.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
.. License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) OPNFV, Intel Corporation and others.


**Welcome to SampleVNF's documentation !**

.. _Pharos: https://wiki.opnfv.org/pharos
.. _SampleVNF: https://wiki.opnfv.org/samplevnf
.. _Technical_Briefs: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SAM/Technical+Briefs+of+VNFs

SampleVNF_ is an OPNFV Project.

The project's goal is to provides a placeholder for various sample VNF
(Virtual Network Function (:term:`VNF`)) development which includes example
reference architecture and optimization methods related to VNF/Network service
for high performance VNFs. This project provides benefits to other OPNFV
projects like Functest, Models, yardstick etc to perform real life
use-case based testing and VNF/NFVi characterization for the same.

The Project's scope to create a repository of sample VNFs to help VNF
benchmarking and NFVi characterization with real world traffic and host a
common development environment for developing the VNF using optimized libraries.
Also, Develop a test framework in yardstick  to enable
Virtual Network Function (:term:`VNF`) / Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure
(:term:`NFVI`) verification.

*SampleVNF* is used in OPNFV for characterization of NFVi/VNF on OPNFV infrastructure
and some of the OPNFV features.

.. seealso:: Pharos_ for information on OPNFV community labs and this
   Technical_Briefs_ for an overview of *SampleVNF*

About This Document

This document consists of the following chapters:

* Chapter :doc:`01-introduction` provides a brief introduction to *SampleVNF*
  project's background and describes the structure of this document.

* Chapter :doc:`02-methodology` describes the methodology implemented by the
  *SampleVNF* Project for :term:`VNF` and :term:`NFVI` verification.

* Chapter :doc:`03-architecture` provides information on the software architecture
  of *SampleVNF*.

* Chapter :doc:`04-installation` provides instructions to install *SampleVNF*.

* Chapter :doc:`05-BKMs` provides example on how installing and running *SampleVNF*.

Contact SampleVNF

Feedback? `Contact us`_

.. _Contact us: opnfv-users@lists.opnfv.org