.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
.. License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) OPNFV, National Center of Scientific Research "Demokritos" and others.

vFW - Installation Guide

vFW Compilation

After downloading (or doing a git clone) in a directory (samplevnf)

###### Dependencies
* DPDK 16.04: Downloaded and installed via vnf_build.sh or manually from [here](http://fast.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-16.04.tar.xz)
Both the options are available as part of vnf_build.sh below.
* libpcap-dev
* libzmq
* libcurl

###### Environment variables

Apply all the additional patches in 'patches/dpdk_custom_patch/' and build dpdk

  export RTE_SDK=<dpdk 16.04 directory>
  export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc

This is done by vnf_build.sh script.

Auto Build:
$ ./tools/vnf_build.sh in samplevnf root folder

Follow the steps in the screen from option [1] --> [8] and select option [7]
to build the vnfs.
It will automatically download DPDK 16.04 and any required patches and will setup
everything and build vFW VNFs.

Following are the options for setup:


   Step 1: Environment setup.
  [1] Check OS and network connection

   Step 2: Download and Install
  [2] Agree to download
  [3] Download packages
  [4] Download DPDK zip (optional, use it when option 4 fails)
  [5] Install DPDK
  [6] Setup hugepages

   Step 3: Build VNF
  [7] Build VNF

  [8] Exit Script

An vFW executable will be created at the following location

Manual Build:
1. Download DPDK 16.04 from dpdk.org
   - http://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk/snapshot/dpdk-16.04.zip
2. unzip  dpdk-16.04 and apply dpdk patch
   - cd dpdk-16.04
	 - patch -p0 < VNF_CORE/patches/dpdk_custom_patch/rte_pipeline.patch
 	 - patch -p1 < VNF_CORE/patches/dpdk_custom_patch/i40e-fix-link-management.patch
	 - patch -p1 < VNF_CORE/patches/dpdk_custom_patch/i40e-fix-Rx-hang-when-disable-LLDP.patch
 	 - patch -p1 < VNF_CORE/patches/dpdk_custom_patch/i40e-fix-link-status-change-interrupt.patch
 	 - patch -p1 < VNF_CORE/patches/dpdk_custom_patch/i40e-fix-VF-bonded-device-link-down.patch
   - build dpdk
	- make config T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc O=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
	- cd x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
	- make
   - Setup huge pages
	- For 1G/2M hugepage sizes, for example 1G pages, the size must be specified
          explicitly and can also be optionally set as the default hugepage size for
          the system. For example, to reserve 8G of hugepage memory in the form of
          eight 1G pages, the following options should be passed to the kernel:
		* default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8  hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048
	- Add this to Go to /etc/default/grub configuration file.
	  - Append "default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048"
	    to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX entry.
3. Setup Environment Variable
   - export RTE_SDK=<samplevnf>/dpdk-16.04
   - export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
   - export VNF_CORE=<samplevnf>
     or using ./toot/setenv.sh
4. Build vFW VNFs
   - cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW
   - make clean
   - make
5. The vFW executable will be created at the following location
   - <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/build/vFW


Setup Port to run VNF:
  1. cd <samplevnf>/dpdk-16.04
  3. ./tool/dpdk_nic_bind.py --status <--- List the network device
  2. ./tool/dpdk_nic_bind.py -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
  .. _More details: http://dpdk.org/doc/guides-16.04/linux_gsg/build_dpdk.html#binding-and-unbinding-network-ports-to-from-the-kernel-modules

  Make the necessary changes to the config files to run the vFW VNF
  eg: ports_mac_list = 00:00:00:30:21:01 00:00:00:30:21:00

Update the configuration according to system configuration.

  ./vFW -p <port mask> -f <config> -s <script> - SW_LoadB
  ./vFW -p <port mask> -f <config> -s <script> -hwlb <num_WT> - HW_LoadB

Run IPv4
  Software LoadB
  cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/
  ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/VFW_SWLB_IPV4_SinglePortPair_4Thread.cfg  -s ./config/VFW_SWLB_IPV4_SinglePortPair_script.tc

  Hardware LoadB
  cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/
  ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/VFW_HWLB_IPV4_SinglePortPair_4Thread.cfg  -s ./config/VFW_HWLB_IPV4_SinglePortPair_script.cfg --hwlb 4

Run IPv6
  Software LoadB
  cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW
  ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/VFW_SWLB_IPV6_SinglePortPair_4Thread.cfg  -s ./config/VFW_SWLB_IPV6_SinglePortPair_script.tc

  Hardware LoadB
  cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/
  ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/VFW_HWLB_IPV6_SinglePortPair_4Thread.cfg  -s ./config/VFW_HWLB_IPV6_SinglePortPair_script.tc --hwlb 4

vFW execution on BM & SRIOV:
  To run the VNF, execute the following:
  samplevnf/VNFs/vFW# ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/VFW_SWLB_IPV4_SinglePortPair_4Thread.cfg  -s ./config/VFW_SWLB_IPV4_SinglePortPair_script.tc
  Command Line Params:
  -p PORTMASK: Hexadecimal bitmask of ports to configure
  -f CONFIG FILE: vFW configuration file
  -s SCRIPT FILE: vFW script file

vFW execution on OVS:
  To run the VNF, execute the following:
  samplevnf/VNFs/vFW# ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/VFW_SWLB_IPV4_SinglePortPair_4Thread.cfg  -s ./config/VFW_SWLB_IPV4_SinglePortPair_script.tc --disable-hw-csum
  Command Line Params:
  -p PORTMASK: Hexadecimal bitmask of ports to configure
  -f CONFIG FILE: vFW configuration file
  -s SCRIPT FILE: vFW script file
--disable-hw-csum :Disable TCP/UDP hw checksum