/* // Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "prox_port_cfg.h" #include "prox_malloc.h" #include "task_init.h" #include "rx_pkt.h" #include "tx_pkt.h" #include "log.h" #include "quit.h" #include "lconf.h" #include "thread_generic.h" #include "prox_assert.h" #if RTE_VERSION < RTE_VERSION_NUM(1,8,0,0) #define RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE CACHE_LINE_SIZE #endif static unsigned first_task = 1; LIST_HEAD(,task_init) head; void reg_task(struct task_init* t) { // PROX_PANIC(t->handle == NULL, "No handle function specified for task with name %d\n", t->mode); if (t->thread_x == NULL) t->thread_x = thread_generic; if (first_task) { first_task = 0; LIST_INIT(&head); } LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&head, t, entries); } struct task_init *to_task_init(const char *mode_str, const char *sub_mode_str) { struct task_init *cur_t; LIST_FOREACH(cur_t, &head, entries) { if (!strcmp(mode_str, cur_t->mode_str) && !strcmp(sub_mode_str, cur_t->sub_mode_str)) { return cur_t; } } return NULL; } static int compare_strcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp(*(const char * const *)a, *(const char * const *)b); } int task_is_master(struct task_args *targ) { return (targ->lconf->id == prox_cfg.master); } void tasks_list(void) { struct task_init *cur_t; char buf[sizeof(cur_t->mode_str) + sizeof(cur_t->sub_mode_str) + 4]; int nb_modes = 1; /* master */ LIST_FOREACH(cur_t, &head, entries) { ++nb_modes; } char **modes = calloc(nb_modes, sizeof(*modes)); char **cur_m = modes; *cur_m++ = strdup("master"); LIST_FOREACH(cur_t, &head, entries) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s", cur_t->mode_str, (cur_t->sub_mode_str[0] == 0) ? "" : " / ", cur_t->sub_mode_str); *cur_m++ = strdup(buf); } qsort(modes, nb_modes, sizeof(*modes), compare_strcmp); plog_info("=== List of supported task modes / sub modes ===\n"); for (cur_m = modes; nb_modes; ++cur_m, --nb_modes) { plog_info("\t%s\n", *cur_m); free(*cur_m); } free(modes); } static size_t calc_memsize(struct task_args *targ, size_t task_size) { size_t memsize = task_size; memsize += sizeof(struct task_base_aux); if (targ->nb_rxports != 0) { memsize += 2 * sizeof(uint8_t)*targ->nb_rxports; } if (targ->nb_rxrings != 0 || targ->tx_opt_ring_task) { memsize += sizeof(struct rte_ring *)*targ->nb_rxrings; } if (targ->nb_txrings != 0) { memsize += sizeof(struct rte_ring *) * targ->nb_txrings; memsize = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(memsize, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); memsize += sizeof(struct ws_mbuf) + sizeof(((struct ws_mbuf*)0)->mbuf[0]) * targ->nb_txrings; } else if (targ->nb_txports != 0) { memsize += sizeof(struct port_queue) * targ->nb_txports; memsize = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(memsize, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); memsize += sizeof(struct ws_mbuf) + sizeof(((struct ws_mbuf*)0)->mbuf[0]) * targ->nb_txports; } else { memsize = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(memsize, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); memsize += sizeof(struct ws_mbuf) + sizeof(((struct ws_mbuf*)0)->mbuf[0]); } return memsize; } static void *flush_function(struct task_args *targ) { if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_DROP) { return targ->nb_txrings ? flush_queues_sw : flush_queues_hw; } else { return targ->nb_txrings ? flush_queues_no_drop_sw : flush_queues_no_drop_hw; } } static size_t init_rx_tx_rings_ports(struct task_args *targ, struct task_base *tbase, size_t offset) { if (targ->tx_opt_ring_task) { tbase->rx_pkt = rx_pkt_self; } else if (targ->nb_rxrings != 0) { if (targ->nb_rxrings == 1) { tbase->rx_pkt = rx_pkt_sw1; tbase->rx_params_sw1.rx_ring = targ->rx_rings[0]; } else { tbase->rx_pkt = rx_pkt_sw; tbase->rx_params_sw.nb_rxrings = targ->nb_rxrings; tbase->rx_params_sw.rx_rings = (struct rte_ring **)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct rte_ring *)*tbase->rx_params_sw.nb_rxrings; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < tbase->rx_params_sw.nb_rxrings; ++i) { tbase->rx_params_sw.rx_rings[i] = targ->rx_rings[i]; } if (rte_is_power_of_2(targ->nb_rxrings)) { tbase->rx_pkt = rx_pkt_sw_pow2; tbase->rx_params_sw.rxrings_mask = targ->nb_rxrings - 1; } } } else { if (targ->nb_rxports == 1) { if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_L3) tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw1_multi_l3 : rx_pkt_hw1_l3; else if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_NDP) tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw1_multi_ndp : rx_pkt_hw1_ndp; else tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw1_multi : rx_pkt_hw1; tbase->rx_params_hw1.rx_pq.port = targ->rx_port_queue[0].port; tbase->rx_params_hw1.rx_pq.queue = targ->rx_port_queue[0].queue; } else { PROX_ASSERT((targ->nb_rxports != 0) || (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_NO_RX)); if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_L3) tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw_multi_l3 : rx_pkt_hw_l3; else if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_NDP) tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw_multi_ndp : rx_pkt_hw_ndp; else tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw_multi : rx_pkt_hw; tbase->rx_params_hw.nb_rxports = targ->nb_rxports; tbase->rx_params_hw.rx_pq = (struct port_queue *)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct port_queue) * tbase->rx_params_hw.nb_rxports; for (int i = 0; i< targ->nb_rxports; i++) { tbase->rx_params_hw.rx_pq[i].port = targ->rx_port_queue[i].port; tbase->rx_params_hw.rx_pq[i].queue = targ->rx_port_queue[i].queue; } if (rte_is_power_of_2(targ->nb_rxports)) { if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_L3) tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw_pow2_multi_l3 : rx_pkt_hw_pow2_l3; else if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_NDP) tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw_pow2_multi_ndp : rx_pkt_hw_pow2_ndp; else tbase->rx_pkt = (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_MULTI_RX)? rx_pkt_hw_pow2_multi : rx_pkt_hw_pow2; tbase->rx_params_hw.rxport_mask = targ->nb_rxports - 1; } } } if ((targ->nb_txrings != 0) && (!targ->tx_opt_ring) && (!(targ->flags & TASK_ARG_DROP))) { // Transmitting to a ring in NO DROP. We need to make sure the receiving task in not running on the same core. // Otherwise we might end up in a dead lock: trying in a loop to transmit to a task which cannot receive anymore // (as not being scheduled). struct core_task ct; struct task_args *dtarg; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < targ->nb_txrings; j++) { ct = targ->core_task_set[0].core_task[j]; PROX_PANIC(ct.core == targ->lconf->id, "Core %d, task %d: NO_DROP task transmitting to another task (core %d, task %d) running on on same core => potential deadlock\n", targ->lconf->id, targ->id, ct.core, ct.task); //plog_info("Core %d, task %d: NO_DROP task transmitting to another task (core %d, task %d) running on on same core => potential deadlock\n", targ->lconf->id, targ->id, ct.core, ct.task); } } if ((targ->nb_txrings != 0) && (targ->nb_txports == 1)) { /* Transmitting to multiple rings and one port */ plog_info("Initializing with 1 port %d queue %d nb_rings=%d\n", targ->tx_port_queue[0].port, targ->tx_port_queue[0].queue, targ->nb_txrings); tbase->tx_params_hw_sw.tx_port_queue.port = targ->tx_port_queue[0].port; tbase->tx_params_hw_sw.tx_port_queue.queue = targ->tx_port_queue[0].queue; if (!targ->tx_opt_ring) { tbase->tx_params_hw_sw.nb_txrings = targ->nb_txrings; tbase->tx_params_hw_sw.tx_rings = (struct rte_ring **)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct rte_ring *)*tbase->tx_params_hw_sw.nb_txrings; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < tbase->tx_params_hw_sw.nb_txrings; ++i) { tbase->tx_params_hw_sw.tx_rings[i] = targ->tx_rings[i]; } offset = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(offset, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); tbase->ws_mbuf = (struct ws_mbuf *)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct ws_mbuf) + sizeof(((struct ws_mbuf*)0)->mbuf[0]) * tbase->tx_params_hw_sw.nb_txrings; } } else if (!targ->tx_opt_ring) { if (targ->nb_txrings != 0) { tbase->tx_params_sw.nb_txrings = targ->nb_txrings; tbase->tx_params_sw.tx_rings = (struct rte_ring **)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct rte_ring *)*tbase->tx_params_sw.nb_txrings; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < tbase->tx_params_sw.nb_txrings; ++i) { tbase->tx_params_sw.tx_rings[i] = targ->tx_rings[i]; } offset = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(offset, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); tbase->ws_mbuf = (struct ws_mbuf *)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct ws_mbuf) + sizeof(((struct ws_mbuf*)0)->mbuf[0]) * tbase->tx_params_sw.nb_txrings; } else if (targ->nb_txports != 0) { tbase->tx_params_hw.nb_txports = targ->nb_txports; tbase->tx_params_hw.tx_port_queue = (struct port_queue *)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct port_queue) * tbase->tx_params_hw.nb_txports; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < tbase->tx_params_hw.nb_txports; ++i) { tbase->tx_params_hw.tx_port_queue[i].port = targ->tx_port_queue[i].port; tbase->tx_params_hw.tx_port_queue[i].queue = targ->tx_port_queue[i].queue; } offset = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(offset, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); tbase->ws_mbuf = (struct ws_mbuf *)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct ws_mbuf) + sizeof(((struct ws_mbuf*)0)->mbuf[0]) * tbase->tx_params_hw.nb_txports; } else { offset = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(offset, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); tbase->ws_mbuf = (struct ws_mbuf *)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); offset += sizeof(struct ws_mbuf) + sizeof(((struct ws_mbuf*)0)->mbuf[0]); } struct ws_mbuf* w = tbase->ws_mbuf; struct task_args *prev = targ->tx_opt_ring_task; while (prev) { prev->tbase->ws_mbuf = w; prev = prev->tx_opt_ring_task; } } if (targ->nb_txrings == 1 || targ->nb_txports == 1 || targ->tx_opt_ring) { if (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_NEVER_DISCARDS) { if (targ->tx_opt_ring) { tbase->tx_pkt = tx_pkt_never_discard_self; } else if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_DROP) { if (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_THROUGHPUT_OPT) tbase->tx_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_pkt_never_discard_sw1 : tx_pkt_never_discard_hw1_thrpt_opt; else tbase->tx_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_pkt_never_discard_sw1 : tx_pkt_never_discard_hw1_lat_opt; } else { if (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_THROUGHPUT_OPT) tbase->tx_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_pkt_no_drop_never_discard_sw1 : tx_pkt_no_drop_never_discard_hw1_thrpt_opt; else tbase->tx_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_pkt_no_drop_never_discard_sw1 : tx_pkt_no_drop_never_discard_hw1_lat_opt; } if ((targ->nb_txrings) || ((targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_THROUGHPUT_OPT) == 0)) tbase->flags |= FLAG_NEVER_FLUSH; else targ->lconf->flush_queues[targ->task] = flush_function(targ); } else { if (targ->tx_opt_ring) { tbase->tx_pkt = tx_pkt_self; } else if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_DROP) { tbase->tx_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_pkt_sw1 : tx_pkt_hw1; } else { tbase->tx_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_pkt_no_drop_sw1 : tx_pkt_no_drop_hw1; } tbase->flags |= FLAG_NEVER_FLUSH; } } else { if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_DROP) { tbase->tx_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_pkt_sw : tx_pkt_hw; } else { tbase->tx_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_pkt_no_drop_sw : tx_pkt_no_drop_hw; } targ->lconf->flush_queues[targ->task] = flush_function(targ); } if (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_NO_RX) { tbase->rx_pkt = rx_pkt_dummy; } if (targ->nb_txrings == 0 && targ->nb_txports == 0) { tbase->tx_pkt = tx_pkt_drop_all; } return offset; } struct task_base *init_task_struct(struct task_args *targ) { struct task_init* t = targ->task_init; size_t offset = 0; size_t memsize = calc_memsize(targ, t->size); uint8_t task_socket = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(targ->lconf->id); struct task_base *tbase = prox_zmalloc(memsize, task_socket); PROX_PANIC(tbase == NULL, "Failed to allocate memory for task (%zu bytes)", memsize); offset += t->size; if (targ->nb_txrings == 0 && targ->nb_txports == 0) tbase->flags |= FLAG_NEVER_FLUSH; offset = init_rx_tx_rings_ports(targ, tbase, offset); tbase->aux = (struct task_base_aux *)(((uint8_t *)tbase) + offset); if (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_TSC_RX) { task_base_add_rx_pkt_function(tbase, rx_pkt_tsc); } offset += sizeof(struct task_base_aux); tbase->handle_bulk = t->handle; if (targ->flags & (TASK_ARG_L3|TASK_ARG_NDP)) { plog_info("\tTask (%d,%d) configured in L3/NDP mode\n", targ->lconf->id, targ->id); tbase->l3.ctrl_plane_ring = targ->ctrl_plane_ring; if (targ->nb_txports != 0) { tbase->aux->tx_pkt_l2 = tbase->tx_pkt; tbase->aux->tx_ctrlplane_pkt = targ->nb_txrings ? tx_ctrlplane_sw : tx_ctrlplane_hw; if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_L3) { tbase->tx_pkt = tx_pkt_l3; task_init_l3(tbase, targ); } else if (targ->flags & TASK_ARG_NDP) { tbase->tx_pkt = tx_pkt_ndp; task_init_l3(tbase, targ); } // Make sure control plane packets such as arp are not dropped } } targ->tbase = tbase; if (t->init) { t->init(tbase, targ); } tbase->aux->start = t->start; tbase->aux->stop = t->stop; tbase->aux->start_first = t->start_first; tbase->aux->stop_last = t->stop_last; if ((targ->nb_txrings != 0) && (targ->nb_txports == 1)) { tbase->aux->tx_pkt_hw = tx_pkt_no_drop_never_discard_hw1_no_pointer; } if (targ->tx_opt_ring) { tbase->aux->tx_pkt_try = tx_try_self; } else if (targ->nb_txrings == 1) { tbase->aux->tx_pkt_try = tx_try_sw1; } else if (targ->nb_txports) { tbase->aux->tx_pkt_try = tx_try_hw1; } return tbase; } struct task_args *find_reachable_task_sending_to_port(struct task_args *from) { if (!from->nb_txrings) { if (from->tx_port_queue[0].port != OUT_DISCARD) return from; else return NULL; } struct core_task ct; struct task_args *dtarg, *ret; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < from->nb_txrings; ++i) { ct = from->core_task_set[0].core_task[i]; dtarg = core_targ_get(ct.core, ct.task); ret = find_reachable_task_sending_to_port(dtarg); if (ret) return ret; } return NULL; } struct prox_port_cfg *find_reachable_port(struct task_args *from) { struct task_args *dst = find_reachable_task_sending_to_port(from); if (dst) { int port_id = dst->tx_port_queue[0].port; return &prox_port_cfg[port_id]; } return NULL; }