#!/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2017 All rights reserved # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # import re import time from utils.processutils import ProcessExecutionError from tripleo_introspector.tripleo_introspector import TripleOIntrospector from utils import processutils from utils.utils_log import LOG, for_all_methods, log_enter_exit from utils.service import Service from utils.node_manager import NodeManager from utils import utils_yaml @for_all_methods(log_enter_exit) class ODLReInstaller(Service): def __init__(self): self.netvirt_url = "restconf/operational/network-topology:" \ "network-topology/topology/netvirt:1" self.nodes = None self.odl_node = None def run(self, sys_args, config): pod_config = sys_args.pod_config odl_artifact = sys_args.odl_artifact node_config = utils_yaml.read_dict_from_yaml(pod_config) # TODO Add validation of incoming node config # self.check_node_config() # copy ODL to all nodes where it need to be copied self.nodes = NodeManager(node_config['servers']).get_nodes() for node in self.nodes: node.execute('ovs-vsctl del-controller br-int', as_root=True) first_controller = None for node in self.nodes: if not first_controller: if 'controller' in node.execute('echo $HOSTNAME')[0]: first_controller = node # Check if ODL runs on this node rv, _ = node.execute('ps aux |grep -v grep |grep karaf', as_root=True, check_exit_code=[0, 1]) if 'java' in rv: self.odl_node = node LOG.info("ODL node found: {}".format(self.odl_node.name)) node.execute('systemctl stop opendaylight', as_root=True) self.disconnect_ovs(node) # Upgrade ODL if not self.odl_node: self.odl_node = first_controller self.reinstall_odl(self.odl_node, odl_artifact) # Wait for ODL to come back up full_netvirt_url = "http://{}:8081/{}".format( self.odl_node.config['address'], self.netvirt_url) counter = 1 while counter <= 10: try: self.odl_node.execute("curl --fail -u admin:admin {}".format( full_netvirt_url)) LOG.info("New OpenDaylight NetVirt is Up") break except processutils.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.warning("NetVirt not up. Attempt: {}".format(counter)) if counter >= 10: LOG.warning("NetVirt not detected as up after 10 " "attempts...deployment may be unstable!") counter += 1 time.sleep(10) # Reconnect OVS instances LOG.info("Reconnecting OVS instances") for node in self.nodes: self.connect_ovs(node) # Sleep for a few seconds to allow TCP connections to come up time.sleep(5) # Validate OVS instances LOG.info("Validating OVS configuration") for node in self.nodes: self.validate_ovs(node) LOG.info("OpenDaylight Upgrade Successful!") @staticmethod def reinstall_odl(node, odl_artifact): tar_tmp_path = '/tmp/odl-artifact/' node.copy('to', odl_artifact, tar_tmp_path + odl_artifact) node.execute('rm -rf /opt/opendaylight/*', as_root=True) node.execute('mkdir -p /opt/opendaylight/*', as_root=True) if 'tar.gz' in odl_artifact: LOG.info('Extracting %s to /opt/opendaylight/ on node %s' % (odl_artifact, node.name)) node.execute('tar -zxf %s --strip-components=1 -C ' '/opt/opendaylight/' % (tar_tmp_path + odl_artifact), as_root=True) node.execute('chown -R odl:odl /opt/opendaylight', as_root=True) if '.rpm' in odl_artifact: LOG.info('Installing %s on node %s' % (odl_artifact, node.name)) node.execute('yum remove -y opendaylight; yum install -y %s' % (tar_tmp_path + odl_artifact), as_root=True) node.execute('rm -rf ' + tar_tmp_path, as_root=True) LOG.info('Starting Opendaylight on node %s' % node.name) node.execute('puppet apply -e "include opendaylight" ' '--modulepath=/etc/puppet/modules/ ' '--verbose --debug --trace --detailed-exitcodes', check_exit_code=[2], as_root=True) # --detailed-exitcodes: Provide extra information about the run via # exit codes. If enabled, 'puppet apply' will use the following exit # codes: # 0: The run succeeded with no changes or failures; the system was # already in the desired state. # 1: The run failed. # 2: The run succeeded, and some resources were changed. # 4: The run succeeded, and some resources failed. # 6: The run succeeded, and included both changes and failures. @staticmethod def disconnect_ovs(node): LOG.info('Disconnecting OpenVSwitch from controller on node %s' % node.name) node.execute('ovs-vsctl del-controller br-int', as_root=True) node.execute('ovs-vsctl del-manager', as_root=True) LOG.info('Deleting Tunnel and Patch interfaces') # Note this is required because ODL fails to reconcile pre-created # ports for br in 'br-int', 'br-ex': LOG.info("Checking for ports on {}".format(br)) try: out, _ = node.execute('ovs-vsctl list-ports {} | grep -E ' '"tun|patch"'.format(br), as_root=True, shell=True) ports = out.rstrip().split("\n") for port in ports: LOG.info('Deleting port: {}'.format(port)) node.execute('ovs-vsctl del-port {} {}'.format(br, port), as_root=True) except ProcessExecutionError: LOG.info("No tunnel or patch ports configured") @staticmethod def connect_ovs(node): LOG.info('Connecting OpenVSwitch to controller on node %s' % node.name) ovs_manager_str = ' '.join(node.config['ovs-managers']) node.execute('ovs-vsctl set-manager %s' % ovs_manager_str, as_root=True) @staticmethod def validate_ovs(node): LOG.info("Validating OVS configuration for node: {}".format(node.name)) # Validate ovs manager is connected out, _ = node.execute('ovs-vsctl show ', as_root=True) mgr_search = \ re.search('Manager\s+\"tcp:[0-9.]+:6640\"\n\s*' 'is_connected:\s*true', out) if mgr_search is None: raise ODLReinstallerException("OVS Manager is not connected") else: LOG.info("OVS is connected to OVSDB manager") # Validate ovs controller is configured cfg_controller = node.config['ovs-controller'] ovs_controller = TripleOIntrospector().get_ovs_controller(node) if cfg_controller == '' or cfg_controller is None: if ovs_controller is None or ovs_controller == '': raise ODLReinstallerException("OVS controller is not set " "for node: {}" "".format(node.address)) elif ovs_controller != cfg_controller: raise ODLReinstallerException("OVS controller is not set to the " "correct pod config value on {}. " "Config controller: {}, current " "controller: {}" "".format(node.address, cfg_controller, ovs_controller)) LOG.info("OVS Controller set correctly") # Validate ovs controller is connected ctrl_search = \ re.search('Controller\s+\"tcp:[0-9\.]+:6653\"\n\s*' 'is_connected:\s*true', out) if ctrl_search is None: raise ODLReinstallerException("OVS Controller is not connected") else: LOG.info("OVS is connected to OpenFlow controller") def create_cli_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--pod-config', help="File containing pod configuration", dest='pod_config', required=True) parser.add_argument('--odl-artifact', help="Path to Opendaylight tarball to use for " "upgrade", dest='odl_artifact', required=True) return parser class ODLReinstallerException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return self.value def main(): ODLReInstaller().start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()