/* // Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include "prox_malloc.h" #include "stats_latency.h" #include "handle_lat.h" #include "prox_cfg.h" #include "prox_args.h" struct stats_latency_manager_entry { struct task_lat *task; uint32_t bucket_size; uint8_t lcore_id; uint8_t task_id; struct lat_test lat_test; struct lat_test tot_lat_test; struct stats_latency stats; struct stats_latency tot; }; struct stats_latency_manager { uint16_t n_latency; uint32_t bucket_size; struct stats_latency_manager_entry entries[0]; /* copy of stats when running update stats. */ }; static struct stats_latency_manager *slm; void stats_latency_reset(void) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < slm->n_latency; ++i) lat_test_reset(&slm->entries[i].tot_lat_test); } int stats_get_n_latency(void) { return slm->n_latency; } int stats_get_latency_bucket_size(void) { return slm->bucket_size; } uint32_t stats_latency_get_core_id(uint32_t i) { return slm->entries[i].lcore_id; } uint32_t stats_latency_get_task_id(uint32_t i) { return slm->entries[i].task_id; } struct stats_latency *stats_latency_get(uint32_t i) { return &slm->entries[i].stats; } uint64_t *stats_latency_get_bucket(uint32_t i) { return slm->entries[i].lat_test.buckets; } uint64_t *stats_latency_get_tot_bucket(uint32_t i) { return slm->entries[i].tot_lat_test.buckets; } struct stats_latency *stats_latency_tot_get(uint32_t i) { return &slm->entries[i].tot; } static struct stats_latency_manager_entry *stats_latency_entry_find(uint8_t lcore_id, uint8_t task_id) { struct stats_latency_manager_entry *entry; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < stats_get_n_latency(); ++i) { entry = &slm->entries[i]; if (entry->lcore_id == lcore_id && entry->task_id == task_id) { return entry; } } return NULL; } struct stats_latency *stats_latency_tot_find(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t task_id) { struct stats_latency_manager_entry *entry = stats_latency_entry_find(lcore_id, task_id); if (!entry) return NULL; else return &entry->tot; } struct stats_latency *stats_latency_find(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t task_id) { struct stats_latency_manager_entry *entry = stats_latency_entry_find(lcore_id, task_id); if (!entry) return NULL; else return &entry->stats; } static int task_runs_observable_latency(struct task_args *targ) { /* Note that multiple ports or rings are only supported if they all receive packets configured in the same way e.g. same timestamp pos. */ return !strcmp(targ->task_init->mode_str, "lat") && (targ->nb_rxports >= 1 || targ->nb_rxrings >= 1); } static struct stats_latency_manager *alloc_stats_latency_manager(void) { const uint32_t socket_id = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(rte_lcore_id()); struct stats_latency_manager *ret; struct lcore_cfg *lconf; uint32_t n_latency = 0; uint32_t lcore_id; size_t mem_size; lcore_id = -1; while (prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; for (uint8_t task_id = 0; task_id < lconf->n_tasks_all; ++task_id) { struct task_args *targ = &lconf->targs[task_id]; if (task_runs_observable_latency(targ)) ++n_latency; } } mem_size = sizeof(*ret) + sizeof(ret->entries[0]) * n_latency; ret = prox_zmalloc(mem_size, socket_id); return ret; } static void stats_latency_add_task(struct lcore_cfg *lconf, struct task_args *targ) { struct stats_latency_manager_entry *new_entry = &slm->entries[slm->n_latency]; new_entry->task = (struct task_lat *)targ->tbase; new_entry->bucket_size = task_lat_get_latency_bucket_size(new_entry->task); new_entry->lcore_id = lconf->id; new_entry->task_id = targ->id; new_entry->tot_lat_test.min_lat = -1; if (slm->bucket_size == 0) slm->bucket_size = new_entry->bucket_size; else if (slm->bucket_size != new_entry->bucket_size) plog_err("Latency bucket size does not support different bucket sizes per task - using bucket size from first task (%d)\n", slm->bucket_size); slm->n_latency++; } void stats_latency_init(void) { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = NULL; struct task_args *targ; slm = alloc_stats_latency_manager(); while (core_targ_next(&lconf, &targ, 0) == 0) { if (task_runs_observable_latency(targ)) stats_latency_add_task(lconf, targ); } } #ifdef LATENCY_HISTOGRAM void stats_core_lat_histogram(uint8_t lcore_id, uint8_t task_id, uint64_t **buckets) { struct stats_latency_manager_entry *lat_stats; uint64_t tsc; lat_stats = stats_latency_entry_find(lcore_id, task_id); if (lat_stats) *buckets = lat_stats->lat_test.buckets; else *buckets = NULL; } #endif static void stats_latency_fetch_entry(struct stats_latency_manager_entry *entry) { struct stats_latency *cur = &entry->stats; struct lat_test *lat_test_local = &entry->lat_test; struct lat_test *lat_test_remote = task_lat_get_latency_meassurement(entry->task); if (!lat_test_remote) return; if (lat_test_remote->tot_all_pkts) { lat_test_copy(&entry->lat_test, lat_test_remote); lat_test_reset(lat_test_remote); lat_test_combine(&entry->tot_lat_test, &entry->lat_test); } task_lat_use_other_latency_meassurement(entry->task); } static void stats_latency_from_lat_test(struct stats_latency *dst, struct lat_test *src) { /* In case packets were received, but measurements were too inaccurate */ if (src->tot_pkts) { dst->max = lat_test_get_max(src); dst->min = lat_test_get_min(src); dst->avg = lat_test_get_avg(src); dst->stddev = lat_test_get_stddev(src); } dst->accuracy_limit = lat_test_get_accuracy_limit(src); dst->tot_packets = src->tot_pkts; dst->tot_all_packets = src->tot_all_pkts; dst->lost_packets = src->lost_packets; } static void stats_latency_update_entry(struct stats_latency_manager_entry *entry) { if (!entry->lat_test.tot_all_pkts) return; stats_latency_from_lat_test(&entry->stats, &entry->lat_test); stats_latency_from_lat_test(&entry->tot, &entry->tot_lat_test); } void stats_latency_update(void) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < slm->n_latency; ++i) stats_latency_fetch_entry(&slm->entries[i]); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < slm->n_latency; ++i) stats_latency_update_entry(&slm->entries[i]); }