/* // Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include <pcap.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <cstring> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include "allocator.hpp" #include "pcappkt.hpp" Allocator *PcapPkt::allocator = NULL; void* PcapPkt::operator new(size_t size) { if (allocator) return allocator->alloc(size); else return ::operator new(size); } void PcapPkt::operator delete(void *pointer) { if (!allocator) :: operator delete(pointer); } PcapPkt::PcapPkt(uint8_t *mem) { header = *(struct pcap_pkthdr *)mem; mem += sizeof(header); buf = new uint8_t[header.len]; memcpy(buf, mem, header.len); } PcapPkt::PcapPkt() { buf = new uint8_t[1514]; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); } PcapPkt::PcapPkt(const PcapPkt& other) { if (!allocator) { buf = new uint8_t[other.len()]; } else { buf = (uint8_t *)allocator->alloc(other.len()); } memcpy(buf, other.buf, other.len()); header = other.header; } PcapPkt::~PcapPkt() { if (!allocator) delete[] buf; } #define ETYPE_IPv4 0x0008 /* IPv4 in little endian */ #define ETYPE_IPv6 0xDD86 /* IPv6 in little endian */ #define ETYPE_ARP 0x0608 /* ARP in little endian */ #define ETYPE_VLAN 0x0081 /* 802-1aq - VLAN */ #define ETYPE_MPLSU 0x4788 /* MPLS unicast */ #define ETYPE_MPLSM 0x4888 /* MPLS multicast */ #define ETYPE_8021ad 0xA888 /* Q-in-Q */ #define ETYPE_LLDP 0xCC88 /* Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) */ #define ETYPE_EoGRE 0x5865 /* EoGRE in little endian */ struct ipv4_hdr { uint8_t version_ihl; /**< version and header length */ uint8_t type_of_service; /**< type of service */ uint16_t total_length; /**< length of packet */ uint16_t packet_id; /**< packet ID */ uint16_t fragment_offset; /**< fragmentation offset */ uint8_t time_to_live; /**< time to live */ uint8_t next_proto_id; /**< protocol ID */ uint16_t hdr_checksum; /**< header checksum */ uint32_t src_addr; /**< source address */ uint32_t dst_addr; /**< destination address */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct ether_addr { uint8_t addr_bytes[6]; /**< Address bytes in transmission order */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct ether_hdr { struct ether_addr d_addr; /**< Destination address. */ struct ether_addr s_addr; /**< Source address. */ uint16_t ether_type; /**< Frame type. */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct vlan_hdr { uint16_t vlan_tci; /**< Priority (3) + CFI (1) + Identifier Code (12) */ uint16_t eth_proto;/**< Ethernet type of encapsulated frame. */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct udp_hdr { uint16_t src_port; /**< UDP source port. */ uint16_t dst_port; /**< UDP destination port. */ uint16_t dgram_len; /**< UDP datagram length */ uint16_t dgram_cksum; /**< UDP datagram checksum */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct pkt_tuple PcapPkt::parsePkt(const uint8_t **l4_hdr, uint16_t *hdr_len, const uint8_t **l5, uint32_t *l5_len) const { struct pkt_tuple pt = {0}; const struct ether_hdr *peth = (struct ether_hdr *)buf; int l2_types_count = 0; const struct ipv4_hdr* pip = 0; switch (peth->ether_type) { case ETYPE_IPv4: pip = (const struct ipv4_hdr *)(peth + 1); break; case ETYPE_VLAN: { const struct vlan_hdr *vlan = (const struct vlan_hdr *)(peth + 1); if (vlan->eth_proto == ETYPE_IPv4) { pip = (const struct ipv4_hdr *)(peth + 1); } else if (vlan->eth_proto == ETYPE_VLAN) { const struct vlan_hdr *vlan = (const struct vlan_hdr *)(peth + 1); if (vlan->eth_proto == ETYPE_IPv4) { pip = (const struct ipv4_hdr *)(peth + 1); } else if (vlan->eth_proto == ETYPE_IPv6) { throw 0; } else { /* TODO: handle BAD PACKET */ throw 0; } } } break; case ETYPE_8021ad: { const struct vlan_hdr *vlan = (const struct vlan_hdr *)(peth + 1); if (vlan->eth_proto == ETYPE_VLAN) { const struct vlan_hdr *vlan = (const struct vlan_hdr *)(peth + 1); if (vlan->eth_proto == ETYPE_IPv4) { pip = (const struct ipv4_hdr *)(peth + 1); } else { throw 0; } } else { throw 0; } } break; case ETYPE_MPLSU: break; default: break; } /* L3 */ if ((pip->version_ihl >> 4) == 4) { if ((pip->version_ihl & 0x0f) != 0x05) { /* TODO: optional fields */ throw 0; } pt.proto_id = pip->next_proto_id; pt.src_addr = pip->src_addr; pt.dst_addr = pip->dst_addr; } else { /* TODO: IPv6 and bad packets */ throw 0; } /* L4 parser */ if (pt.proto_id == IPPROTO_UDP) { const struct udp_hdr *udp = (const struct udp_hdr*)(pip + 1); if (l4_hdr) *l4_hdr = (const uint8_t*)udp; if (hdr_len) *hdr_len = (const uint8_t*)udp - buf; pt.src_port = udp->src_port; pt.dst_port = udp->dst_port; if (l5) *l5 = ((const uint8_t*)udp) + sizeof(struct udp_hdr); if (l5_len) *l5_len = ntohs(udp->dgram_len) - sizeof(struct udp_hdr); } else if (pt.proto_id == IPPROTO_TCP) { const struct tcp_hdr *tcp = (const struct tcp_hdr *)(pip + 1); if (l4_hdr) *l4_hdr = (const uint8_t*)tcp; if (hdr_len) *hdr_len = (const uint8_t*)tcp - buf; pt.src_port = tcp->src_port; pt.dst_port = tcp->dst_port; if (l5) *l5 = ((const uint8_t*)tcp) + ((tcp->data_off >> 4)*4); if (l5_len) *l5_len = ntohs(pip->total_length) - sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) - ((tcp->data_off >> 4)*4); } else { fprintf(stderr, "unsupported protocol %d\n", pt.proto_id); throw 0; } return pt; } void PcapPkt::toMem(uint8_t *mem) const { memcpy(mem, &header, sizeof(header)); mem += sizeof(header); memcpy(mem, buf, header.len); } void PcapPkt::fromMem(uint8_t *mem) { memcpy(&header, mem, sizeof(header)); mem += sizeof(header); memcpy(buf, mem, header.len); } void PcapPkt::toFile(ofstream *file) const { file->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&header), sizeof(header)); file->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf), header.len); } size_t PcapPkt::memSize() const { return sizeof(header) + header.len; } PcapPkt::L4Proto PcapPkt::getProto() const { struct pkt_tuple pt = parsePkt(); return pt.proto_id == IPPROTO_TCP? PROTO_TCP : PROTO_UDP; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, const pkt_tuple &other) { stream << other.src_addr << "," << other.dst_addr << "," << (int)other.proto_id << "," << other.src_port << "," << other.dst_port; return stream; }