.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) OPNFV, Intel Corporation and others.

.. OPNFV SAMPLEVNF Documentation design file.


**Required Test setup:**

.. _SampleVNF: https://wiki.opnfv.org/samplevnf
.. _Technical_Briefs: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SAM/Technical+Briefs+of+VNFs

Supported Test setup:

The device under test (DUT) consists of a system following

  * A single or dual processor and PCH chip, except for System on Chip (SoC) cases
  * DRAM memory size and frequency (normally single DIMM per channel)
  * Specific Intel Network Interface Cards (NICs)
  * BIOS settings noting those that updated from the basic settings
  * DPDK build configuration settings, and commands used for tests

Connected to the DUT is an IXIA* or Software Traffic generator like pktgen or TRex,
simulation platform to generate packet traffic to the DUT ports and
determine the throughput/latency at the tester side.

Hardware & Software Ingredients


   | Item          | Description      |
   | Memory        | Min 20GB         |
   | NICs          | 2 x 10G          |
   | HostOS/Guest  | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS |
   | kernel        | >4.4.0-34-generic|
   |DPDK           | >17.02           |

   Boot and BIOS settings
   | Boot settings    | default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=16  |
   |                  | hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048 isolcpus=1-11,22-33  |
   |                  | nohz_full=1-11,22-33 rcu_nocbs=1-11,22-33         |
   |                  | Note: nohz_full and rcu_nocbs is to disable Linux*|
   |                  | kernel interrupts, and it’s import                |
   |BIOS              | CPU Power and Performance Policy <Performance>    |
   |                  | CPU C-state Disabled                              |
   |                  | CPU P-state Disabled                              |
   |                  | Enhanced Intel® Speedstep® Tech Disabled          |
   |                  | Hyper-Threading Technology (If supported) Enable  |
   |                  | Virtualization Techology Enable                   |
   |                  | Coherency Enable                                  |
   |                  | Turbo Boost Disabled                              |

Network Topology for testing VNFs

The ethernet cables should be connected between traffic generator and the VNF server (BM,
SRIOV or OVS) setup based on the test profile.

The connectivity could be

- Single port pair : One pair ports used for traffic


     e.g. Single port pair link0 and link1 of VNF are used
     TG:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
     TG:port 1 <------> VNF:Port 1

-  Multi port pair :  More than one pair of traffic


     e.g. Two port pair link 0, link1, link2 and link3 of VNF are used
     TG:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
     TG:port 1 <------> VNF:Port 1
     TG:port 2 <------> VNF:Port 2
     TG:port 3 <------> VNF:Port 3

For openstack/Standalone virtualization, installation please refer the openstack guide and ovs-dpdk/sriov github.
(TBA - Add link to guide)