#!/usr/bin/python ## ## Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## import sys import time import requests from .rapid_log import RapidLog from .rapid_test import RapidTest class PortStatsTest(RapidTest): """ Class to manage the portstatstesting """ def __init__(self, test_param, runtime, testname, environment_file, machines): super().__init__(test_param, runtime, testname, environment_file) self.machines = machines def run(self): result_details = {'Details': 'Nothing'} RapidLog.info("+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+") RapidLog.info("| Measuring port statistics on 1 or more PROX instances |") RapidLog.info("+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+") RapidLog.info("| PROX ID | Time | RX | TX | no MBUFS | ierr&imiss |") RapidLog.info("+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+") duration = float(self.test['runtime']) old_rx = []; old_tx = []; old_no_mbufs = []; old_errors = []; old_tsc = [] new_rx = []; new_tx = []; new_no_mbufs = []; new_errors = []; new_tsc = [] machines_to_go = len (self.machines) for machine in self.machines: machine.reset_stats() old_rx.append(0); old_tx.append(0); old_no_mbufs.append(0); old_errors.append(0); old_tsc.append(0) old_rx[-1], old_tx[-1], old_no_mbufs[-1], old_errors[-1], old_tsc[-1] = machine.multi_port_stats() new_rx.append(0); new_tx.append(0); new_no_mbufs.append(0); new_errors.append(0); new_tsc.append(0) while (duration > 0): time.sleep(0.5) # Get statistics after some execution time for i, machine in enumerate(self.machines, start=0): new_rx[i], new_tx[i], new_no_mbufs[i], new_errors[i], new_tsc[i] = machine.multi_port_stats() rx = new_rx[i] - old_rx[i] tx = new_tx[i] - old_tx[i] no_mbufs = new_no_mbufs[i] - old_no_mbufs[i] errors = new_errors[i] - old_errors[i] tsc = new_tsc[i] - old_tsc[i] if tsc == 0 : continue machines_to_go -= 1 old_rx[i] = new_rx[i] old_tx[i] = new_tx[i] old_no_mbufs[i] = new_no_mbufs[i] old_errors[i] = new_errors[i] old_tsc[i] = new_tsc[i] RapidLog.info('|{:>10.0f}'.format(i)+ ' |{:>10.0f}'.format(duration)+' | ' + '{:>10.0f}'.format(rx) + ' | ' +'{:>10.0f}'.format(tx) + ' | '+'{:>10.0f}'.format(no_mbufs)+' | '+'{:>10.0f}'.format(errors)+' |') result_details = {'test': self.test['test'], 'environment_file': self.test['environment_file'], 'PROXID': i, 'StepSize': duration, 'Received': rx, 'Sent': tx, 'NoMbufs': no_mbufs, 'iErrMiss': errors} result_details = self.post_data(result_details) if machines_to_go == 0: duration = duration - 1 machines_to_go = len (self.machines) RapidLog.info("+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+") return (True, result_details)