#!/usr/bin/python ## ## Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Intel Corporation ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from logging import handlers import os import sys import time class bcolors(object): HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' FLASH = '\033[5m' class RapidLog(object): """ Class to deal with rapid logging """ log = None @staticmethod def log_init(test_params): # create formatters screen_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") file_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") # get a top-level logger, # set its log level, # BUT PREVENT IT from propagating messages to the root logger # log = logging.getLogger() numeric_level = getattr(logging, test_params['loglevel'].upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel) log.setLevel(numeric_level) log.propagate = 0 # create a console handler # and set its log level to the command-line option # console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) #console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) numeric_screenlevel = getattr(logging, test_params['screenloglevel'].upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_screenlevel, int): raise ValueError('Invalid screenlog level: %s' % screenloglevel) console_handler.setLevel(numeric_screenlevel) console_handler.setFormatter(screen_formatter) # create a file handler # and set its log level # log_file = 'RUN{}.{}.log'.format(test_params['environment_file'],test_params['test_file']) file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, backupCount=10) #file_handler = log.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(log_file, 'D', 1, 5) file_handler.setLevel(numeric_level) file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) # add handlers to the logger # log.addHandler(file_handler) log.addHandler(console_handler) # Check if log exists and should therefore be rolled needRoll = os.path.isfile(log_file) # This is a stale log, so roll it if needRoll: # Add timestamp log.debug('\n---------\nLog closed on %s.\n---------\n' % time.asctime()) # Roll over on application start log.handlers[0].doRollover() # Add timestamp log.debug('\n---------\nLog started on %s.\n---------\n' % time.asctime()) log.debug("runrapid.py version: " + test_params['version']) RapidLog.log = log @staticmethod def exception(exception_info): RapidLog.log.exception(exception_info) raise Exception(exception_info) def critical(critical_info): RapidLog.log.critical(critical_info) raise Exception(critical_info) @staticmethod def error(error_info): RapidLog.log.error(error_info) @staticmethod def debug(debug_info): RapidLog.log.debug(debug_info) @staticmethod def info(info): RapidLog.log.info(info)