#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2017 All rights reserved # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import os import sys import time import requests import re import subprocess import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger import functest.utils.openstack_utils as os_utils from opnfv.deployment.factory import Factory as DeploymentFactory from sdnvpn.lib import config as sdnvpn_config logger = ft_logger.Logger("sndvpn_test_utils").getLogger() common_config = sdnvpn_config.CommonConfig() ODL_USER = 'admin' ODL_PASS = 'admin' def create_custom_flavor(): return os_utils.get_or_create_flavor(common_config.custom_flavor_name, common_config.custom_flavor_ram, common_config.custom_flavor_disk, common_config.custom_flavor_vcpus) def create_net(neutron_client, name): logger.debug("Creating network %s", name) net_id = os_utils.create_neutron_net(neutron_client, name) if not net_id: logger.error( "There has been a problem when creating the neutron network") sys.exit(-1) return net_id def create_subnet(neutron_client, name, cidr, net_id): logger.debug("Creating subnet %s in network %s with cidr %s", name, net_id, cidr) subnet_id = os_utils.create_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, name, cidr, net_id) if not subnet_id: logger.error( "There has been a problem when creating the neutron subnet") sys.exit(-1) return subnet_id def create_network(neutron_client, net, subnet1, cidr1, router, subnet2=None, cidr2=None): """Network assoc won't work for networks/subnets created by this function. It is an ODL limitation due to it handling routers as vpns. See https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6962""" network_dic = os_utils.create_network_full(neutron_client, net, subnet1, router, cidr1) if not network_dic: logger.error( "There has been a problem when creating the neutron network") sys.exit(-1) net_id = network_dic["net_id"] subnet_id = network_dic["subnet_id"] router_id = network_dic["router_id"] if subnet2 is not None: logger.debug("Creating and attaching a second subnet...") subnet_id = os_utils.create_neutron_subnet( neutron_client, subnet2, cidr2, net_id) if not subnet_id: logger.error( "There has been a problem when creating the second subnet") sys.exit(-1) logger.debug("Subnet '%s' created successfully" % subnet_id) return net_id, subnet_id, router_id def create_instance(nova_client, name, image_id, network_id, sg_id, secgroup_name=None, fixed_ip=None, compute_node='', userdata=None, files=None, **kwargs ): if 'flavor' not in kwargs: kwargs['flavor'] = common_config.default_flavor logger.info("Creating instance '%s'..." % name) logger.debug( "Configuration:\n name=%s \n flavor=%s \n image=%s \n" " network=%s\n secgroup=%s \n hypervisor=%s \n" " fixed_ip=%s\n files=%s\n userdata=\n%s\n" % (name, kwargs['flavor'], image_id, network_id, sg_id, compute_node, fixed_ip, files, userdata)) instance = os_utils.create_instance_and_wait_for_active( kwargs['flavor'], image_id, network_id, name, config_drive=True, userdata=userdata, av_zone=compute_node, fixed_ip=fixed_ip, files=files) if instance is None: logger.error("Error while booting instance.") sys.exit(-1) else: logger.debug("Instance '%s' booted successfully. IP='%s'." % (name, instance.networks.itervalues().next()[0])) # Retrieve IP of INSTANCE # instance_ip = instance.networks.get(network_id)[0] if secgroup_name: logger.debug("Adding '%s' to security group '%s'..." % (name, secgroup_name)) else: logger.debug("Adding '%s' to security group '%s'..." % (name, sg_id)) os_utils.add_secgroup_to_instance(nova_client, instance.id, sg_id) return instance def generate_ping_userdata(ips_array): ips = "" for ip in ips_array: ips = ("%s %s" % (ips, ip)) ips = ips.replace(' ', ' ') return ("#!/bin/sh\n" "set%s\n" "while true; do\n" " for i do\n" " ip=$i\n" " ping -c 1 $ip 2>&1 >/dev/null\n" " RES=$?\n" " if [ \"Z$RES\" = \"Z0\" ] ; then\n" " echo ping $ip OK\n" " else echo ping $ip KO\n" " fi\n" " done\n" " sleep 1\n" "done\n" % ips) def generate_userdata_common(): return ("#!/bin/sh\n" "sudo mkdir -p /home/cirros/.ssh/\n" "sudo chown cirros:cirros /home/cirros/.ssh/\n" "sudo chown cirros:cirros /home/cirros/id_rsa\n" "mv /home/cirros/id_rsa /home/cirros/.ssh/\n" "sudo echo ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgnWtSS98Am516e" "stBsq0jbyOB4eLMUYDdgzsUHsnxFQCtACwwAg9/2uq3FoGUBUWeHZNsT6jcK9" "sCMEYiS479CUCzbrxcd8XaIlK38HECcDVglgBNwNzX/WDfMejXpKzZG61s98rU" "ElNvZ0YDqhaqZGqxIV4ejalqLjYrQkoly3R+2k= " "cirros@test1>/home/cirros/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" "sudo chown cirros:cirros /home/cirros/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" "chmod 700 /home/cirros/.ssh\n" "chmod 644 /home/cirros/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" "chmod 600 /home/cirros/.ssh/id_rsa\n" ) def generate_userdata_with_ssh(ips_array): u1 = generate_userdata_common() ips = "" for ip in ips_array: ips = ("%s %s" % (ips, ip)) ips = ips.replace(' ', ' ') u2 = ("#!/bin/sh\n" "set%s\n" "while true; do\n" " for i do\n" " ip=$i\n" " hostname=$(ssh -y -i /home/cirros/.ssh/id_rsa " "cirros@$ip 'hostname' /dev/null)\n" " RES=$?\n" " if [ \"Z$RES\" = \"Z0\" ]; then echo $ip $hostname;\n" " else echo $ip 'not reachable';fi;\n" " done\n" " sleep 1\n" "done\n" % ips) return (u1 + u2) def get_installerHandler(): installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) installer_ip = get_installer_ip() if installer_type not in ["fuel", "apex"]: raise ValueError("%s is not supported" % installer_type) else: if installer_type in ["apex"]: developHandler = DeploymentFactory.get_handler( installer_type, installer_ip, 'root', pkey_file="/root/.ssh/id_rsa") if installer_type in ["fuel"]: developHandler = DeploymentFactory.get_handler( installer_type, installer_ip, 'root', 'r00tme') return developHandler def get_nodes(): developHandler = get_installerHandler() return developHandler.get_nodes() def get_installer_ip(): return str(os.environ['INSTALLER_IP']) def get_instance_ip(instance): instance_ip = instance.networks.itervalues().next()[0] return instance_ip def wait_for_instance(instance): logger.info("Waiting for instance %s to get a DHCP lease..." % instance.id) # The sleep this function replaced waited for 80s tries = 40 sleep_time = 2 pattern = "Lease of .* obtained, lease time" expected_regex = re.compile(pattern) console_log = "" while tries > 0 and not expected_regex.search(console_log): console_log = instance.get_console_output() time.sleep(sleep_time) tries -= 1 if not expected_regex.search(console_log): logger.error("Instance %s seems to have failed leasing an IP." % instance.id) return False return True def wait_for_instances_up(*args): check = [wait_for_instance(instance) for instance in args] return all(check) def wait_for_bgp_net_assoc(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, net_id): tries = 30 sleep_time = 1 nets = [] logger.debug("Waiting for network %s to associate with BGPVPN %s " % (bgpvpn_id, net_id)) while tries > 0 and net_id not in nets: nets = os_utils.get_bgpvpn_networks(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id) time.sleep(sleep_time) tries -= 1 if net_id not in nets: logger.error("Association of network %s with BGPVPN %s failed" % (net_id, bgpvpn_id)) return False return True def wait_for_bgp_net_assocs(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, *args): check = [wait_for_bgp_net_assoc(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, id) for id in args] # Return True if all associations succeeded return all(check) def wait_for_bgp_router_assoc(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, router_id): tries = 30 sleep_time = 1 routers = [] logger.debug("Waiting for router %s to associate with BGPVPN %s " % (bgpvpn_id, router_id)) while tries > 0 and router_id not in routers: routers = os_utils.get_bgpvpn_routers(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id) time.sleep(sleep_time) tries -= 1 if router_id not in routers: logger.error("Association of router %s with BGPVPN %s failed" % (router_id, bgpvpn_id)) return False return True def wait_for_bgp_router_assocs(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, *args): check = [wait_for_bgp_router_assoc(neutron_client, bgpvpn_id, id) for id in args] # Return True if all associations succeeded return all(check) def wait_before_subtest(*args, **kwargs): ''' This is a placeholder. TODO: Replace delay with polling logic. ''' time.sleep(30) def assert_and_get_compute_nodes(nova_client, required_node_number=2): """Get the compute nodes in the deployment Exit if the deployment doesn't have enough compute nodes""" compute_nodes = os_utils.get_hypervisors(nova_client) num_compute_nodes = len(compute_nodes) if num_compute_nodes < 2: logger.error("There are %s compute nodes in the deployment. " "Minimum number of nodes to complete the test is 2." % num_compute_nodes) sys.exit(-1) logger.debug("Compute nodes: %s" % compute_nodes) return compute_nodes def open_icmp(neutron_client, security_group_id): if os_utils.check_security_group_rules(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'icmp'): if not os_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'icmp'): logger.error("Failed to create icmp security group rule...") else: logger.info("This rule exists for security group: %s" % security_group_id) def open_http_port(neutron_client, security_group_id): if os_utils.check_security_group_rules(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', 80, 80): if not os_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', 80, 80): logger.error("Failed to create http security group rule...") else: logger.info("This rule exists for security group: %s" % security_group_id) def open_bgp_port(neutron_client, security_group_id): if os_utils.check_security_group_rules(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', 179, 179): if not os_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, security_group_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', 179, 179): logger.error("Failed to create bgp security group rule...") else: logger.info("This rule exists for security group: %s" % security_group_id) def exec_cmd(cmd, verbose): success = True logger.debug("Executing '%s'" % cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = "" for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): output += line if verbose: logger.debug(output) p.stdout.close() returncode = p.wait() if returncode != 0: logger.error("Command %s failed to execute." % cmd) success = False return output, success def check_odl_fib(ip, controller_ip): """Check that there is an entry in the ODL Fib for `ip`""" url = "http://" + controller_ip + \ ":8181/restconf/config/odl-fib:fibEntries/" logger.debug("Querring '%s' for FIB entries", url) res = requests.get(url, auth=(ODL_USER, ODL_PASS)) if res.status_code != 200: logger.error("OpenDaylight response status code: %s", res.status_code) return False logger.debug("Checking whether '%s' is in the OpenDaylight FIB" % controller_ip) logger.debug("OpenDaylight FIB: \n%s" % res.text) return ip in res.text def run_odl_cmd(odl_node, cmd): '''Run a command in the OpenDaylight Karaf shell This is a bit flimsy because of shell quote escaping, make sure that the cmd passed does not have any top level double quotes or this function will break. The /dev/null is used because client works, but outputs something that contains "ERROR" and run_cmd doesn't like that. ''' karaf_cmd = ('/opt/opendaylight/bin/client -h "%s"' ' 2>/dev/null' % cmd) return odl_node.run_cmd(karaf_cmd) def wait_for_cloud_init(instance): success = True # ubuntu images take a long time to start tries = 20 sleep_time = 30 while tries > 0: instance_log = instance.get_console_output() if "Failed to run module" in instance_log: success = False logger.error("Cloud init failed to run. Reason: %s", instance_log) break if re.search(r"Cloud-init v. .+ finished at", instance_log): success = True break time.sleep(sleep_time) tries = tries - 1 if tries == 0: logger.error("Cloud init timed out" ". Reason: %s", instance_log) success = False return success def attach_instance_to_ext_br(instance, compute_node): libvirt_instance_name = getattr(instance, "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name") installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) if installer_type == "fuel": bridge = "br-ex" elif installer_type == "apex": # In Apex, br-ex is an ovs bridge and virsh attach-interface # won't just work. We work around it by creating a linux # bridge, attaching that to br-ex with a veth pair # and virsh-attaching the instance to the linux-bridge bridge = "br-quagga" cmd = """ set -xe if ! brctl show |grep -q ^br-quagga;then sudo brctl addbr {bridge} && sudo ip link set {bridge} up && sudo ip link add quagga-tap type veth peer name ovs-quagga-tap && sudo ip link set dev ovs-quagga-tap up && sudo ip link set dev quagga-tap up && sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex ovs-quagga-tap && sudo brctl addif {bridge} quagga-tap fi """ compute_node.run_cmd(cmd.format(bridge=bridge)) compute_node.run_cmd("sudo virsh attach-interface %s" " bridge %s" % (libvirt_instance_name, bridge)) def detach_instance_from_ext_br(instance, compute_node): libvirt_instance_name = getattr(instance, "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name") installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) if installer_type == "fuel": bridge = "br-ex" elif installer_type == "apex": # In Apex, br-ex is an ovs bridge and virsh attach-interface # won't just work. We work around it by creating a linux # bridge, attaching that to br-ex with a veth pair # and virsh-attaching the instance to the linux-bridge bridge = "br-quagga" cmd = """ sudo brctl delif {bridge} quagga-tap && sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-ex ovs-quagga-tap && sudo ip link set dev quagga-tap down && sudo ip link set dev ovs-quagga-tap down && sudo ip link del quagga-tap type veth peer name ovs-quagga-tap && sudo ip link set {bridge} down && sudo brctl delbr {bridge} """ compute_node.run_cmd(cmd.format(bridge=bridge)) mac = compute_node.run_cmd("for vm in $(sudo virsh list | " "grep running | awk '{print $2}'); " "do echo -n ; sudo virsh dumpxml $vm| " "grep -oP '52:54:[\da-f:]+' ;done") compute_node.run_cmd("sudo virsh detach-interface --domain %s" " --type bridge --mac %s" % (libvirt_instance_name, mac))