/* // Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <rte_common.h> #include <rte_malloc.h> #include <rte_ether.h> #include <rte_ip.h> #include <rte_udp.h> #include <rte_icmp.h> #include <rte_byteorder.h> #include <rte_cycles.h> #include "rte_ct_tcp.h" /* * OVERVIEW: * This module will behave as a proxy between an initiator (external client) * and listener (internal server). * (1) Proxy receives SYN from initiator, replies with spoofed SYN-ACK message * No packet is sent to the lister at this time. * (2) Proxy receives ACK from the initiator, so the connection request is * considred valid. Proxy sends a spoofed SYN message to the listener. * (3) Proxy receives SYN-ACK message from listener. Proxy replies to listener * with a spoofed ACK message. The connection is considered established. * (4) Traffic is exchanged between initiator and listener. Sequence and * ack numbers translated appropriately by proxy. */ /* * DETAILS, when SynProxy on: * (1) receive initial SYN from client * call CT, all new connections assigned spoofed (random) SEQ number * packet re-purposed as SYN-ACK back to client with spoofed SEQ * -> change ethernet, IP, and TCP headers, put on appropriate output ring * (2) receive ACK packet from client * connection request now considered valid * packet re-purposed as SYN to server, using SEQ from original SYN * -> change TCP header, put on output ring originally targetted * (3) receive SYN-ACK packet from server * connection now ESTABLISHED * compute SEQ difference between spoofed SEQ and real server SEQ * packet re-purposed as ACK to server * -> change ethernet, IP, and TCP headers, put on appropriate output ring * (4) all further packets flow normally, except SEQ and ACK numbers must be * modified by SEQ diff (SEQ in server->client direction, ACK and SACK in * client->server direction) * */ #define META_DATA_OFFSET 128 #define ETHERNET_START (META_DATA_OFFSET + RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM) #define ETH_HDR_SIZE 14 #define IP_START (ETHERNET_START + ETH_HDR_SIZE) #define PROTOCOL_START (IP_START + 9) #define IP_V4_HEADER_SIZE 20 #define IP_V6_HEADER_SIZE 40 #define TCP_START (IP_START + IP_V4_HEADER_SIZE) #define TCP_MIN_HDR_SIZE 20 #define RTE_TCP_PROTO_ID 6 #define RTE_SP_DEFAULT_TTL 64 #define RTE_SYNPROXY_MAX_SPOOFED_PKTS 64 #define RTE_TCP_SYN 0x02 #define RTE_TCP_ACK 0x10 #define RTE_TCP_SYN_ACK (RTE_TCP_SYN | RTE_TCP_ACK) #define RTE_SP_DEFAULT_WINDOW 29200 #define RTE_CT_DEBUG_SPOOFED_SEQ 0 #define RTE_DPDK_IS_16_4 0 #define IP_VERSION_4 4 #define IP_VERSION_6 6 /* default TCP options */ /* TODO: need to set in config file */ struct rte_synproxy_options default_ipv4_synproxy_options = { .options = RTE_SP_OPTIONS_MSS | RTE_SP_OPTIONS_SACK_PERM | RTE_SP_OPTIONS_WINDOW_SCALE, .mss = 1460, .window_scale = 7, .initial_window = RTE_SP_DEFAULT_WINDOW }; struct rte_synproxy_options default_ipv6_synproxy_options = { .options = RTE_SP_OPTIONS_MSS | RTE_SP_OPTIONS_SACK_PERM | RTE_SP_OPTIONS_WINDOW_SCALE, .mss = 1440, .window_scale = 7, .initial_window = RTE_SP_DEFAULT_WINDOW }; /* IP/TCP header print for debugging */ static __rte_unused void rte_ct_synproxy_print_pkt_info(struct rte_mbuf *pkt) { struct ipv4_hdr *ihdr4 = (struct ipv4_hdr *) RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(pkt, IP_START); __rte_unused struct tcp_hdr *thdr = (struct tcp_hdr *) RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(pkt, TCP_START); uint32_t packet_length = rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(pkt); printf("\npacket length %u, ip length %u\n", packet_length, rte_bswap16(ihdr4->total_length)); rte_pktmbuf_dump(stdout, pkt, 80); } static inline void rte_sp_incremental_tcp_chksum_update_32( uint32_t num_before, /* in Intel order, not network order */ uint32_t num_after, /* in Intel order, not network order */ uint16_t *chksum) /* network order, e.g. pointer into header */ { uint32_t sum; sum = ~rte_bswap16(*chksum) & 0xffff; num_before = ~num_before; sum += (num_before >> 16) + (num_before & 0xffff); sum += (num_after >> 16) + (num_after & 0xffff); sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); *chksum = rte_bswap16(~sum & 0xffff); } static inline uint32_t rte_sp_get_random_seq_number(void) { return rte_get_tsc_cycles(); /* low 32 bits of timestamp*/ } static int8_t rte_ct_ipversion(void *i_hdr) { uint8_t *ihdr = (uint8_t *)i_hdr; int8_t hdr_chk = *ihdr; hdr_chk = hdr_chk >> 4; if (hdr_chk == IP_VERSION_4 || hdr_chk == IP_VERSION_6) return hdr_chk; else return -1; } static inline void rte_synproxy_adjust_pkt_length(struct rte_mbuf *pkt) { uint16_t pkt_length = 0; int ip_hdr_size_bytes = rte_ct_get_IP_hdr_size(pkt); void *iphdr = RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(pkt, IP_START); if (ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V4_HEADER_SIZE) { struct ipv4_hdr *ihdr4 = (struct ipv4_hdr *)iphdr; pkt_length = rte_bswap16(ihdr4->total_length) + ETH_HDR_SIZE; } else if (ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V6_HEADER_SIZE) { struct ipv6_hdr *ihdr6 = (struct ipv6_hdr *)iphdr; pkt_length = rte_bswap16(ihdr6->payload_len) + IP_V6_HEADER_SIZE + ETH_HDR_SIZE; } uint16_t mbuf_pkt_length = rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(pkt); if (pkt_length == mbuf_pkt_length) return; if (pkt_length < mbuf_pkt_length) { rte_pktmbuf_trim(pkt, mbuf_pkt_length - pkt_length); return; } /* pkt_length > mbuf_pkt_length */ rte_pktmbuf_append(pkt, pkt_length - mbuf_pkt_length); } static void rte_synproxy_build_ipv4_header( struct ipv4_hdr *hdr4, uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr, uint16_t tcp_length) { /* TODO: consider interface re-work, too many rte_bswapxx */ /* options are not supported, so header size is fixed */ hdr4->version_ihl = 0x45; hdr4->type_of_service = 0; hdr4->total_length = rte_bswap16(tcp_length + IP_V4_HEADER_SIZE); hdr4->packet_id = 0; /* set Don't fragment bit, Intel order */ hdr4->fragment_offset = 0x0040; hdr4->time_to_live = RTE_SP_DEFAULT_TTL; hdr4->next_proto_id = RTE_TCP_PROTO_ID; /* checksum calculated later */ hdr4->src_addr = rte_bswap32(src_addr); hdr4->dst_addr = rte_bswap32(dst_addr); } static void rte_synproxy_build_ipv6_header( struct ipv6_hdr *hdr6, uint8_t *src_addr, uint8_t *dst_addr, uint16_t tcp_length) { /* TODO: consider interface re-work, too many rte_bswapxx */ /* options are not supported, so header size is fixed */ uint8_t temp_src[16]; uint8_t temp_dst[16]; hdr6->vtc_flow = 0x60; /* Intel Order */ hdr6->payload_len = rte_bswap16(tcp_length); hdr6->proto = RTE_TCP_PROTO_ID; hdr6->hop_limits = RTE_SP_DEFAULT_TTL; /* checksum calculated later */ /* must copy to temps to avoid overwriting */ rte_mov16(temp_src, src_addr); rte_mov16(temp_dst, dst_addr); rte_mov16(hdr6->src_addr, temp_src); rte_mov16(hdr6->dst_addr, temp_dst); } /* add options specified in t_opts to TCP header in packet. */ static uint16_t rte_sp_add_tcp_options(struct tcp_hdr *thdr, const struct rte_synproxy_options *t_opts) { uint32_t *options_ptr = (uint32_t *)(thdr + 1); uint32_t *saved_ptr = options_ptr; uint8_t options = t_opts->options; uint32_t option_bytes; /* options built in groups of 4 bytes */ if (options & RTE_SP_OPTIONS_MSS) { option_bytes = (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_MSS << 24) | (RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_MSS << 16) | t_opts->mss; *options_ptr++ = rte_bswap32(option_bytes); } if (options & RTE_SP_OPTIONS_TIMESTAMP) { /* if both timestamp and sack permitted options, * pack together */ if (options & RTE_SP_OPTIONS_SACK_PERM) option_bytes = (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_SACK_PERM << 24) | (RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_SACK_PERM << 16); else option_bytes = (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_NOP << 24) | (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_NOP << 16); option_bytes |= (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP << 8) | RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP; *options_ptr++ = rte_bswap32(option_bytes); *options_ptr++ = rte_bswap32(t_opts->ts_val); *options_ptr++ = rte_bswap32(t_opts->ts_echo_reply); } else if (options & RTE_SP_OPTIONS_SACK_PERM) { option_bytes = (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_NOP << 24) | (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_NOP << 16) | (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_SACK_PERM << 8) | RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_SACK_PERM; *options_ptr++ = rte_bswap32(option_bytes); } if (options & RTE_SP_OPTIONS_WINDOW_SCALE) { option_bytes = (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_NOP << 24) | (RTE_CT_TCPOPT_WINDOW << 16) | (RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_WINDOW << 8) | t_opts->window_scale; *options_ptr++ = rte_bswap32(option_bytes); } /* compute the data offset field, which is size of total * TCP header in 32 bit words */ /* TODO: diff from options ptr to thdr */ uint16_t data_offset_bytes = (uint16_t)RTE_PTR_DIFF(options_ptr, saved_ptr) + sizeof(struct tcp_hdr); thdr->data_off = (data_offset_bytes >> 2) << 4; return data_offset_bytes; } /* Build a TCP header. * Note that the the tcp_hdr must be in the appropriate location * in an mbuf * TODO: consider interface re-work, too many rte_bswapxx */ static inline uint16_t rte_synproxy_build_tcp_header( __rte_unused struct rte_mbuf *old_pkt, struct tcp_hdr *t_hdr, uint16_t src_port, uint16_t dst_port, uint32_t seq, uint32_t ack, uint8_t flags, const struct rte_synproxy_options *t_opts, uint8_t add_options) { t_hdr->src_port = rte_bswap16(src_port); t_hdr->dst_port = rte_bswap16(dst_port); t_hdr->sent_seq = rte_bswap32(seq); t_hdr->recv_ack = rte_bswap32(ack); t_hdr->tcp_flags = flags; t_hdr->rx_win = t_opts->initial_window; /* checksum calculated later */ t_hdr->tcp_urp = 0; /* add tcp header options, if applicable */ uint16_t new_tcp_hdr_size = TCP_MIN_HDR_SIZE; if (add_options) new_tcp_hdr_size = rte_sp_add_tcp_options(t_hdr, t_opts); else t_hdr->data_off = (TCP_MIN_HDR_SIZE >> 2) << 4; return new_tcp_hdr_size; } static void rte_synproxy_compute_checksums(void *i_hdr, struct tcp_hdr *t_hdr) { /* * calculate IP and TCP checksums. Note that both checksum * routines requirehecksum fields to be set to zero, * and the the checksum is in the correct * byte order, so no rte_bswap16 is required. */ /* TODO: look into h/w computation of checksums */ int8_t hdr_chk = rte_ct_ipversion(i_hdr); t_hdr->cksum = 0; if (hdr_chk == IP_VERSION_4) { struct ipv4_hdr *i4_hdr = (struct ipv4_hdr *)i_hdr; i4_hdr->hdr_checksum = 0; t_hdr->cksum = rte_ipv4_udptcp_cksum(i4_hdr, t_hdr); i4_hdr->hdr_checksum = rte_ipv4_cksum(i4_hdr); } else if (hdr_chk == IP_VERSION_6) { struct ipv6_hdr *i6_hdr = (struct ipv6_hdr *)i_hdr; t_hdr->cksum = rte_ipv6_udptcp_cksum(i6_hdr, t_hdr); } } /* * Building new packet headers: * For IPv4 and IPv6 headers, no options and no fragmentation are supported. * Header size is fixed. * TCP header will (likely) have options, so header size is not fixed. * TCP header will be built first, and size used in IP packet size calculation. */ void rte_sp_cvt_to_spoofed_client_synack(struct rte_ct_cnxn_data *cd, struct rte_mbuf *old_pkt) { /* old packet is syn from client. Change to a (spoofed) * SYN-ACK to send back */ int ip_hdr_size_bytes = rte_ct_get_IP_hdr_size(old_pkt); void *iphdr = RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(old_pkt, IP_START); struct tcp_hdr *thdr = (struct tcp_hdr *) RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(old_pkt, IP_START + ip_hdr_size_bytes); uint16_t tcp_header_size; /* get a spoofed sequence number and save in the connection data */ uint32_t new_seq = rte_sp_get_random_seq_number(); if (RTE_CT_DEBUG_SPOOFED_SEQ) new_seq = 10; /* something simple to aid debugging */ cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.original_spoofed_seq = new_seq; /* build the TCP header, including reversing the port numbers. */ tcp_header_size = rte_synproxy_build_tcp_header(old_pkt, thdr, rte_bswap16(thdr->dst_port), rte_bswap16(thdr->src_port), new_seq, rte_bswap32(thdr->sent_seq) + 1, RTE_TCP_SYN_ACK, ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V4_HEADER_SIZE ? &default_ipv4_synproxy_options : &default_ipv6_synproxy_options, 1); /* reverse the source and destination addresses in the IP hdr */ if (ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V4_HEADER_SIZE) { struct ipv4_hdr *ihdr4 = (struct ipv4_hdr *)iphdr; rte_synproxy_build_ipv4_header(ihdr4, rte_bswap32(ihdr4->dst_addr), rte_bswap32(ihdr4->src_addr), tcp_header_size); } else if (ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V6_HEADER_SIZE) { struct ipv6_hdr *ihdr6 = (struct ipv6_hdr *)iphdr; rte_synproxy_build_ipv6_header(ihdr6, (uint8_t *)ihdr6->dst_addr, (uint8_t *)ihdr6->src_addr, tcp_header_size); } rte_synproxy_adjust_pkt_length(old_pkt); /* compute checksums */ rte_synproxy_compute_checksums(iphdr, thdr); } void rte_sp_cvt_to_spoofed_server_syn(struct rte_ct_cnxn_data *cd, struct rte_mbuf *old_pkt) { /* old packet is ACK from client. Change to (spoofed) * SYN to send to server */ int ip_hdr_size_bytes = rte_ct_get_IP_hdr_size(old_pkt); void *iphdr = RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(old_pkt, IP_START); struct tcp_hdr *thdr = (struct tcp_hdr *) RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(old_pkt, IP_START + ip_hdr_size_bytes); uint16_t tcp_header_size; tcp_header_size = rte_synproxy_build_tcp_header(old_pkt, thdr, rte_bswap16(thdr->src_port), rte_bswap16(thdr->dst_port), rte_bswap32(thdr->sent_seq) - 1, 0, RTE_TCP_SYN, &cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.cnxn_options, 1); if (ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V4_HEADER_SIZE) { struct ipv4_hdr *ihdr4 = (struct ipv4_hdr *)iphdr; rte_synproxy_build_ipv4_header(ihdr4, rte_bswap32(ihdr4->src_addr), rte_bswap32(ihdr4->dst_addr), tcp_header_size); } else if (ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V6_HEADER_SIZE) { struct ipv6_hdr *ihdr6 = (struct ipv6_hdr *)iphdr; rte_synproxy_build_ipv6_header(ihdr6, (uint8_t *)ihdr6->src_addr, (uint8_t *)ihdr6->dst_addr, tcp_header_size); } rte_synproxy_adjust_pkt_length(old_pkt); /* compute checksums */ rte_synproxy_compute_checksums(iphdr, thdr); } void rte_sp_cvt_to_spoofed_server_ack(struct rte_ct_cnxn_data *cd, struct rte_mbuf *old_pkt) { /* old packet is SYN-ACK from server. Change to spoofed ACK and * send back to server */ int ip_hdr_size_bytes = rte_ct_get_IP_hdr_size(old_pkt); void *iphdr = RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(old_pkt, IP_START); struct tcp_hdr *thdr = (struct tcp_hdr *) RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(old_pkt, IP_START + ip_hdr_size_bytes); /* read real seq out of SYN-ACK from server, and save the delta from * the spoofed one */ uint32_t real_seq = rte_bswap32(thdr->sent_seq); uint16_t tcp_header_size; cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.seq_diff = real_seq - cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.original_spoofed_seq; /* reverse the source and destination addresses */ tcp_header_size = rte_synproxy_build_tcp_header(old_pkt, thdr, rte_bswap16(thdr->dst_port), rte_bswap16(thdr->src_port), rte_bswap32(thdr->recv_ack), rte_bswap32(thdr->sent_seq) + 1, RTE_TCP_ACK, &cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.cnxn_options, 0); /* reverse the source and destination addresses in the IP hdr */ if (ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V4_HEADER_SIZE) { struct ipv4_hdr *ihdr4 = (struct ipv4_hdr *)iphdr; rte_synproxy_build_ipv4_header(ihdr4, rte_bswap32(ihdr4->dst_addr), rte_bswap32(ihdr4->src_addr), tcp_header_size); } else if (ip_hdr_size_bytes == IP_V6_HEADER_SIZE) { struct ipv6_hdr *ihdr6 = (struct ipv6_hdr *)iphdr; rte_synproxy_build_ipv6_header(ihdr6, (uint8_t *)ihdr6->dst_addr, (uint8_t *)ihdr6->src_addr, tcp_header_size); } rte_synproxy_adjust_pkt_length(old_pkt); /* compute checksums */ rte_synproxy_compute_checksums(iphdr, thdr); } /* * if running synproxy and both halves of the proxied connection has been * established, need adjust the seq or ack value of the packet. * The value is adjusted by the difference between the spoofed server * initial sequence number and the real server sequence number. * In the client -> server direction, the ack must be increased by the * difference before the window check. * In the server -> client direction, the seq must be decreased by the * difference after the window check. */ void rte_sp_adjust_server_seq_after_window_check( struct rte_ct_cnxn_data *cd, __rte_unused void *i_hdr, struct tcp_hdr *thdr, enum rte_ct_pkt_direction dir) { uint32_t num_before, num_after; if (!cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.cnxn_established) return; if (dir == RTE_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL) return; /*wrong direction */ /* update appropriate number (seq or ack) in header */ num_before = rte_bswap32(thdr->sent_seq); num_after = num_before - cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.seq_diff; thdr->sent_seq = rte_bswap32(num_after); rte_sp_incremental_tcp_chksum_update_32(num_before, num_after, &thdr->cksum); } static void rte_sp_adjust_client_sack_entries( struct tcp_hdr *thdr, uint32_t diff) { uint32_t num_before, num_after; uint32_t *sack_ptr; uint8_t sack_blk_size; uint16_t dataoff_in_bytes = (thdr->data_off & 0xf0) >> 2; uint16_t length = dataoff_in_bytes - sizeof(struct tcp_hdr); if (!length) return; uint8_t *options_ptr = (uint8_t *)(thdr + 1); while (length > 0) { uint8_t opcode = *options_ptr; uint8_t opsize = options_ptr[1]; int i; switch (opcode) { case RTE_CT_TCPOPT_EOL: return; /* end of options */ case RTE_CT_TCPOPT_NOP: /* Ref: RFC 793 section 3.1 */ length--; options_ptr++; continue; case RTE_CT_TCPOPT_SACK: /* * SACK (selective ACK) contains a block of 1 to 4 * entries of 8 bytes each. Each entry is a pair of * 32 bit numbers. This block follows the usual 2 * bytes for opcode and opsize. Thus, the entire SACK * option must be 10, 18, 26 or 34 bytes long. */ sack_blk_size = opsize - 2; /* start of entries */ sack_ptr = (uint32_t *)(options_ptr + 2); /* count of 32 bit elements */ int num_acks = sack_blk_size >> 2; if (unlikely(sack_blk_size > 32 || ((sack_blk_size & 0x3) != 0))) { printf("Sack block parsing failure\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < num_acks; i++) { num_before = rte_bswap32(*sack_ptr); num_after = num_before + diff; *sack_ptr = rte_bswap32(num_after); sack_ptr++; rte_sp_incremental_tcp_chksum_update_32( num_before, num_after, &thdr->cksum); } return; default: break; } if ((opsize < 2) || (opsize > length)) { printf("ERROR!, opsize %i, length %i\n", opsize, length); return; } options_ptr += opsize; length -= opsize; } } void rte_sp_adjust_client_ack_before_window_check( struct rte_ct_cnxn_data *cd, __rte_unused void *i_hdr, struct tcp_hdr *thdr, enum rte_ct_pkt_direction dir) { uint32_t num_before, num_after; if (!cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.cnxn_established) return; if (dir != RTE_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL) return; /*wrong direction */ /* first update appropriate number (seq or ack) in header */ num_before = rte_bswap32(thdr->recv_ack); num_after = num_before + cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.seq_diff; thdr->recv_ack = rte_bswap32(num_after); rte_sp_incremental_tcp_chksum_update_32(num_before, num_after, &thdr->cksum); /* update SACK entries in header if any */ if (1) { /* TODO: check if sack permitted before calling */ rte_sp_adjust_client_sack_entries(thdr, cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.seq_diff); /* note that tcp hdr checksum adjusted in above sack * entries routine call */ } } /* parse the tcp header options, if any, and save interesting ones */ static void rte_sp_parse_tcp_options( uint8_t *options_ptr, uint16_t length, struct rte_synproxy_options *t_opts) { int opsize; t_opts->options = 0; while (length > 0) { uint8_t opcode = *options_ptr++; if (opcode == RTE_CT_TCPOPT_EOL) return; if (opcode == RTE_CT_TCPOPT_NOP) { length--; continue; /* skip adjustments at loop bottom */ } opsize = *options_ptr++; if (unlikely(opsize < 2 || opsize > length)) { /* TODO: Change printf to log */ printf("parsing error, opsize: %i, length: %i\n", opsize, length); return; } switch (opcode) { case RTE_CT_TCPOPT_MSS: if (opsize == RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_MSS) { uint16_t *mss_ptr = (uint16_t *)options_ptr; t_opts->mss = rte_bswap16(*mss_ptr); t_opts->options |= RTE_SP_OPTIONS_MSS; } break; case RTE_CT_TCPOPT_WINDOW: if (opsize == RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_WINDOW) { t_opts->window_scale = RTE_MIN(*options_ptr, RTE_CT_MAX_TCP_WINDOW_SCALE); t_opts->options |= RTE_SP_OPTIONS_WINDOW_SCALE; } break; case RTE_CT_TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP: if (opsize == RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP) { uint32_t *ts_val_ptr = (uint32_t *)options_ptr; uint32_t *ts_ecr_ptr = (uint32_t *)(options_ptr + 4); t_opts->ts_val = rte_bswap32(*ts_val_ptr); t_opts->ts_echo_reply = rte_bswap32(*ts_ecr_ptr); t_opts->options |= RTE_SP_OPTIONS_TIMESTAMP; } break; case RTE_CT_TCPOPT_SACK_PERM: if (opsize == RTE_CT_TCPOLEN_SACK_PERM) t_opts->options |= RTE_SP_OPTIONS_SACK_PERM; break; default: break; } options_ptr += opsize - 2; length -= opsize; } } /* parse the tcp header options, if any, and save interesting ones in t_opts */ void rte_sp_parse_options(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, struct rte_ct_cnxn_data *cd) { /*uint16_t ip_hdr_length = rte_sp_get_ip_header_size(pkt); * skip over IPv4 or IPv6 header */ int ip_hdr_length = rte_ct_get_IP_hdr_size(pkt); struct tcp_hdr *thdr = (struct tcp_hdr *) RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT32_PTR(pkt, IP_START + ip_hdr_length); uint8_t *opt_ptr = RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT8_PTR(pkt, (IP_START + ip_hdr_length + sizeof(struct tcp_hdr))); struct rte_synproxy_options *t_opts = &cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.cnxn_options; int length_in_bytes = ((thdr->data_off & 0xf0) >> 2) - sizeof(struct tcp_hdr); rte_sp_parse_tcp_options(opt_ptr, length_in_bytes, t_opts); t_opts->initial_window = thdr->rx_win; } struct rte_mbuf * rte_ct_get_buffered_synproxy_packets( struct rte_ct_cnxn_tracker *ct) { struct rte_mbuf *trkr_list = ct->buffered_pkt_list; ct->buffered_pkt_list = NULL; return trkr_list; } void rte_ct_enable_synproxy(struct rte_ct_cnxn_tracker *ct) { ct->misc_options.synproxy_enabled = 1; printf("rte_ct_enable_synproxy = %d\n", ct->misc_options.synproxy_enabled); } void rte_ct_disable_synproxy(struct rte_ct_cnxn_tracker *ct) { ct->misc_options.synproxy_enabled = 0; //printf("rte_ct_disable_synproxy = %d\n", // ct->misc_options.synproxy_enabled); } void rte_ct_buffer_packet( struct rte_ct_cnxn_tracker *ct, struct rte_ct_cnxn_data *cd, struct rte_mbuf *pkt) { /* * Add packet to list of buffered packets for the connection. * List is built in reverse of order received by adding to front. * List will later be reversed to maintain order of arrival. */ struct rte_mbuf **next = (struct rte_mbuf **) RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT64_PTR(pkt, ct->pointer_offset); *next = cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.buffered_pkt_list; cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.buffered_pkt_list = pkt; } void rte_ct_release_buffered_packets( struct rte_ct_cnxn_tracker *ct, struct rte_ct_cnxn_data *cd) { struct rte_mbuf *cnxn_list = cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.buffered_pkt_list; if (cnxn_list == NULL) return; cd->ct_protocol.synproxy_data.buffered_pkt_list = NULL; struct rte_mbuf *trkr_list = ct->buffered_pkt_list; if (trkr_list == NULL) return; /* * walk the cnxn_list, and add to front of trkr_list, reversing order * and thus restoring orginal order. Order between different * connections is irrelevant. */ while (cnxn_list != NULL) { struct rte_mbuf *old_next; struct rte_mbuf **next = (struct rte_mbuf **) RTE_MBUF_METADATA_UINT64_PTR(cnxn_list, ct->pointer_offset); old_next = *next; /* save next cd packet */ *next = trkr_list;/* make this cd packet point to ct list */ trkr_list = cnxn_list;/* make the cd packet head of ct list */ cnxn_list = old_next; /* advance along cd list */ } ct->buffered_pkt_list = trkr_list; }