_ovs_flows(compute_node_list, ovs_br_list, of_protocol="OpenFlow13"): """ Gets, as input, a list of compute nodes and a list of OVS bridges and returns the command console output, as a list of lines, that contains all the OVS flows from all bridges and nodes in lists. """ cmd_out_lines = [] for compute_node in compute_node_list: for ovs_br in ovs_br_list: if ovs_br in compute_node.run_cmd("sudo ovs-vsctl show"): ovs_flows_cmd = ("sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows {} -O {} | " "grep table=".format(ovs_br, of_protocol)) cmd_out_lines += (compute_node.run_cmd(ovs_flows_cmd).strip(). split("\n")) return cmd_out_lines def get_odl_bgp_entity_owner(controllers): """ Finds the ODL owner of the BGP entity in the cluster. When ODL runs in clustering mode we need to execute the BGP speaker related commands to that ODL which is the owner of the BGP entity. :param controllers: list of OS controllers :return controller: OS controller in which ODL BGP entity owner runs """ if len(controllers) == 1: return controllers[0] else: url = ('http://admin:admin@{ip}:8081/restconf/' 'operational/entity-owners:entity-owners/entity-type/bgp' .format(ip=controllers[0].ip)) remote_odl_akka_conf = ('/opt/opendaylight/configuration/' 'initial/akka.conf') remote_odl_home_akka_conf = '/home/heat-admin/akka.conf' local_tmp_akka_conf = '/tmp/akka.conf' try: json_output = requests.get(url).json() except Exception: logger.error('Failed to find the ODL BGP ' 'entity owner through REST') return None odl_bgp_owner = json_output['entity-type'][0]['entity'][0]['owner'] for controller in controllers: controller.run_cmd('sudo cp {0} /home/heat-admin/' .format(remote_odl_akka_conf)) controller.run_cmd('sudo chmod 777 {0}' .format(remote_odl_home_akka_conf)) controller.get_file(remote_odl_home_akka_conf, local_tmp_akka_conf) for line in open(local_tmp_akka_conf): if re.search(odl_bgp_owner, line): return controller return None def add_quagga_external_gre_end_point(controllers, remote_tep_ip): json_body = {'input': {'destination-ip': remote_tep_ip, 'tunnel-type': "odl-interface:tunnel-type-mpls-over-gre"} } url = ('http://{ip}:8081/restconf/operations/' 'itm-rpc:add-external-tunnel-endpoint'.format(ip=controllers[0].ip)) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/yang.data+json', 'Accept': 'application/yang.data+json'} try: requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(json_body), headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'admin')) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to create external tunnel endpoint on" " ODL for external tep ip %s with error %s" % (remote_tep_ip, e)) return None def is_fib_entry_present_on_odl(controllers, ip_prefix, vrf_id): url = ('http://admin:admin@{ip}:8081/restconf/config/odl-fib:fibEntries/' 'vrfTables/{vrf}/'.format(ip=controllers[0].ip, vrf=vrf_id)) logger.error("url is %s" % url) try: vrf_table = requests.get(url).json() is_ipprefix_exists = False for vrf_entry in vrf_table['vrfTables'][0]['vrfEntry']: if vrf_entry['destPrefix'] == ip_prefix: is_ipprefix_exists = True break return is_ipprefix_exists except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to find ip prefix %s with error %s' % (ip_prefix, e)) return False