/* // Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include <interface.h> #include <rte_byteorder.h> #include <lib_arp.h> #include <tsx.h> interface_main_t ifm; int USE_RTM_LOCKS = 0; rte_rwlock_t rwlock; uint8_t ifm_debug; static int prev_state; void config_ifm_debug(int dbg, int flag) { switch (dbg) { case IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG: if (flag) { ifm_debug |= IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG; } else { ifm_debug &= ~IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG; } break; case IFM_DEBUG_RXTX: if (flag) { ifm_debug |= IFM_DEBUG_RXTX; } else { ifm_debug &= ~IFM_DEBUG_RXTX; } break; case IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS: if (flag) { ifm_debug |= IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS; } else { ifm_debug &= ~IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS; } break; case IFM_DEBUG: if (flag) { ifm_debug |= IFM_DEBUG; } else { ifm_debug &= ~IFM_DEBUG; } break; } } void ifm_init(void) { int i = 0; config_ifm_debug(IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG, 1); if (can_use_intel_core_4th_gen_features()) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "TSX not currently supported...\n\r"); USE_RTM_LOCKS = 0; } else { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "TSX not supported\n\r"); USE_RTM_LOCKS = 0; } if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_init(); else rte_rwlock_init(&rwlock); for (i = 0; i < IFM_MAX_PORTARR_SZ; i++) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); ifm.port_list[i] = NULL; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } ifm.nport_intialized = rte_eth_dev_count(); ifm.nport_configured = 0; RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "IFM_INIT: Number of ports initialized during " "PCI probing %u.\n\r", ifm.nport_intialized); } void ifm_remove_port_details(uint8_t portid) { if (ifm.port_list[portid] != NULL) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); l2_phy_interface_t *port = ifm.port_list[portid]; ifm.port_list[portid] = NULL; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: NULL set for port %u\n\r", __FUNCTION__, portid); rte_free(port); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } else { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Failed to remove port details.Port %u info" " is already Null.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, portid); } } l2_phy_interface_t *ifm_get_port(uint8_t port_id) { l2_phy_interface_t *port = NULL; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { /*RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); */ if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return NULL; } if (port->pmdid == port_id) { /*RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Port %u found....\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); */ if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return port; } else { /* RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM,"%s: Mismatch given port %u port in loc %u\n\r",__FUNCTION__,port_id, ifm.port_list[port_id]->pmdid); */ } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return NULL; } l2_phy_interface_t *ifm_get_first_port(void) { l2_phy_interface_t *port = NULL; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); port = ifm.port_list[0]; if (port == NULL) { /*RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__); */ if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return NULL; } /*RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info is found...%p\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port->pmdid, port); */ if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return port; } l2_phy_interface_t *ifm_get_next_port(uint8_t port_id) { l2_phy_interface_t *port = NULL; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); port = ifm.port_list[port_id + 1]; if (port == NULL) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return NULL; } /*RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info is found...\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); */ if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return port; } l2_phy_interface_t *ifm_get_port_by_name(const char *name) { l2_phy_interface_t *port = NULL; int i; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); for (i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS && ifm.port_list[i]; i++) { port = ifm.port_list[i]; if (strcmp(name, port->ifname) == 0) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "FOUND! port %u %s\n\r", port->pmdid, port->ifname); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return port; } } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return NULL; } void lsi_event_callback(uint8_t port_id, enum rte_eth_event_type type, void *param) { struct rte_eth_link link; l2_phy_interface_t *port; int nclients = ifm.nclient; int i; RTE_SET_USED(param); RTE_SET_USED(type); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); } rte_eth_link_get(port_id, &link); for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++) ifm.if_client[i].cb_linkupdate(port_id, link.link_status); port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } if (port != NULL && port->pmdid == port_id) { if (link.link_status) { port->link_status = IFM_ETH_LINK_UP; port->link_speed = link.link_speed; port->link_duplex = link.link_duplex; RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "EVENT-- PORT %u Link UP - Speed %u Mbps - %s.\n", port_id, (unsigned)link.link_speed, (link.link_duplex == ETH_LINK_FULL_DUPLEX) ? ("full-duplex") : ("half-duplex")); if (port->flags & IFM_MASTER) { port->flags |= IFM_BONDED; port->bond_config->active_slave_count = rte_eth_bond_active_slaves_get(port->pmdid, port-> bond_config-> active_slaves, RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS); struct ether_addr new_mac; rte_eth_macaddr_get(port->pmdid, (struct ether_addr *) &new_mac); if (memcmp (&new_mac, port->macaddr, sizeof(struct ether_addr))) { RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "Bond port %u MAC has changed.\n\r", port->pmdid); } else { RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "Bond port %u MAC remains same\n\r", port->pmdid); } } if (port->flags & IFM_SLAVE) { uint8_t master_portid = port->bond_config->bond_portid; struct rte_eth_link linkstatus; rte_eth_link_get(master_portid, &linkstatus); RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "Port %u 's Master(%u) status is %u\n\r", port_id, master_portid, linkstatus.link_status); } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } if (port->ipv4_list != NULL) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "Sending garp on port %u\n\r", port->pmdid); if (!prev_state) { send_gratuitous_arp(port); prev_state = 1; } } #if 0 else { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "IP is not enabled on port %u, not sending GARP\n\r", port->pmdid); } #endif } else { if (port->flags & IFM_MASTER) { port->flags &= ~IFM_BONDED; //RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "IFM_MASTER port, resetting IFM_BONDED. %u\n\r", port->flags); } port->link_status = IFM_ETH_LINK_DOWN; RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "EVENT-- PORT %u is Link DOWN.\n", port_id); if (port->flags & IFM_SLAVE) { struct rte_eth_link linkstatus; uint8_t master_portid = port->bond_config->bond_portid; rte_eth_link_get_nowait(master_portid, &linkstatus); RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "Port %u 's Master(%u) status is %u\n\r", port_id, master_portid, linkstatus.link_status); } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } prev_state = 0; } } //print_interface_details(); } void ifm_update_linkstatus(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t linkstatus) { struct rte_eth_link link; l2_phy_interface_t *port; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); } port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } if (port != NULL && port->pmdid == port_id) { rte_eth_link_get(port_id, &link); if (linkstatus == IFM_ETH_LINK_UP) { port->admin_status = IFM_ETH_LINK_UP; port->link_status = IFM_ETH_LINK_UP; if(!link.link_status) { if (rte_eth_dev_set_link_up(port_id) < 0) { RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s:Port %u admin up is unsuccessful\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port->pmdid); } else { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s:Port %u admin up...\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port->pmdid); send_gratuitous_arp(port); return; } } } else if (linkstatus == IFM_ETH_LINK_DOWN) { int status; port->admin_status = IFM_ETH_LINK_DOWN; port->link_status = IFM_ETH_LINK_DOWN; /* need to check the following if */ if(link.link_status) { status = rte_eth_dev_set_link_down(port_id); if (status < 0) { printf("(%" PRIu32 "): PMD set link down... continuing...%" PRId32 "\n", port_id, status); } } } } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } } void ifm_set_l2_interface_mtu(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t mtu) { int ret; l2_phy_interface_t *port; port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } if (port != NULL && port->pmdid == port_id) { ret = rte_eth_dev_set_mtu(port_id, mtu); if (ret != 0) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "set_l2_interface_mtu: Set MTU failed. ret=%d\n", ret); else { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); } port->mtu = mtu; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return; } } } void ifm_set_port_promisc(uint8_t port_id, uint8_t enable) { l2_phy_interface_t *port; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); } port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } if (port != NULL && port->pmdid == port_id) { if (enable == 1) { rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(port_id); port->promisc = 1; } else { rte_eth_promiscuous_disable(port_id); port->promisc = 0; } } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } } int32_t ifm_get_nactive_ports(void) { return ifm.nport_configured; } int32_t ifm_get_nports_initialized(void) { return ifm.nport_intialized; } uint16_t ifm_receive_bulk_pkts(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t qid, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts) { uint64_t no_of_rcvd_pkt; no_of_rcvd_pkt = rte_eth_rx_burst(port_id, qid, rx_pkts, IFM_BURST_SIZE); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_RXTX) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "ifm_receive_bulk_pkts: port_id %u no_of_rcvd_pkt %lu\n\r", port_id, no_of_rcvd_pkt); return no_of_rcvd_pkt; } uint16_t ifm_transmit_bulk_pkts(l2_phy_interface_t *port, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts, uint64_t npkts) { uint32_t burst_tx_delay_time = IFM_BURST_TX_WAIT_US; uint32_t burst_tx_retry_num = IFM_BURST_TX_RETRIES; uint32_t retry; uint32_t no_of_tx_pkt; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); } no_of_tx_pkt = rte_eth_tx_burst(port->pmdid, IFM_TX_DEFAULT_Q, tx_pkts, npkts); if (unlikely(no_of_tx_pkt < npkts)) { retry = 0; while (no_of_tx_pkt < IFM_BURST_SIZE && retry++ < burst_tx_retry_num) { rte_delay_us(burst_tx_delay_time); no_of_tx_pkt = rte_eth_tx_burst(port->pmdid, IFM_TX_DEFAULT_Q, &tx_pkts[no_of_tx_pkt], IFM_BURST_SIZE - no_of_tx_pkt); } } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_RXTX) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "ifm_transmit_bulk_pkts: no_of_tx_pkt %u\n\r", no_of_tx_pkt); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); } return no_of_tx_pkt; } int ifm_transmit_single_pkt(l2_phy_interface_t *port, struct rte_mbuf *tx_pkts) { uint64_t tx_npkts = 0; if (tx_pkts == NULL || port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "ifm_transmit_single_pkt: tx_pkts and port are NULL "); return IFM_FAILURE; } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_RXTX) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "ifm_transmit_single_pkt: port->pmdid %u\n\r", port->pmdid); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); } tx_npkts = rte_eth_tx_buffer(port->pmdid, IFM_TX_DEFAULT_Q, port->tx_buffer, tx_pkts); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_RXTX) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "ifm_transmit_single_pkt: port->pmdid %u No of packets buffered %lu\n\r", port->pmdid, tx_npkts); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing RW lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); } port->n_txpkts += rte_eth_tx_buffer_flush(port->pmdid, IFM_TX_DEFAULT_Q, port->tx_buffer); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_RXTX) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "ifm_transmit_single_pkt: no of pkts flushed %lu\n\r", port->n_txpkts); return tx_npkts; } int16_t ifm_add_ipv4_port(uint8_t port_id, uint32_t ipaddr, uint32_t addrlen) { l2_phy_interface_t *port; ipv4list_t *ipconf; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); } port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } if (port != NULL && port->pmdid == port_id) { ipconf = (ipv4list_t *) rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(ipv4list_t), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); if (ipconf != NULL) { ipconf->next = NULL; //ipconf->ipaddr = rte_bswap32(ipaddr); ipconf->ipaddr = ipaddr; ipconf->port = port; ipconf->addrlen = addrlen; if (port->ipv4_list == NULL) port->flags |= IFM_IPV4_ENABLED; ipconf->next = (ipv4list_t *) port->ipv4_list; port->ipv4_list = (ipv4list_t *) ipconf; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return 0; } } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return -1; } int16_t ifm_remove_ipv4_port(uint8_t port_id, uint32_t ipaddr, uint32_t addrlen) { l2_phy_interface_t *port; ipv4list_t *iplist, *previplist = NULL; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); } port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } if (port != NULL && port->pmdid == port_id) { if (port->ipv4_list == NULL) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return -1; } iplist = (ipv4list_t *) port->ipv4_list; while (iplist != NULL) { if (addrlen == iplist->addrlen && memcpy(&iplist->ipaddr, &ipaddr, addrlen)) { if (iplist == port->ipv4_list) { port->ipv4_list = iplist->next; } else { if (previplist != NULL) previplist->next = iplist->next; } port->flags &= ~IFM_IPV4_ENABLED; rte_free(iplist); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return 0; } else { previplist = iplist; iplist = iplist->next; } } } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return -1; } int8_t ifm_add_ipv6_port(uint8_t port_id, uint8_t ip6addr[], uint32_t addrlen) { l2_phy_interface_t *port; ipv6list_t *ip6conf; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_lock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); } port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } if (port != NULL && port->pmdid == port_id) { ip6conf = (ipv6list_t *) rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(ipv6list_t), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); if (ip6conf != NULL) { ip6conf->next = NULL; memcpy(ip6conf->ipaddr, ip6addr, IFM_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE); ip6conf->port = port; ip6conf->addrlen = addrlen; if (port->ipv6_list == NULL) { port->flags |= IFM_IPV6_ENABLED; } ip6conf->next = (ipv6list_t *) port->ipv6_list; port->ipv6_list = (ipv6list_t *) ip6conf; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return 0; } } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return -1; } int16_t ifm_remove_ipv6_port(uint8_t port_id, uint32_t ip6addr, uint32_t addrlen) { l2_phy_interface_t *port; ipv6list_t *ip6list, *previp6list = NULL; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } if (port != NULL && port->pmdid == port_id) { if (port->ipv6_list == NULL) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return -1; } ip6list = (ipv6list_t *) port->ipv6_list; while (ip6list != NULL) { if (addrlen == ip6list->addrlen && memcpy(&ip6list->ipaddr, &ip6addr, addrlen)) { if (ip6list == port->ipv6_list) { port->ipv6_list = ip6list->next; } else { if (previp6list != NULL) previp6list->next = ip6list->next; } port->flags &= ~IFM_IPV6_ENABLED; rte_free(ip6list); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) { rtm_unlock(); } else { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); } return 0; } else { previp6list = ip6list; ip6list = ip6list->next; } } } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); return -1; } int32_t ifm_chk_port_ipv4_enabled(uint8_t port_id) { l2_phy_interface_t *port; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found... configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return IFM_FAILURE; } if ((port->flags & IFM_IPV4_ENABLED) == 0) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return 0; } else { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return 1; } } int32_t ifm_chk_port_ipv6_enabled(uint8_t port_id) { l2_phy_interface_t *port; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); port = ifm.port_list[port_id]; if (port == NULL) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG) RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Port %u info not found..." " configure it first.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return IFM_FAILURE; } if ((port->flags & IFM_IPV6_ENABLED) == 0) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return 0; } else { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing RD lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); return 1; } } void ifm_register_for_linkupdate(uint32_t clientid, void (*cb_linkupdate) (uint8_t, unsigned int)) { ifm.if_client[ifm.nclient].cb_linkupdate = cb_linkupdate; ifm.if_client[ifm.nclient].clientid = clientid; ifm.nclient++; } int ifm_port_setup(uint8_t port_id, port_config_t *pconfig) { int status, sock; char buf[12]; struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; struct rte_eth_link linkstatus; l2_phy_interface_t *port = NULL; if (!ifm.nport_intialized) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Failed to configure port %u. 0 ports" "were intialized during PCI probe...\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); return IFM_FAILURE; } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Configuring port %u with " "nrxq: %u, ntxq: %u\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id, pconfig->nrx_queue, pconfig->ntx_queue); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring WR lock1 @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); if (ifm.port_list[port_id] == NULL) { ifm.port_list[port_id] = (l2_phy_interface_t *) rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof (l2_phy_interface_t), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); ifm.port_list[port_id]->pmdid = port_id; } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock1 @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); rte_eth_link_get(port_id, &linkstatus); if (linkstatus.link_status) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) { RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: %u is up.Stop it before" " reconfiguring.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); } rte_eth_dev_stop(port_id); } /*Configure an Ethernet device. rets 0 on success queue */ status = rte_eth_dev_configure(port_id, pconfig->nrx_queue, pconfig->ntx_queue, &pconfig->port_conf); if (status < 0) { ifm_remove_port_details(port_id); RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: rte_eth_dev_configure is failed" "for port %u.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); return IFM_FAILURE; } status = rte_eth_dev_callback_register(port_id, RTE_ETH_EVENT_INTR_LSC, lsi_event_callback, NULL); if (status < 0) { ifm_remove_port_details(port_id); RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: rte_eth_dev_callback_register()" " failed for port %u.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); return IFM_FAILURE; } /*promiscuous mode is enabled set it */ if (pconfig->promisc) rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(port_id); sock = rte_eth_dev_socket_id(port_id); if (sock == -1) RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Warning: rte_eth_dev_socket_id," " port_id value is" "out of range %u\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); /*Port initialization */ int ntxqs; for (ntxqs = 0; ntxqs < pconfig->ntx_queue; ntxqs++) { status = rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(port_id, ntxqs, IFM_TX_DESC_DEFAULT, sock, &(pconfig->tx_conf)); if (status < 0) { ifm_remove_port_details(port_id); RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: rte_eth_tx_queue_setup failed" " for port %u\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); return IFM_FAILURE; } } port = ifm_get_port(port_id); if (port == NULL) { RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Port is NULL @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return IFM_FAILURE; } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring WR lock 2 @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); if (port->tx_buf_len == 0) { port->tx_buf_len = RTE_ETH_TX_BUFFER_SIZE(IFM_BURST_SIZE); } port->tx_buffer = rte_zmalloc_socket("tx_buffer", port->tx_buf_len, 0, rte_eth_dev_socket_id(port_id)); if (port->tx_buffer == NULL) { ifm_remove_port_details(port_id); RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Failed to allocate tx buffers for" " port %u\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock2 %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); return IFM_FAILURE; } rte_eth_tx_buffer_init(port->tx_buffer, IFM_BURST_SIZE); sprintf(buf, "MEMPOOL%d", port_id); port->mempool = rte_mempool_create(buf, pconfig->mempool.pool_size, pconfig->mempool.buffer_size, pconfig->mempool.cache_size, sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private), rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL, rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL, sock, 0); if (port->mempool == NULL) { ifm_remove_port_details(port_id); RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: rte_mempool_create is failed for port" " %u. Error: %s\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id, rte_strerror(rte_errno)); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock2 %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); return IFM_FAILURE; } int nrxqs; for (nrxqs = 0; nrxqs < pconfig->nrx_queue; nrxqs++) { status = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(port_id, nrxqs, IFM_RX_DESC_DEFAULT, sock, &(pconfig->rx_conf), port->mempool); if (status < 0) { ifm_remove_port_details(port_id); RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: rte_eth_rx_queue_setup is failed " "for port %u queue %u. Error: %s\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id, nrxqs, rte_strerror(rte_errno)); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock2 %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); return IFM_FAILURE; } } /*Start link */ if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR lock2 @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); status = rte_eth_dev_start(port_id); if (status < 0) { ifm_remove_port_details(port_id); RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: rte_eth_dev_start is failed for" " port %u.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); return IFM_FAILURE; } rte_delay_ms(5000); /*Get device info and populate interface structure */ if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring WR lock3 @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_write_lock(&rwlock); rte_eth_macaddr_get(port_id, (struct ether_addr *)port->macaddr); if (pconfig->promisc) port->promisc = 1; rte_eth_link_get(port_id, &linkstatus); /*Link status */ port->link_duplex = linkstatus.link_duplex; port->link_autoneg = linkstatus.link_autoneg; port->link_speed = linkstatus.link_speed; port->admin_status = pconfig->state; /*Get dev_info */ memset(&dev_info, 0, sizeof(dev_info)); rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &dev_info); port->min_rx_bufsize = dev_info.min_rx_bufsize; port->max_rx_pktlen = dev_info.max_rx_pktlen; port->max_rx_queues = dev_info.max_rx_queues; port->max_tx_queues = dev_info.max_tx_queues; rte_eth_dev_get_mtu(port_id, &(port->mtu)); /*Add rx and tx packet function ptrs */ port->retrieve_bulk_pkts = &ifm_receive_bulk_pkts; port->transmit_bulk_pkts = &ifm_transmit_bulk_pkts; port->transmit_single_pkt = &ifm_transmit_single_pkt; if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing WR3 lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&rwlock); RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Port %u is successfully configured.\n\r", __FUNCTION__, port_id); return IFM_SUCCESS; } int ifm_configure_ports(port_config_t *pconfig) { uint8_t port_id; int status = 0; if (!ifm.nport_intialized) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s, Configuring ports failed. Zero ports " "are intialized during PCI probe", __FUNCTION__); return IFM_FAILURE; } if (pconfig == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s, Configuring ports failed. " "Param pconfig is NULL\n\r", __FUNCTION__); return IFM_FAILURE; } /*Initialize all ports */ for (port_id = 0; port_id < ifm.nport_intialized; port_id++) { if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_CONFIG) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "Call ifm_port_setup %u\n\r", port_id); status = ifm_port_setup(pconfig[port_id].port_id, &pconfig[port_id]); if (status == IFM_SUCCESS) ifm.nport_configured++; } if (!ifm.nport_configured) { RTE_LOG(ERR, IFM, "%s: Zero ports are configured\n\r", __FUNCTION__); return IFM_FAILURE; } RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Number of ports sucessfully configured:" " %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, ifm.nport_configured); return IFM_SUCCESS; } void print_interface_details(void) { l2_phy_interface_t *port; int i = 0; struct sockaddr_in ip; printf("\n\r"); if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Acquiring RW lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_lock(); else rte_rwlock_read_lock(&rwlock); for (i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS && ifm.port_list[i]; i++) { port = ifm.port_list[i]; printf(" %u", port->pmdid); if (port->ifname && strlen(port->ifname)) { printf(" (%s)\t", port->ifname); } else printf("\t\t"); printf("MAC:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x Adminstate:%s" " Operstate:%s \n\r", port->macaddr[0], port->macaddr[1], port->macaddr[2], port->macaddr[3], port->macaddr[4], port->macaddr[5], port->admin_status ? "UP" : "DOWN", port->link_status ? "UP" : "DOWN"); printf("\t\t"); printf("Speed: %u, %s-duplex\n\r", port->link_speed, port->link_duplex ? "full" : "half"); printf("\t\t"); if (port->ipv4_list != NULL) { ip.sin_addr.s_addr = (unsigned long)((ipv4list_t *) (port->ipv4_list))-> ipaddr; printf("IP: %s/%d", inet_ntoa(ip.sin_addr), ((ipv4list_t *) (port->ipv4_list))->addrlen); } else { printf("IP: NA"); } printf("\r\n"); printf("\t\t"); if (port->ipv6_list != NULL) { uint8_t *addr = ((ipv6list_t *) (port->ipv6_list))->ipaddr; printf ("IPv6: %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5], addr[6], addr[7], addr[8], addr[9], addr[10], addr[11], addr[12], addr[13], addr[14], addr[15]); } else { printf("IPv6: NA"); } if (port->flags & IFM_SLAVE) { printf(" IFM_SLAVE "); printf(" MasterPort: %u", port->bond_config->bond_portid); } if (port->flags & IFM_MASTER) { printf(" IFM_MASTER "); printf(" Mode: %u", port->bond_config->mode); printf(" PrimaryPort: %u", port->bond_config->primary); printf("\n\r"); printf("\t\tSlavePortCount: %u", port->bond_config->slave_count); printf(" SlavePorts:"); int i; for (i = 0; i < port->bond_config->slave_count; i++) { printf(" %u ", port->bond_config->slaves[i]); } printf(" ActivePortCount: %u", port->bond_config->active_slave_count); printf(" ActivePorts:"); for (i = 0; i < port->bond_config->active_slave_count; i++) { printf(" %u ", port->bond_config->active_slaves[i]); } printf("\n\r"); printf("\t\t"); printf("Link_monitor_freq: %u ms ", port->bond_config->internal_ms); printf(" Link_up_prop_delay: %u ms ", port->bond_config->link_up_delay_ms); printf(" Link_down_prop_delay: %u ms ", port->bond_config->link_down_delay_ms); printf("\n\r"); printf("\t\t"); printf("Xmit_policy: %u", port->bond_config->xmit_policy); } printf("\n\r"); printf("\t\t"); printf("n_rxpkts: %" PRIu64 " ,n_txpkts: %" PRIu64 " ,", port->n_rxpkts, port->n_txpkts); struct rte_eth_stats eth_stats; rte_eth_stats_get(port->pmdid, ð_stats); printf("pkts_in: %" PRIu64 " ,", eth_stats.ipackets); printf("pkts_out: %" PRIu64 " ", eth_stats.opackets); printf("\n\r"); printf("\t\t"); printf("in_errs: %" PRIu64 " ,", eth_stats.ierrors); printf("in_missed: %" PRIu64 " ,", eth_stats.imissed); printf("out_errs: %" PRIu64 " ,", eth_stats.oerrors); printf("mbuf_errs: %" PRIu64 " ", eth_stats.rx_nombuf); printf("\n\r"); printf("\n\r"); } if (ifm_debug & IFM_DEBUG_LOCKS) RTE_LOG(INFO, IFM, "%s: Releasing RW lock @ %d\n\r", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (USE_RTM_LOCKS) rtm_unlock(); else rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&rwlock); }