## ## Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Intel Corporation ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## import sys from kubernetes import client, config try: import configparser except ImportError: # Python 2.x fallback import ConfigParser as configparser import logging from logging import handlers from rapid_k8s_pod import Pod class K8sDeployment: """Deployment class to create containers for test execution in Kubernetes environment. """ LOG_FILE_NAME = "createrapidk8s.log" SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = "./rapid_rsa_key" SSH_USER = "centos" POD_YAML_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = "pod-rapid.yaml" _log = None _create_config = None _runtime_config = None _total_number_of_pods = 0 _namespace = "rapid-testing" _pods = [] def __init__(self): # Configure logger self._log = logging.getLogger("k8srapid") self._log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) console_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) file_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - " "%(levelname)s - " "%(message)s") file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.LOG_FILE_NAME, backupCount=10) file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) self._log.addHandler(file_handler) self._log.addHandler(console_handler) # Initialize k8s plugin try: config.load_kube_config() except: config.load_incluster_config() Pod.k8s_CoreV1Api = client.CoreV1Api() def load_create_config(self, config_file_name): """Read and parse configuration file for the test environment. """ self._log.info("Loading configuration file %s", config_file_name) self._create_config = configparser.RawConfigParser() try: self._create_config.read(config_file_name) except Exception as e: self._log.error("Failed to read config file!\n%s\n" % e) return -1 # Now parse config file content # Parse [DEFAULT] section if self._create_config.has_option("DEFAULT", "total_number_of_pods"): self._total_number_of_pods = self._create_config.getint( "DEFAULT", "total_number_of_pods") else: self._log.error("No option total_number_of_pods in DEFAULT section") return -1 self._log.debug("Total number of pods %d" % self._total_number_of_pods) if self._create_config.has_option("DEFAULT", "namespace"): self._namespace = self._create_config.get( "DEFAULT", "namespace") else: self._log.error("No option namespace in DEFAULT section") return -1 self._log.debug("Using namespace %s" % self._total_number_of_pods) # Parse [PODx] sections for i in range(1, int(self._total_number_of_pods) + 1): # Search for POD name if self._create_config.has_option("POD%d" % i, "name"): pod_name = self._create_config.get( "POD%d" % i, "name") else: pod_name = "pod-rapid-%d" % i # Search for POD hostname if self._create_config.has_option("POD%d" % i, "nodeSelector_hostname"): pod_nodeselector_hostname = self._create_config.get( "POD%d" % i, "nodeSelector_hostname") else: pod_nodeselector_hostname = None # Search for POD spec if self._create_config.has_option("POD%d" % i, "spec_file_name"): pod_spec_file_name = self._create_config.get( "POD%d" % i, "spec_file_name") else: pod_spec_file_name = K8sDeployment.POD_YAML_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME # Search for POD dataplane static IP if self._create_config.has_option("POD%d" % i, "dp_ip"): pod_dp_ip = self._create_config.get( "POD%d" % i, "dp_ip") else: pod_dp_ip = None # Search for POD dataplane subnet if self._create_config.has_option("POD%d" % i, "dp_subnet"): pod_dp_subnet = self._create_config.get( "POD%d" % i, "dp_subnet") else: pod_dp_subnet = "24" pod = Pod(pod_name, self._namespace) pod.set_nodeselector(pod_nodeselector_hostname) pod.set_spec_file_name(pod_spec_file_name) pod.set_dp_ip(pod_dp_ip) pod.set_dp_subnet(pod_dp_subnet) pod.set_id(i) # Add POD to the list of PODs which need to be created self._pods.append(pod) return 0 def create_pods(self): """ Create test PODs and wait for them to start. Collect information for tests to run. """ self._log.info("Creating PODs...") # Create PODs using template from yaml file for pod in self._pods: self._log.info("Creating POD %s...", pod.get_name()) pod.create_from_yaml() # Wait for PODs to start for pod in self._pods: pod.wait_for_start() # Collect information from started PODs for test execution for pod in self._pods: pod.set_ssh_credentials(K8sDeployment.SSH_USER, K8sDeployment.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY) pod.get_sriov_dev_mac() def save_runtime_config(self, config_file_name): self._log.info("Saving config %s for runrapid script...", config_file_name) self._runtime_config = configparser.RawConfigParser() # Section [DEFAULT] # self._runtime_config.set("DEFAULT", # "total_number_of_test_machines", # self._total_number_of_pods) # Section [ssh] self._runtime_config.add_section("ssh") self._runtime_config.set("ssh", "key", K8sDeployment.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY) self._runtime_config.set("ssh", "user", K8sDeployment.SSH_USER) # Section [rapid] self._runtime_config.add_section("rapid") self._runtime_config.set("rapid", "total_number_of_machines", self._total_number_of_pods) # Export information about each pod # Sections [Mx] for pod in self._pods: self._runtime_config.add_section("M%d" % pod.get_id()) self._runtime_config.set("M%d" % pod.get_id(), "admin_ip", pod.get_admin_ip()) self._runtime_config.set("M%d" % pod.get_id(), "dp_mac1", pod.get_dp_mac()) self._runtime_config.set("M%d" % pod.get_id(), "dp_pci_dev", pod.get_dp_pci_dev()) self._runtime_config.set("M%d" % pod.get_id(), "dp_ip1", pod.get_dp_ip() + "/" + pod.get_dp_subnet()) # Section [Varia] self._runtime_config.add_section("Varia") self._runtime_config.set("Varia", "vim", "kubernetes") # Write runtime config file with open(config_file_name, "w") as file: self._runtime_config.write(file) def delete_pods(self): for pod in self._pods: pod.terminate()