OPNFV Release Note for the Colorado.1.0 release of OPNFV for SDN VPN feature


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(c) Tim Irnich (Ericsson) and others


This document comprises the release notes for the SDN VPN feature contained in the Colorado
release of OPNFV.

Important notes

In the Colorado release, SDN VPN only supports ODL as a backend. Make sure to always deploy
SDN VPN and ODL together. Make use of deployment scenarios including the SDNVPN feature.


SDN VPN adds the possibility to create and associate BGP/MPLS based Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
through the OpenStack Neutron BGPVPN API extension.

Release Data

| **Project**                          | sdnvpn                               |
|                                      |                                      |
| **Repo/tag**                         | Colorado.1.0                         |
|                                      |                                      |
| **Release designation**              | Colorado 1.0 follow-up release       |
|                                      |                                      |
| **Release date**                     | September 22 2016                    |
|                                      |                                      |
| **Purpose of the delivery**          | Including BGP stack - Quagga         |
|                                      | Fuel 9.0 baseline + Bug-fixes        |
|                                      | HEAT integration                     |
|                                      | 2 new e2e testcases for Functest     |
|                                      | Documentation                        |
|                                      |                                      |

Version change

Compared to the Brahmaputra release, a new version of ODL including several critical
bugfixes is deployed. Together with the new BGP stack and HEAT integration the user
can use now full stack bgp. New testcases to functest were added to guarantee

Module version changes
ODL has been upgraded to Beryllium SR3.

Document changes
The amount documentation is increased substantially. E2E deployment docu and examples to use bgpvpn
is added.

Reason for version

Feature additions

SDN VPN adds the possibility to create and associate BGP/MPLS based Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
through the OpenStack Neutron BGPVPN API extension.

Bug corrections

Several bugs in ODL VPN Service have been fixed in this release.


Software deliverables

- Fuel plugin for OpenStack BGPVPN
- Changes to ODL Fuel plugin to activate VPN Service Karaf feature
- Integration of VPN Service functional tests and BGPVPN API tests into Functest framework

Documentation deliverables

- Paragraph on SDN VPN feature for platform overview

- Configuration guide

- User guide

- Release noes (this document)

Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds

System Limitations

Floating ip will come with the Boron release so yardstick testcases cannot be run
and the user is only able to access the node through tenat network. Boron is targeted
for Colorado 2.0.
Due to lacking support for floating IPs in ODL VPNService (which replaces Netvirt as
Neutron backend in the SDN VPN scenarios), the following test suites have some restrictions
and are not executed:
- Tempest:

Yardstick uses the floating ip mechanism to connect to the instances using SSH.
Therefore, the default test cases have been replaced by the ones running tests on the
bare-metal servers. Feature specific Yardstick test cases have not been implemented,
we plan to add these in Colorado 2.0.

It is known that the performance of management operations is quite low. To work around
the overall timeout of functest, the performance tool Rally was excluded from the
test list. For Colorado 2.0 a much higher performance is expected and Rally it is
expected to be included again.

A timeout in promise occurs. This timeout was set from 5 to 10 seconds for all scenarios
a jira ticket was written to change it back
in Colorado 2.0: https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/PROMISE-79.

Parser testcase was removed from functest due to low performance. In Colorado 2.0
a big performance improvement is forseen and Parser will then be added again.

Known issues


Test results

The deployment scenarios have successfully deployed in OPNFV CI many times and all Functest tests
(general and feature specific) are passing.
